Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<4.3. The Localizer        4.4. User Management>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-12 07:58:46

4.3.1. Sending a Language Localization back to the Campsite Team

We actively encourage Campsite users to send us their language localizations. This makes Campsite more useful around the world. If you'd like to submit your localization, here's what you have to do:

  1. Go to Campsite source directory and run the following command:

    ./translation --make_package <language_code>

Campsite will create a file in the Campsite source directory called translation-<language_code>.tar.gz. For example, the Chinese language code is zh, so the file would be called "translation-zh.tar.gz"

  1. Localize the Xinha editor; here's what you have to do:

  1. Open directory implementation/management/javascript/xinha/lang in campsite sources directory

  2. Duplicate the file en.js as [language_code].js; replace [language_code] with your language code

  3. Edit [language_code.js] and replace quoted strings on the right of : character with your language translation

  4. Save the file in UTF-8 encoding (you need an UTF-8 text editor for this)

  5. Repeat steps ii.-iv. for the following directories: implementation/management/javascript/xinha/plugins/ListType/lang and implementation/management/javascript/xinha/plugins/TableOperations/lang

  6. Reinstall Campsite

  1. E-mail the four translated files to us at [email protected]

The current list of language localizations can be found in the latest Campsite version at the Campware site. Even if a language localization exists, it may not address your particular needs or regional differences. For example, the differences in Spanish between that used in Spain and that used in Guatemala.

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4.3.1. Sending a Language Localization back to the Campsite Team
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<4.3. The Localizer 4.4. User Management>

  Last update: 2005-10-12 07:58:46
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