{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (24 matches)

List tickets assigned, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#644 Changes to Orders User Interface 1.0 crash 03/08/05

Closing orders based on closed payments, shipments, services, or subscriptions (expecting big problems)

#657 Outbox not allowing save of new outbox events User Interface 1.0 block 10/21/05

When attempting to save a new outbox event, nothing happens; no error message is presented, but at the same time, the message is not saved. The error is inconsistent; one outbox event was saved, but no more.

#627 Howto for switching to MySQL Database feature 03/08/05

A Howto document outlining the steps and potential issues involved in replacing Postgres with MySQL. Are there functions that would be lost in switching? What are the known issues?

#628 Campsite integration Business Logic (general) 1.1 feature 03/08/05

Cream should integrate better with Campsite. Details are ongoing, and have been outlined on the [interoperability] mailing list.

#629 Payment service integration Business Logic (general) feature 03/08/05

As has been discussed on the [interoperability] mailing list, integration with payment services should be supported in Cream. These can include, but are not limited to, Campware’s Digital Kiosk. As long as there is an API/import/export mechanism that exposes Cream features – and exports relevant product info to the shopping cart app, that will be enough. The task of writing to the API will be up to those seeking to implement payments.

#632 User rights on client browser Business Logic (general) 1.2 feature 03/08/05

Keep user rights also on the client browser so we can show message immediately without touching the server.

#634 Working with multiple records Business Logic (general) 1.1 feature 03/08/05

Use logic for deleting many records for changing status or category of many rows at once.

#635 Global duplicate, or ‘copy to new’ Business Logic (general) 1.2 feature 03/08/05

A new ‘global duplicate’ or ‘copy to new’ feature would allow a user to easily create new records based on old ones. With such a feature, a user could open a record, click on the ‘duplicate’ button, change some small things and save it as a new record.

#636 New global change of date fields using small JavaScript calendar User Interface 1.2 feature 03/08/05

Users should be able to change date fields using a small JavaScript? calendar.

#639 Changes to Outbox Business Logic (general) 1.1 feature 03/08/05

– enable HTML emails – enable TO, CC and BCC properties of email message – uploading attachments – save attachments to new database table

#642 Changes to online subscriptions Business Logic (general) 1.1 feature 03/08/05

– add time-unlimited subscriptions (will have problems with the ‘end date’) – track username, pwd, ip address

#643 Changes to Print Subscriptions Business Logic (general) 1.1 feature 03/08/05

– add time-unlimited subscriptions (will have problems with the ‘end date’)

#645 Changes to Customers (1.1) Business Logic (general) 1.1 feature 03/08/05

– evidence for HTML email format

#647 Changes to Campaigns (1.2) Business Logic (general) 1.2 feature 03/08/05

– showing related documents in the campaign detail form (pretty hard – needs some basic framework improvements)

#648 Products: Import and export of products Business Logic (general) 1.2 feature 03/08/05

Mechanisms for importing and exporting product information (product name, description, price, weight, etc.)

#650 System roles (1.2) User Interface 1.2 feature 03/08/05

– Change UI for creating new roles (two vertical lists and moving items from left to right and back)

#651 System Users (1.2) User Interface 1.2 feature 03/08/05

Change user interface for creating new users (two vertical lists and moving items from left to right and back again)

#653 Issue-to-Calendar conversion Business Logic (general) 1.2 feature 03/08/05

For publications that don’t publish on a regular schedule, a feature enabling users to choose either the number of issues or the number of months in a subscription will be extremely important. For example, one publication publishes 10 issues per year, so they would need to track 10 issues, not 12 months, as their subscription length. This information will have to be passed to Campsite as well.

#637 Enable multiple date formats Business Logic (general) 1.2 minor 03/08/05

The system should allow users to choose the date format they prefer (such as European DD-MM-YY vs. American MM/DD/YY). The user should be able to store this in user preferences.

#646 Changes to customers (1.2) Business Logic (general) 1.2 minor 03/08/05

– import of customers – enabling user to edit his profile (would need some login name and password evidence for each customer and better security) – showing related documents in the customer detail form (pretty hard – needs some basic framework improvements) – creating related documents directly from the customer detail form (big problems – needs some basic framework improvements)

#649 Changes to Reports (1.2) Business Logic (general) 1.2 minor 03/08/05

– for date range add some predefined options like ‘this year’ ‘this month,’ etc. – enable saving of report filters – export reports to OpenOffice? or Excel spreadsheet formats

#439 Roles: Create "View all functions" and "Modify all functions" User Interface tweak 11/07/04

In roles, the process of creating new roles – especially for high- level users – is too long and prone to error. I would like to propose "View all functions" and "Modify all functions" be added to the roles pulldown lists, either at the beginning or end of the pulldown list.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Created
#626 Windows installer for Cream/Dream User Interface 1.1 feature 03/08/05

A point-and-click installer package for Cream/Dream and its dependencies (Java, Tomcat, Postgres, etc.) for Windows.

#633 Make ‘help’ refer to manual sections User Interface 1.1 feature 03/08/05

The ‘help’ should jump to specific parts of the manual (when a user is editing a customer record and clicks ‘help’ on the toolbar, they are taken to the relevant help chapter).

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.