Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<4.2. Countries        4.3.1. Sending a Language Localization back to the Campsite Team>

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4.3. The Localizer

Table of Contents
4.3.1. Sending a Language Localization back to the Campsite Team

The localizer is a module of Campsite that was introduced in version 2.1. The module allows you to create your own localization of Campsite's back end user interface by simply translating individual strings that appear in the interface.

The first step is to check the Languages menu (see above). Enter the Localizer, scroll down to the bottom of the window and select a language in which you want to create localization files from the drop down menu (the menu will contain as many languages as you have had configured in the Languages module) and then press the 'Create files' button. This will create a range of globals.xx.php files and locals.xx.php files, which will be visible in the left frame of the Localizer (xx refers to the two-letter language code you input in the Languages module).

Select one of the newly created files, and the strings related to that particular part of the interface will be shown in the right frame. You can interrupt the translation process at any time. Just press save at the bottom of the frame and exit the localizer. When you return, you'll find all the non-translated strings in red and you can continue from where you left off:

6. Campsite: the Localizer

[NOTE: Localization currently works for the entire user interface, minus log messages. The body field editor (HTMLArea) is fully localizable, but that is done outside the localizer (strings have to be compiled separately; the localization text file is available from For more information on how to become a localization volunteer for Campsite, please send an e-mail to <[email protected]>.]

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4.3. The Localizer
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<4.2. Countries 4.3.1. Sending a Language Localization back to the Campsite Team>

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