Campcaster Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::AdvancedSearchEntryA sub-window with one or more search input fields in it
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::AdvancedSearchItemA single search input field
LiveSupport::Core::AsyncStateA class representing the state of an asynchronous process
LiveSupport::Core::AudioClipA class representing an audio clip
LiveSupport::PlaylistExecutor::AudioPlayerEventListenerAn event listener interface, for catching events of an audio player
LiveSupport::PlaylistExecutor::AudioPlayerFactoryThe factory to create appropriate AudioPlayer objects
LiveSupport::PlaylistExecutor::AudioPlayerInterfaceA generic interface for playing audio files
LiveSupport::Authentication::AuthenticationClientFactoryThe factory to create AuthenticationClientInterface objects
LiveSupport::Authentication::AuthenticationClientInterfaceAn interface for authentication clients
LiveSupport::Scheduler::BackupFactoryThe factory to create backup objects
LiveSupport::Scheduler::BackupInterfaceThe generic interface for creating and restoring schedule backups
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::BackupListThe list of pending backups
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::BackupList::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by ZebraTreeView
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::BackupViewThe backup view, a subclass of Gtk::VBox
LiveSupport::Core::BaseTestMethodA base class for the test methods
LiveSupport::Scheduler::BaseTestMethodA base class for the test methods
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::BrowseEntryA Gtk::HBox with one or more search input fields in it
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::BrowseItemA single browse input field
LiveSupport::Widgets::ColorsA helper class to hold all the standard colors used by the LiveSupport GUI
LiveSupport::Widgets::ComboBoxTextA combo box holding text entries
LiveSupport::Core::ConfigurableAn interface marking a class configurable by an XML element
LiveSupport::Db::ConnectionManagerFactoryThe factory to create appropriate ConnectionManager objects
LiveSupport::Db::ConnectionManagerInterfaceThe interface for handing out and managing database connections
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::ContentsStorableA virtual class to be implemented by GUI windows which want to store their contents as a user preference item
LiveSupport::Db::ConversionA helper object holding static conversion functions, that are helpful when accessing databases
LiveSupport::Widgets::CornerBitmapsA helper class to hold a set of corner bitmaps
LiveSupport::Scheduler::CreateBackupCheckMethodAn XML-RPC method object to check the progress of a backup creation process
LiveSupport::Scheduler::CreateBackupCloseMethodAn XML-RPC method object to close the backup creation process
LiveSupport::Scheduler::CreateBackupOpenMethodAn XML-RPC method object to start a backup creation process
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::CuePlayerA box displaying a play/pause and a stop button, which control the cue (preview) audio player
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::DateTimeChooserWindowA dialog window for choosing a date/time
Debug::BlockUse this to label sections of your code
LiveSupport::Scheduler::DisplayScheduleMethodAn XML-RPC method object to return the schedule for a specified time interval
LiveSupport::Core::EnumerationConstraintA class for representing a metadata constraint allowing only strings from a given list of values
LiveSupport::EventScheduler::EventContainerInterfaceBase interface for providing the events to get schedulerd by the EventScheduler
LiveSupport::EventScheduler::EventSchedulerA generic event scheduler, for non-everlapping subsequent events
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::ExportFormatRadioButtonsA specialized group of radio buttons, holding the StorageClientInterface::ExportFormatType options
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::ExportPlaylistWindowThe Export Playlist window
LiveSupport::Core::FadeInfoA class representing fade in / fade out information of a playlist element
LiveSupport::Core::FileToolsA collection of tools for handling files and URLs
LiveSupport::Scheduler::GeneratePlayReportMethodAn XML-RPC method object to return the list of audio clips which were played during a specified time interval
LiveSupport::Scheduler::GetSchedulerTimeMethodAn XML-RPC method object to report the local time on the computer where the scheduler daemon is running
LiveSupport::Scheduler::GetVersionMethodAn XML-RPC method object to return the version string for the scheduler daemon
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::GLiveSupportThe main application object for the gLiveSupport GUI
LiveSupport::PlaylistExecutor::GstreamerPlayerA class to play audio files and some SMIL files through the Gstreamer library
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::GuiComponentThe common ancestor of all window components in the GUI
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::GuiObjectThe common ancestor of all windows and sub-windows in the GUI
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::GuiWindowThe common ancestor of all standalone windows in the GUI
LiveSupport::Core::InstallableAn interface for having objects that can install themselves
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::KeyboardShortcutA class for representing a keyboard shortcut
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::KeyboardShortcutContainerContainer holding KeyboardShortcut objects
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::KeyboardShortcutListA list of KeyboardShortcutContainer objects
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::LiveModeWindowThe LiveMode window, showing recent and relevant audio clips and playlists
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::LiveModeWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by Gtk::TreeView
LiveSupport::Core::LocalizedConfigurableA configurable element, that is also localized
LiveSupport::Core::LocalizedObjectBase class for localized objects, containing some helper functions to make localized life easier
LiveSupport::Scheduler::LoginMethodAn XML-RPC method object to log in using the authentication server
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::LoginWindowA window, handling user login
LiveSupport::Scheduler::LogoutMethodAn XML-RPC method object to log out from the authentication server
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::MasterPanelWindowThe master panel window
LiveSupport::Core::Md5A class for generating md5 sums
LiveSupport::Widgets::MetadataComboBoxTextA combo box holding all possible metadata type entries
LiveSupport::Core::MetadataConstraintA class for representing a constraint on the values of a metadata type
LiveSupport::Core::MetadataTypeA class for representing a metadata type
LiveSupport::Core::MetadataTypeContainerContainer holding MetadataType objects
LiveSupport::Core::MutexA simple wrapper for pthread_mutex_t
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::NowPlayingThe box displaying “now playing” in the master panel
LiveSupport::Core::NumericConstraintA class for representing a numeric metadata constraint
LiveSupport::Core::NumericRangeConstraintA class for representing a metadata constraint which allows numbers between two given values (inclusive)
LiveSupport::Core::NumericToolsA toolbox for various small numeric functions
LiveSupport::Widgets::OperatorComboBoxTextA combo box holding all possible search operator entries
LiveSupport::Core::OptionsContainerA container for the options in gLiveSupport.xml
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::OptionsWindowThe options window
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::OptionsWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model containing the data for the Key bindings section
LiveSupport::Core::PlayableAn abstract class which is extended by AudioClip and Playlist
LiveSupport::Widgets::PlayableTreeModelColumnRecordA basic column record class for tree models with colorable rows and a (usually invisible) column of type Ptr<Playable>::Ref
LiveSupport::Core::PlaylistA class representing playlist
LiveSupport::Core::PlaylistElementAn item in a Playlist, consisting of an AudioClip or another Playlist and optional FadeInfo (fade in / fade out information)
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PlaylistEventA scheduled event for playing a playlist
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PlaylistEventContainerAn event container holding the scheduled playlists
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::PlaylistWindowThe Simple Playlist Management Window
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::PlaylistWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by Gtk::TreeView
LiveSupport::Core::PlayLogEntryA class representing a play log entry
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PlayLogFactoryThe factory to create appropriate PlayLog objects
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PlayLogInterfaceThe generic interface for the component scheduling events
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PostgresqlBackupAn object for creating and restoring combined schedule and storage backups
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PostgresqlPlayLogAn object containing a log of the clips played in a PostreSQL database
LiveSupport::Scheduler::PostgresqlScheduleAn object containing the schedule of events in a PostreSQL database
LiveSupport::PlaylistExecutor::PreloaderA class for preloading GStreamer SMIL decoder instances
LiveSupport::Core::Ptr< T >A placeholder class for holidng typedefs to smart pointers
LiveSupport::Core::RdsContainerContainer holding RdsItem objects
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::RdsEntryA single RDS input field
LiveSupport::Core::RdsItemA class for representing an RDS key – value pair
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::RdsViewThe RDS view, a subclass of Gtk::VBox
LiveSupport::Scheduler::RemoveFromScheduleMethodAn XML-RPC method object to remove a scheduled entry
LiveSupport::Scheduler::RescheduleMethodAn XML-RPC method object to reschedule an already scheduled event
LiveSupport::Scheduler::ResetStorageMethodAn XML-RPC method object to reset the storage to its initial value
LiveSupport::Scheduler::RestoreBackupMethodAn XML-RPC method object to restore a schedule backup
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::RestoreBackupWindowA pop-up window displaying the progress of a restore backup task
LiveSupport::Core::RunnableInterfaceA Runnable object, that can form the main execution body of a thread
LiveSupport::EventScheduler::ScheduledEventInterfaceThe base class for all events scheduled by the EventScheduler
LiveSupport::Core::ScheduleEntryA scheduled event
LiveSupport::Scheduler::ScheduleFactoryThe factory to create appropriate Schedule objects
LiveSupport::Scheduler::ScheduleInterfaceThe generic interface for the component scheduling events
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::SchedulePlaylistWindowThe window, for scheduling a specific playlist
LiveSupport::SchedulerClient::SchedulerClientFactoryThe factory to create SchedulerClientInterface objects
LiveSupport::SchedulerClient::SchedulerClientInterfaceAn interface to access the scheduler daemon as a client
LiveSupport::Scheduler::SchedulerDaemonScheduler daemon main class
LiveSupport::SchedulerClient::SchedulerDaemonXmlRpcClientAn XML-RPC client to the Scheduler Daemon
LiveSupport::EventScheduler::SchedulerThreadThe main, executing thread of the scheduler
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::SchedulerWindowThe Scheduler window, showing and allowing scheduling of playlists
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::SchedulerWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by Gtk::TreeView
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::ScratchpadWindowThe Scratchpad window, showing recent and relevant audio clips and playlists
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::ScratchpadWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by Gtk::TreeView
LiveSupport::Core::SearchCriteriaAn object which contains a collection of search conditions
LiveSupport::Core::SearchCriteria::SearchConditionTypeA type to hold a single search condition
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::SearchWindowThe Search/Browse window
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::SearchWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by Gtk::TreeView
LiveSupport::Core::SessionIdA class representing session identifiers
LiveSupport::Scheduler::SignalDispatcherA class to dispatch signals
LiveSupport::Scheduler::SignalHandlerA class to handle a signal
LiveSupport::Db::SimpleConnectionManagerA simple connection manager, basically a facade to the underlying odbc::DriverManager class
LiveSupport::Scheduler::StopCurrentlyPlayingMethodAn XML-RPC method object to stop the scheduler’s audio player
LiveSupport::StorageClient::StorageClientFactoryThe factory to create StorageClientInterface objects
LiveSupport::StorageClient::StorageClientInterfaceAn interface for storage clients
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::TaskbarIconsContainer holding taskbar icon images
LiveSupport::Authentication::TestAuthenticationClientA dummy authentication client
LiveSupport::EventScheduler::TestEventContainerAn event container for testing purposes
LiveSupport::PlaylistExecutor::TestEventListenerA simple event listener, used for testing
LiveSupport::Core::TestRunnableA sample Runnable object, for testing purposes
LiveSupport::EventScheduler::TestScheduledEventA scheduled event for testing purposes
LiveSupport::StorageClient::TestStorageClientA dummy storage client, only used for test purposes
LiveSupport::Widgets::TestWindowA window, enabling interactive testing of UI components
LiveSupport::Widgets::TestWindow::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by Gtk::TreeView
LiveSupport::Core::ThreadA generic thread executor class
LiveSupport::Core::TimeConversionA helper object holding static time conversion functions
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::TransportListThe list of pending transports
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::TransportList::ModelColumnsThe columns model needed by ZebraTreeView
LiveSupport::Core::UniqueIdA class representing globally unique identifiers
LiveSupport::GLiveSupport::UploadFileWindowThe upload file window
LiveSupport::Scheduler::UploadPlaylistMethodAn XML-RPC method object to accept a playlist for upload, and schedule it in the scheduler
LiveSupport::Core::UuidA class representing globally unique identifiers
LiveSupport::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientAn interface to the authentication methods on the php authentication server (which is currently the same as the storage server)
LiveSupport::StorageClient::WebStorageClientAn interface to the php storage server
LiveSupport::Widgets::WidgetConstantsA collection of constants used by the widgets
LiveSupport::Widgets::WidgetFactoryA factory to provide access to some Campcaster Widgets
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcCommunicationExceptionException signaling an XML-RPC problem: could not find the XML-RPC server, the server responded ‘no such method’, or the method response could not be parsed
LiveSupport::Scheduler::XmlRpcDaemonA generic XML-RPC daemon, that has to be sublclassed to provide real functionality
LiveSupport::Scheduler::XmlRpcDaemonShutdownSignalHandlerSignal handler to shut down an XmlRpcDaemon
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcExceptionCommon parent of exception classes for XML-RPC related problems
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcInvalidArgumentExceptionException signaling an XML-RPC problem: invalid argument (functions which throw an XmlRpcException throw this when they would normally throw a std::invalid_argument)
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcInvalidDataExceptionException signaling an XML-RPC problem: invalid data returned by the method
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcIOExceptionException signaling an XML-RPC problem: there was a problem with a local I/O operation
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultExceptionException signaling an XML-RPC problem: the XML-RPC method returned a fault response
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcMethodResponseExceptionException signaling an XML-RPC problem: the XML-RPC method call completed normally, but the response received has incorrect syntax
LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcToolsA toolbox for converting between inner representations of classes and XmlRpcValues
LiveSupport::Widgets::ZebraCellRendererA custom cell renderer for blue-gray striped TreeView’s
LiveSupport::Widgets::ZebraTreeModelColumnRecordA basic column record class for tree models with colorable rows
LiveSupport::Widgets::ZebraTreeViewA table of items, in rows colored alternately gray and light blue

Generated on Tue Oct 9 02:16:52 2007 for Campcaster by  1.4.7