Campcaster Installation & Setup

Pre-installation check

(If you have a fresh install of Ubuntu, you can ignore this check)

Make sure that your Apache config is pointing to “/var/www” as the document root. If not, then while installing the packages you will get the following error:

Setting up campcaster-studio (1.1.0-1) ...
Error in XmlRpcClient::parseResponse: Invalid response - no methodResponse. Response:
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /campcaster/storageServer/var/xmlrpc/xrLocStor.php was not found on this server.</p>
error executing command start
authentication problem: Login failed.

Adding the Campcaster repository to your sources (for Debian, Ubuntu and Knoppix distributions)

All Linux distributions include large collections of programs and supporting libraries called repositories. These repositories exist online, and once they are added to your computer’s list of repositories, you can download software from them. In addition, when updates become available, you can be automatically notified and install them.

Important: Ubuntu users will have to enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories. These contain a number of the components Campcaster needs to run (otherwise called “dependencies”).

To add the Campcaster repository through the terminal:

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines to the end of sources.list:

## The Campware package repository
deb dapper main

for Ubuntu Dapper and

## The Campware package repository
deb gutsy main

for Ubuntu Gutsy.

Save the file. You now need to update your sources:

sudo apt-get update

After that, you can install Campcaster packages using apt-get.

Installing Campcaster Debian packages using apt-get

After adding the Campcaster packages repository (see above), you can simply get Campcaster and all its dependencies by doing the following:

sudo apt-get install campcaster-libs campcaster-station campcaster-studio

This will install all the Campcaster components.

Enabling the Universe and Multiverse repositories in Synaptic

In System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, select Settings -> Repositories -> Add

Check the ‘Universe’ and ‘Multiverse’ options.

Adding the Campcaster repository to Synaptic

In System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, select Settings -> Repositories -> Add -> Custom

Paste the following line:

deb dapper main

You can then search Synaptic for “campcaster” and it will appear along with other available packages. In addition, Synaptic will also notify you when a new Campcaster version is available.

Installing from a Debian package using dpkg (for Debian, Ubuntu and Knoppix distributions)

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/Campcaster/packages/withFilename

Removing Campcaster using dpkg (for Debian, Ubuntu and Knoppix distributions)

sudo dpkg -r campcaster-libs campcaster-station campcaster-studio

Completely purging Campcaster using dpkg (for Debian, Ubuntu and Knoppix distributions)

sudo dpkg -P campcaster-libs campcaster-station campcaster-studio

Finding out which sound cards are installed on your computer

sudo cat /proc/asound/cards

This will return a list that looks like this:

0 [I82801CAICH3   ]: ICH - Intel 82801CA-ICH3
                     Intel 82801CA-ICH3 with YMF753 at 0x1c00, irq 9
1 [NX             ]: USB-Audio - SB Audigy 2 NX
                     Creative Technology Ltd SB Audigy 2 NX at usb-0000:00:1d.1- 2.2, full speed

The important numbers are the 0 and 1 at the beginnings of each line. Cards 0, 1, 2 … are referred to either as “hw:0,0”, “hw:1,0”, “hw:2,0” … (using ALSA-style notation) or as “/dev/dsp”, “/dev/dsp1”, “/dev/dsp2” … (using OSS-style notation). You can then set these in the preferences files, /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-studio.xml and /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-scheduler.xml (see below).

Assigning sound cards to Campcaster functions

Campcaster needs three sound cards to work optimally. These sound cards are for a) Broadcast output in Live Mode b) preview output in Campcaster-studio c) Campcaster-scheduler scheduled playlist playback. You can change these settings in two files:

For the installed version, these two files are located:

  • /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-studio.xml (for Live Mode and preview output)
  • /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-scheduler.xml (for scheduler output)

If you are a developer working from SVN, or if you changed the settings in the Options window in Studio, then these files are located:

  • ~/.campcaster/campcaster-studio.xml
  • ~/.campcaster/campcaster-scheduler.xml

Open your favorite text editor (we’ll use gedit in this case) and edit the file:

user@computer:~$ sudo gedit /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-studio.xml

In the file, look for these lines:

            <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "hw:1,0" />
            <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "hw:2,0" />

You can then change the “hw:x,0” values to match your sound card configuration (as determined by cat /proc/asound/cards above).

Save the file and open the /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-scheduler.xml file and do the same there:

user@computer:~$ sudo gedit /opt/campcaster/etc/campcaster-scheduler.xml

Look for the following lines:

        <gstreamerPlayer audioDevice = "hw:0,0" />

and change the audio device to the one you want to put the scheduler output on.

Importing a directory of sound files into the Campcaster-storage server

Use the following command to import sound files:

sudo /opt/campcaster/bin/campcaster-import [--link|--copy] /your/music/dir /another/music/dir /one/single/file.mp3 ...

As of version 1.2, you have the option of either copying the files (the –copy option) to a new location (safer in terms of accidental deletion, i.e. hidden away from luddites on the loose) or leaving them where they are on the local disk (the –link option), which will save you disk space.

In the development environment, the campcaster-import script is located in the directory ~/src/campcaster/src/modules/storageAdmin/bin instead of /opt/campcaster/bin.

If you are using Campcaster 1.1 “Freetown” (which you shouldn’t be), the script is called Use the --help parameter to learn about how to use it.

Stopping the Campcaster-scheduler

sudo /etc/init.d/campcaster-station stop

Starting the Campcaster-scheduler

sudo /etc/init.d/campcaster-station start

Backing up your Campcaster-storage server

sudo /opt/campcaster/bin/

(This will create a backup file in /opt/campcaster/tmp)

Restoring your Campcaster-storage server from a backup file

sudo /opt/campcaster/bin/ -f backup.file

What to do when things go wrong

Contact us: is Campware’s main page. is the Campcaster developers’ page.

Steps to take:

1. file a bug ticket at; first you will need to log in with user name: guest, password: campware

2. write to a mailing list (either via mail or our forum at

3. write us

4. IRC: / #campcaster

5. call or text