Ticket #2662 (new defect)

Opened 10 months ago

Last modified 3 months ago

Fix section-based permissions

Reported by: sava Assigned to: holman
Priority: urgent Milestone: 3.5
Component: Admin Interface Version: 3.1.2
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (Last modified by mugur)

Section-based persmissions for editors are not implemented well.

The default value for each existing editor should be access to all existing sections, and the upgrade script should take care of that. There should also be:

  • a an option to select all sections in a single issue
  • all sections in all issue
  • a given section in all issues (if you hire a sports editor who only does sports, and you don’t want to let him touch any other section, you still want him to be able to edit the sports section in previous issues).

What happens to the permissions interface if you have 100+ issues?

The feature also needs to be documented.

Change History

  12/08/08 17:48:07 changed by mugur

  • description changed.

  12/09/08 16:46:38 changed by sava

– each new issue should inherit the permissions from the previous one

  01/17/09 00:10:49 changed by holman

  • milestone changed from 3.2 to 3.3.

  03/12/09 12:28:03 changed by douglas

This is also important for blog users, for example. They may have access to the admin interface, but should not even be able to browse the articles in the other sections.

  05/13/09 17:43:46 changed by mugur

  • milestone changed from 3.3 to 3.4.

  07/07/09 17:09:34 changed by mugur

  • milestone changed from 3.4 to 3.5.