Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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2.2.6. Upgrading from Versions 2.1.x

The upgrade process from Campsite 2.1.x is semi-automatic; the install script does not upgrade automatically the existing older Campsite instances. The user has the choice of upgrading only the instances he/she wants. After finishing the installation of Campsite (2.2.x or 2.3.x) the user must take the following steps to upgrade an older instance:

  1. Run: /usr/local/campsite/bin/create_instance --db_name [instance_name] where [instance_name] is the name of the instance that must be upgraded.
  2. Edit the file "[instance_name]-vhost.conf" from the instance configuration directory (/usr/local/campsite/etc/[instance_name]) and replace $SERVER_ADDRESS and $SERVER_NAME with the appropriate values. Your system administrator should provide the server address and server name. The server name must also be registered in the DNS (Domain Name Service).
  3. Include the file "[instance_name]-vhost.conf" in the main apache configuration file and remove the old virtual host.
  4. Restart the apache server: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

If you have an older installation of Campsite, either of the 1.x or 2.x branches, you'll need to upgrade the database and templates first to 2.1. For this consult Appendix II in this manual.

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2.2.6. Upgrading from Versions 2.1.x
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