Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<2.2. Installation Steps        2.2.2. Installing Campsite as a non-root user>

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2.2.1. Using the configure command to customize Campsite install

If the install script could not find your apache install or you want to further customize the install parameters you can use the configure script.

In case you have a custom apache install and Campsite is not able to detect it you can specify the apache binary and configuration path:

./configure --apache_conf_path <apache_conf_path> --apache_bin_path <apache_bin_path>

Or you can set different apache user and group:

./configure --apache_user <apache_user> --apache_group <apache_group>

You can install Campsite into a different directory than /usr/local/campsite:

./configure --prefix <custom_dir>

This is equivalent to:

./configure --campsite_dir "<custom_dir>/campsite"

The binaries, configuration and WWW directories can also be customized:
    --bin_dir [bin_dir]: set the campsite binaries directory
    --etc_dir [etc_dir]: set the campsite configuration directory
    --www_dir [www_dir]: set the campsite WWW directory; instance document root
        and cgi directories will be installed here.
    --www_common_dir [www_common_dir]: set the campsite WWW common directory;
        document root and cgi directories containing files common to all
        instances will be installed here.

Other configuration options:
    --parser_start_port [start_port]: the template engine (parser) creates a
        network connection in order to listen for template requests. Each
        instance will be assigned one network port automatically. This specifies
        the first value from which to start assigning ports.
    --read_only: do not make any changes to configuration files
    --root_user [my_root_user]: set the root user to my_root_user
    --root_group [my_root_group]: set the root group to my_root_group

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2.2.1. Using the configure command to customize Campsite install
Sam Liddicott  sam at liddicott dot com
Friday 18th of November 2005 10:36:00 PM
This is article-index pagination not article pagination.

Article-index pagination splits an article-index over multiple pages - like this does.

Article pagination splits an article over multiple pages which is not what this does.

<2.2. Installation Steps 2.2.2. Installing Campsite as a non-root user>

  Last update: 2005-10-29 16:24:53
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