Custom Query (18 matches)


Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
3040Add support for the <iframe> tag and iframe plugin to TinyMCEholmanenhancementnormalWYSIWYG editor 
3066Implement language based ordering in the article search results listmugurenhancementnormalTemplate Engine 
3069Improved IP logging for comments when cache is usedmugurenhancementnormalLogs3.0.0
3072Make elements automatically created by camp_edit, camp_select etc. validate in XHTMLanonymousenhancementnormalTemplate Engine3.0.0
3082Make Classic templates default in Campsite installationholmanenhancementnormalInstall Scripts3.0.0
3085Show only files with the .tpl extension in template selection dropdownsholmanenhancementnormalAdmin Interface 
3046URI options "next_items" and "previous_items" not working in plugins listssebastiandefectimmediatePlugins – Poll3.3.3
3062The articles list empty when issue or section not definedmugurdefectimmediateAdmin Interface3.3.4
3063Cache keys for database objects do not match when using different character casesmugurdefectnormalTemplate Engine3.1.0
3065Preview does not work when switching the user in the same browsermugurdefecthighAdmin Interface3.0.0
3067Topics list does not work properly when multiple languages were used and cache was onmugurdefecturgentTemplate Engine3.0.0
3068Replace obsolete function split() for future PHP compatibilitymugurdefectnormalAPI3.0.0
3070Wrong PHP version is checked during installation processanonymousdefectnormalInstall Scripts3.3.0
3071"Published" articles from "Not published" issue are listed in "list_articles" when ignore_issue or issue constraints usedmugurdefectimmediateTemplate Engine3.0.0
3075The list of issues does not accept the publish_date parametermugurdefecthighTemplate Engine3.0.0
3077Cannot select attachment file when description has quotes.holmandefectnormalWYSIWYG editor3.3.2
3083Email notifiers set invalid content type for emailmugurdefectnormalScheduled Actions3.0.0
3084Bad pagination in poll pluginholmandefectnormalPlugins – Blog3.3.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.