Campsite Binaries

RPM for FC3

A binary Campsite package in RPM format has been compiled on Fedora Core 3, you can download it from

Please read carefully the RpmInstallationInstructions. They are also embedded in the RPM, just type

rpm -qpi campsite-xxxxx.rpm

Source RPM

If you are running on another RPM-friendly system like SuSE or Red Hat, you might find that the source RPM is useful to you

To build a binary RPM from the source RPM, follow these steps:

su root
rpm -i campsite-xxxxxx.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
rpmbuild -ba campsite.spec

If all goes to plan, the binary RPM will have been placed in the directory corresponding to your system architecture, probably:


Note that the redhat build directories can vary from system to system; I know they’re different on SuSE for example.

If you do manage to build Campsite from this SRPM, please let us know, and also send us your compiled RPM. If you tweak the spec file, send us the source RPM as well.

Deb Package

Doug has built a deb package for Debian and Ubuntu, by converting the RPM to Deb using the ‘alien’ tool. Please let us know how you go with it:

Search the campsite mailing list for some specific instructions relating to Deb from Sebastien.

BSD Port

There is a BSD port under development. Not strictly a binary but a ‘build’. There are some compatibility issues and patches going together at the time of writing.