Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<4. CAMPSITE ADMINISTRATION        4.2. Countries>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-04 12:10:18

4.1. Languages

While Campsite's default language is English, you are by no means limited to publishing in that language only. It's actually very much au contraire.

The language feature enables you to configure support for languages that you wish to publish in. If your tongues of choice happen to be absent from the list of Campsite's preconfigured languages, you can configure your own languages.

5. Campsite: Configuring publishing environment - Languages

“Code” refers to the two-letter ISO 639-1 code name for your language. English, for example, is “en”, German is “de”, Spanish is “es”, Chinese is “zh” and so on. If you don't know your code, this web page can help:

“Code page” refers to the ISO code page for your character set. Campsite supports Unicode, and its code page is UTF-8. We recommend Unicode, but if you wish to use another code page, you can input it here. You can get a list of code pages and languages here:

To add another language, enter the Languages module and click on 'Add new language'. You should enter the language name (both in English and in the language itself), its code (e.g. hr for Croatian), the code page your will be saving your templates in on your local machine (e.g. if you are working on a Windows machine on your Russian Cyrillic template in an editor, you will want to specify KOI-8 or Windows-1251), and the names of months and days of the week in the language you are configuring.

[NOTE TO ADMINISTRATOR: You may want to limit the number of languages configured on your server in order to spare your users from long drop-down language menus. Sometimes less is more, if you know what we mean ;).]

For more on language and localization, visit this web address:

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4.1. Languages
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