Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<5.2.7. Environmental Control with Campsite Templates        5.3. Template Language Reference>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-05 22:07:19

5.2.8. Adding PHP Scripts to Your Campsite Templates

To execute PHP scripts from your Campsite templates, you need to install the PHPWrapper. (You can download PHPWrapper 1.1.2 from this location:

All PHP code that comes from Campsite, equally from static or dynamic content
will be executed. You can use

<?php include ("scriptname"); ?>
<!** include scriptname>. I prefer first because if PHP didn't work (apache
missconfiguration) this will hide the included PHP-source. Make sure that
PHP-code is opened by
<?php and ended by ?>
(also <? if short_open_tag=on in php.ini).

PHPWrapper enables the injection of code into content, so make sure that you trust your editors. Be careful that no user-input is printed by Campsite (e.g. <!** print User ...>), or your visitors will be able to inject PHP code there.

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5.2.8. Adding PHP Scripts to Your Campsite Templates
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<5.2.7. Environmental Control with Campsite Templates 5.3. Template Language Reference>

  Last update: 2005-08-05 22:07:19
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