Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<2.2.6. Upgrading from Versions 2.1.x        2.2.8. New Template Statements and "Short Name" URLs>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-15 16:20:31

2.2.7. Installation Compatibility Issues

a. Links

Campsite 2.2.x/2.3.x does not redirect from the start URL http://[site_name] to http://[site_name]/look/[issue_template.tpl]?... Instead, it detects the last published issue and runs the issue template. For example, suppose your site name was "".

In Campsite 2.1.x, requesting (URL 1) will automatically redirect you to: (URL 2)


Campsite 2.2.x/2.3.x runs the issue.tpl template with the above parameters but without redirecting. This will invalidate relative links; relative links look like this:

<a href=”section.tpl?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a> (link 1)


In the case of URL 2 this link works because section.tpl template is in the same directory as issue.tpl and the new URL will look like this: (URL 3)

In the case of URL 1 link 1 will generate the following URL: (URL 4)

which goes nowhere since there is no section.tpl template in the root HTML directory.

The solution to this problem is to replace relative link with absolute links:

<a href=”/look/section.tpl?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a> (link 2)

or better:

<a href=”<!** print section template>?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a> (link 3)

A short term solution (in case you didn't have time to fix the links soon enough) is to replace index.php link in the HTML directory with index.php file having the following content:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=/look/issue.tpl?IdLanguage=l&IdPublication=p&NrIssue=i">

b. URL behavior in case of multiple publications

Campsite 2.2.x/2.3.x does not use the IdPublication parameter anymore. It is still printed in the URL but the part of the URL that sets the publication is the site name. That is because Campsite now supports site aliases which determine uniquely the publication. In Campsite 2.1.x the following URLs would display two different publications: (URL 5) (URL 6)

Not anymore; suppose publication 10 has the site name and publication 20 has the site name URL 6 is not correct; it has to be replaced by: (URL 7)

The solution to this problem is to replace links to other publications:

<!** publication identifier 20>

<a href=”/look/issue.tpl?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a>


<!** publication identifier 20>

<a href=”http://<!** print publication site>/look/issue.tpl?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a>

c. Issue templates

Campsite 2.1.x defines issue and article templates; Campsite 2.2.x/2.3.x defines one more: section template. After the upgrade the section template is set to issue template. You should edit issues and set the section template correctly. In case you have different templates for different sections you can set this at section level. This will not affect your templates if you used static links:

<a href=”/look/issue.tpl?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a>

But if you used dynamic defined links:

<a href=”<!** print issue template>?<!** urlparameters>”>text</a>

then you must take care to the template settings.

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2.2.7. Installation Compatibility Issues
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<2.2.6. Upgrading from Versions 2.1.x 2.2.8. New Template Statements and "Short Name" URLs>

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