LiveSupport::Scheduler Namespace Reference


class  BackupFactory
 The factory to create backup objects. More…
class  BackupInterface
 The generic interface for creating and restoring schedule backups. More…
class  BaseTestMethod
 A base class for the test methods. More…
class  CreateBackupCheckMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to check the progress of a backup creation process. More…
class  CreateBackupCloseMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to close the backup creation process. More…
class  CreateBackupOpenMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to start a backup creation process. More…
class  DisplayScheduleMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to return the schedule for a specified time interval. More…
class  GeneratePlayReportMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to return the list of audio clips which were played during a specified time interval. More…
class  GetSchedulerTimeMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to report the local time on the computer where the scheduler daemon is running. More…
class  GetVersionMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to return the version string for the scheduler daemon. More…
class  LoginMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to log in using the authentication server. More…
class  LogoutMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to log out from the authentication server. More…
class  PlaylistEvent
 A scheduled event for playing a playlist. More…
class  PlaylistEventContainer
 An event container holding the scheduled playlists. More…
class  PlayLogFactory
 The factory to create appropriate PlayLog objects. More…
class  PlayLogInterface
 The generic interface for the component scheduling events. More…
class  PostgresqlBackup
 An object for creating and restoring combined schedule and storage backups. More…
class  PostgresqlPlayLog
 An object containing a log of the clips played in a PostreSQL database. More…
class  PostgresqlSchedule
 An object containing the schedule of events in a PostreSQL database. More…
class  RemoveFromScheduleMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to remove a scheduled entry. More…
class  RescheduleMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to reschedule an already scheduled event. More…
class  ResetStorageMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to reset the storage to its initial value. More…
class  RestoreBackupMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to restore a schedule backup. More…
class  ScheduleFactory
 The factory to create appropriate Schedule objects. More…
class  ScheduleInterface
 The generic interface for the component scheduling events. More…
class  SchedulerDaemon
 Scheduler daemon main class. More…
class  SignalDispatcher
 A class to dispatch signals. More…
class  SignalHandler
 A class to handle a signal. More…
class  StopCurrentlyPlayingMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to stop the scheduler’s audio player. More…
class  UploadPlaylistMethod
 An XML-RPC method object to accept a playlist for upload, and schedule it in the scheduler. More…
class  XmlRpcDaemon
 A generic XML-RPC daemon, that has to be sublclassed to provide real functionality. More…
class  XmlRpcDaemonShutdownSignalHandler
 Signal handler to shut down an XmlRpcDaemon. More…

Generated on Thu Oct 4 02:07:47 2007 for Campcaster by  1.4.7