Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-12 22:10:25

4.4.2. Creating Staff Users

To add a user, select 'Users'->'Staff' from the main menu:

and then choose 'Add new user account'.  You will see this screen:

You should specify the full name of the user, user name, password, and choose a predefined user type (i.e. one of the default types or your custom user types).

If you would like to further fine tune the rights assigned to a particular user, go to 'Users'->'Staff' and click on 'Rights' in the same row with the user's name.

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4.4.2. Creating Staff Users
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  Last update: 2005-10-12 22:10:25
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