
This document is part of the Campcaster project, Copyright © 2004 Media Development Loan Fund, under the GNU GPL.


This document describes how to compile and install Campcaster on your system.

Installation instructions

1. Install the tools, libraries and services

First, you need to install the tools, libraries and services needed to compile and run Campcaster. You can either install pre-packaged versions, if they are provided for your distribution; or you can download them from the URLs listed, and compile them yourself (follow the instructions included with each tool and library).

If you are using Ubuntu Dapper (or later), then the easiest way of doing this is to run the apt-get install command given on our wiki page.

2. Obtain the Campcaster sources

If you are reading this, you probably already have the sources, so you can skip to the next step.

If you do not have the sources yet, you need to get the tarballs named campcaster-<version>.tar.bz2 and campcaster-libraries-<version>.tar.bz2. Both can be downloaded from

3. Compile and install Campcaster

To install Campcaster in /opt/campcaster, do the following:
tar xfj campcaster-<version>.tar.bz2
tar xfj campcaster-libraries-<version>.tar.bz2
cd campcaster-<version>
./configure --prefix=/opt/campcaster
make install
To run make install, you need to be able to write the installation directory. Run it as root (change to the root user, or write sudo before it).

The configure command takes several arguments, the most important are the following:

  --prefix=PREFIX           install the files of the application in PREFIX
                            [default: /usr/local]
The installation directory. This is where Campcaster will be installed.
  --with-apache-group       specify the group of the apache web server daemon
                            [default: apache]
The group of the apache web server daemon. On Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu, this is www-data.

There are several more options; type ./configure --help to get a list of them, together with their default values.

4. Configure the external services

Before you can use Campcaster, you need to set up and configure the web server and the database that Campcaster uses to store its data. The simplest way is to use the script included with Campcaster:
./bin/ --directory=/opt/campcaster
You need to run this script as root, too.

You can also set up everything manually; see the gettingStarted.html document about how to do that. takes several arguments; the most important are the following:

  --directory=PREFIX        look for Campcaster files in PREFIX
The installation directory, where Campcaster was installed. This argument is obligatory.

  --apache-group            specify the group of the apache web server
                            [default: apache]
The group of the apache web server daemon. On Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu, this is www-data.

  --postgresql-dir          the PostgreSQL configuration directory
                            [default: /etc/postgresql]
The directory containing the PostgreSQL configuration file pg_hba.conf. On Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy, this is /etc/postgresql/8.1/main. On some distributions, it may be /var/lib/postgres/data/.

  --postgresql-init-script  the start/stop command for the PostgreSQL daemon
                            [default: /etc/init.d/postgresql]
The init script used to start and stop the PostgreSQL daemon. On Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy, this is /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.1.

There are several more options; type ./bin/ --help to get a list of them, together with their default values.

5. Start Campcaster

After a successful installation, the Campcaster scheduler has to be started. The scheduler has a System V runlevel-style startup script, under <installation directory>/bin/ To start the scheduler, simply type:
<installation directory>/bin/ start

To use the the web interface, point your browser to http://localhost/campcaster. You can also use the web interface from other computers; simply put the name or IP number of the computer where Campcaster was installed in place of localhost.

To start Campcaster Studio, type the following:

<installation directory>/bin/

For your first login, use the following values:

Later you can change the password, and add more users, from the web interface.

You can make the scheduler start automatically when the system boots up, by installing the <installation directory>/etc/campcaster-scheduler init script. In Debian-based systems, this is done by typing

cp <installation directory>/etc/campcaster-scheduler /etc/init.d/
update-rc.d campcaster-scheduler defaults 92
as root. Note: in the init script, the variable CAMPCASTER_DIR is hard-coded to /opt/campcaster. You will need to edit it and change it to your installation directory if it is different.

You can quickly fill your Campcaster storage with audio files using the mass import script <installation directory>/bin/ Use the --help option to learn how to use it. You will need write permissions to the installation directory (i.e., typically you will need to run the script as root).

Have fun!