Ticket #2051 (new defect)

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 10 months ago

Campcaster-Studio: ‘Upload to the Network Hub’ blocking master panel

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: paul
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.4.0-Monrovia
Component: Storage Server Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (Last modified by douglas)

In Campcaster-Studio as of [2669], when a user selects ‘Upload to the Network Hub’ from any of the context menus, the task causes the Master Panel time counts to freeze, presumably while the file is being placed into the transfer queue.

Playback is occasionally interrupted while the file is uploaded. Originally the CPU was thought to be at 100 %, but subsequent attempts to reproduce this show that it is not the case.

To reproduce, try assigning as the Network Hub, and try uploading a playlist – preferably a relatively large one, such as a whole CD worth of files (8-10 files, ~60 megs).

Ideally, the process of loading the playlist into the Network Hub queue would occur independently of Master Panel playout, so as to not cause problems with latency.

Change History

  11/29/06 09:35:19 changed by douglas

  • description changed.

  11/29/06 12:27:18 changed by fgerlits

  • owner changed from fgerlits to paul.
  • component changed from Development Environment to Storage Server.

The storage server methods involved are locstor.upload2Hub and locstor.getTransportInfo. Apparently, one of these causes a high CPU load. This does not happen on my computer, though.

  11/29/06 12:52:25 changed by fgerlits

Test results on my 2GHz P4, with a two-hour long playlist:

  • upload2Hub – 2.8 seconds, with a high CPU load;
  • checkTransport – 0.2 seconds, no CPU load spike.

The times are about the same whether I am uploading locally, to the same computer, or to Doug’s remote test network hub.

  11/29/06 12:53:36 changed by fgerlits

(when I said “checkTransport”, I meant “getTransportInfo”)

  11/29/06 15:57:23 changed by douglas

It’s interesting to note that from Campcaster Web, the process is almost instantaneous, with neither delays on the master panel or anywhere in the system.

  11/29/06 23:31:17 changed by paul

The slowdown occurs in:

modules/storageServer/var/BasicStor.php, function bsExportPlaylistOpen(), line 1176

This function has to copy all the files and is therefore waiting for your hard disk to copy up to 100 MB or more.

  12/01/06 16:38:11 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 1.1.0-Freetown to 1.1.5 – Radio Package.

  12/08/06 02:54:26 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 1.2.0-Kotor to 1.3.0-Belgrade.

  08/17/08 17:55:07 changed by douglas

  • milestone changed from 1.3.5 to 1.4.0-Monrovia.