Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-01 11:14:57

1.1. What's New in version 2.3.0

Version 2.3.0 brings major changes to Campsite as well as critical bug fixes and many small bug fixes. Here are the highlights:

  • Improved user management: separation of Staff & Subscribers, ability to search users, new, easier-to-use interface, categorized user-rights list

  • Improved localizer: new, easier-to-use interface, ability to translate from any language to any other language, ability to change your default language, notification of missing strings, notification of unused strings

  • WYSIWYG Text editor: editor changed from HTMLArea to Xinha, a more dynamically supported project, added “Paste from Word” ability – will strip the MSWord styles, internal links support “target”

  • Online help with user comments

  • Show recently published articles, pending actions on the home page

  • Login screen remembers your previous language choice

  • Language names now appear in native languages in all lists

  • Testing checklist – a list of tests to be performed before releasing a new version

  • “Duplicate Section” screen usability improvements

  • Ability to delete all articles in a section when you delete the section

Minor versions 2.3.1, 2.3.2 etc. are mostly bug fix versions and may add some very small new features.

History of changes from 2.1.x to 2.2.x:

  • JavaScript-based HTMLArea has replaced the Campfire Java editor, ending Campsite's reliance on the Java VM plugin and bringing all sorts of enhancements, including full what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG).

  • a streamlined and beautified user interface

  • improved management of multiple instances of Campsite on a single server (new instances can be created without reinstalling Campsite)

  • Automatic publishing/removal of selected articles without human intervention at a specified date and time

  • Article ordering

  • New handling of Images (and other Multimedia)

  • Publication site aliases: aliases allow Campsite to identify a publication based on multiple domain names

  • Shorter, Search Engine-Friendly URLs

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1.1. What's New in version 2.3.0
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  Last update: 2005-08-01 11:14:57
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