Custom Query (15 matches)


Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
3044Add issue and section constraints to List of ArticlesmugurenhancementhighTemplate Engine 
3051Conflicting sections can be created in different issue translationsmugurdefecthighAdmin Interface3.0.0
3056Article reordering doesn’t work when cache was enabledmugurdefecthighAdmin Interface3.2.0
3057A recently published article doesn’t show up on the frontend immediatelymugurdefecthighAdmin Interface3.2.0
3060IP address authentication doesn’t workmugurdefecthighTemplate Engine3.0.0
2943cgi compatibility: implement bypass for apache_get_modules()sebastianenhancementnormalInstall Scripts3.3.1
3037Changes to plugin objects not reflected in MetaClass objectssebastiandefectnormalPlugins – Blog3.3.3
3038Blog plugin’s Administer Screen does not update correctly when APC cache is onsebastiandefectnormalPlugins – Blog3.3.3
3039Topic tooltip in section list does not work when topic name includes quotesholmandefectnormalAdmin Interface3.3.3
3041Comment-related elements of the Article Edit screen work incorrectly with APC caching onmugurdefectnormalAdmin Interface3.0.0
3052Cyrillic characters are not displayed properly in Tiny Campsite image plugin popupholmandefectnormalWYSIWYG editor3.3.0
3053Special chars do not work properly in image caption and alternative textsholmandefectnormalAdmin Interface3.0.0
3054Enable Firefox spell checkers to check article fields by defaultsebastianenhancementnormalAdmin Interface3.3.3
3058Notice message breaks image displaymugurdefectnormalTemplate Engine3.3.0
3059Slash character can not be used in the image description fieldsmugurdefectnormalAdmin Interface2.1.6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.