Ticket #1111 (new defect)

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

Ability to specify image resize parameters in the template language

Reported by: paul Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: Template Engine Version: none
Severity: feature Keywords:

Description (Last modified by paul)

Example syntax:

<thumb width=50px height=50px>  
<thumb link=http://google.com>    


<thumb width=30% height=30%>    

Use imagemagick to resize the image and cache it.

Change History

  07/20/05 04:51:02 changed by john

Hi Paul    How would you see this working with articles containing
images nested in the HTML?    In that case the only tag in the
template is <!** print article body>    Maybe there needs to be a new
'field type' for images, so that articles which have for example an
image-type article-field 'bannerimage' could use    <img src="<!**
print article bannerimage thumb width 80 height 40>" width=80
height=40 border=0 />    JP

  03/22/06 23:00:26 changed by paul

  • version changed from 4.0.0 to none.
  • description changed.
  • milestone changed from 4.0.0 to none.