December 02, 2008

Campcaster 1.4 “Monrovia” Beta 2 packages available

Packages for the long-awaited Beta 2 release of Campcaster 1.4 (code-named "Monrovia") are now up on the Campcaster Ubuntu repository. These packages are for testing only, and will only work on Ubuntu Hardy.

The main change in the 1.4 Beta 2 release is a fix of a blocking bug: The scheduler now plays all files in a scheduled playlist.

The 1.4 Beta 2 packages can be downloaded by adding the Campcaster repository to your list of available software. For Synaptic users, this is under Settings -> Repositories -> Third Party Software and then adding this address:

deb hardy main

Then press the ‘refresh’ button and do a search for ‘Campcaster’. You should then see the 1.4.0-2beta2 packages.

These packages are for testing only; we do not recommend you use them to power your broadcast until we have had the time to get some proper testing in. But this is something where you – the Campcaster community – can help as well.

We need people to test this release to see if everything works as advertised, and if it doesn’t, we need bug reports.


do you have any kind of plan?
Posted 2009-04-21 07:29:03 by Thanks
hi, thank you for campcaster hm, let’s ask something.. do you have any kind of plan for campcaster update or releases?
multiple radio stesen
Posted 2009-04-21 12:28:30 by kaizer
do camcaster permit to multiple radio stesen
sorry, i don’t know about..
Posted 2009-05-25 04:52:56 by caster
sorry, i don’t know about report bug ticket.. i have problems.. when i install ubunutu, campcaster.. it’s good.. everything is ok.. but, when i used campcaster on 1 week. i have problem when i click to Scheduler Month, or today or week.. i seem error messages.. ” Error: Invalid return payload: enable debugging to examine incomming payload ” i can’t find solution.. how can i do? T.T ubuntu 6.06.1 Dapper Campcaster 1.3.0
Posted 2009-06-27 03:37:40 by robin germon
interested in campcaster
no release in 9 months
Posted 2009-08-30 07:14:45 by
Is this software package effectively dead, or just stagnated?
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