Ticket #2493 (new enhancement)

Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 4 months ago

Fastnews Template using NewsML article fields

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: summercamp 2008
Component: Templates Version:
Severity: feature Keywords:


For users looking to use NewsML as a format for storing their data, new sample templates with article fields defined according to the NewsML standard would be very useful. The problem is that the NewsML format is massive, with a number of fields that may or may not be relevant to every publisher.

A listing of the fields described in the short NewsML DTD can be found here: http://www.newsml.org/IPTC/NewsML/1.2/specification/NewsML_1.2-spec-functionalspec_8.html#sfdtd

More general information about the NewsML 1.2 specification can be found here: http://www.newsml.org/IPTC/NewsML/1.2/specification/NewsML_1.2-spec-functionalspec_8.html#Struct

Change History

  07/17/08 21:59:02 changed by sava

  • milestone set to summercamp 2008.

Discuss this at Summercamp 2008, and implement it in a session?

  05/13/09 09:26:54 changed by mugur

  • version deleted.