Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<6. CAMPSITE HOSTING        6.2. Installing Campsite on a Standard Fedora Server>

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6.1. Using the "create_instance" Command

Starting with Camspite 2.2 there is no need to install it every time you want to create a separate instance (separate database, separate user access etc.). Instead you can use a new utiliy: create_instance. This will set up almost everything that is needed to run a new instance, completely separated from the other ones. After running the script you'll have to update the Apache virtual host configuration file, include it in the main configuration and restart the Apache server.

The create_instance command takes the following arguments. There should be a space character between the command-line switch and its value.

Database server address (e.g.
Database user (e.g. root)
Database password
Database port; 0 means it will use the system default port.
Database name; this is also the instance name. (e.g. campsite)
Mail server point. The default value is 25.
Mail server address. The default value is localhost (
Template parser engine port. The template engine port is assigned automatically but you can override it. (e.g. 2100)
Template parser maximum number of threads (e.g. 10). The campsite server will use the default number of threads if this parameter was 0.
Apache user (e.g. apache or www-data)
Apache group (e.g. apache or www-data)
Forces the script to use the specified configuration directory, not the default one.
This parameter instructs the script not to create the database. It will create only the configuration files and virtual host structure.

1. Create the default instance:


This is equivalent to:

create_instance --db_name campsite

2. Create my instance:

create_instance --db_name my_instance

3. Specify different database settings:

create_instance --db_name my_instance --db_user my_user --db_password password

4. Specify a different parser port:

create_instance --db_name my_instance --parser_port 3200

This will force the template parser to listen to the port 3200 instead of the port assigned by default. Please make sure the port you specify is free. You can check by typing:

netstat -ant

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6.1. Using the "create_instance" Command
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<6. CAMPSITE HOSTING 6.2. Installing Campsite on a Standard Fedora Server>

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