Want to give it a try before installing? You can try out the administration interface here: http://campsite-demo.campware.org/admin
To see the frontend of the demo site, go here (note you can make the frontend of your side look however you wish):
Download Campsite
If you wish to install Campsite on a Linux system, please download it from Sourceforge.net. Campsite works on Linux and FreeBSD. If you run into trouble while installing, take a look at the manual.
If you wish to install Campsite on a FreeBSD server, you may want to follow these instructions instead.
Download Other Goodies
Demo Packages – designed to give you a kickstart in learning Campsite,
the demo packages contain Example Templates and
a demo database (the demo database has only one user: admin password:
admn00). To install, follow the instructions in the included README file.