Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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4.4.3. Setting up Subscriptions

Table of Contents Username/Password Access IP Address Subscriptions Customizing the Subscription Form

Campsite allows you to control public access to your publication(s) through its built-in subscription module.

[TIP: If you want to have all your content freely accessible, you can bypass this feature by structuring your templates in a special way. For more information on that, go to the section "Creating Templates for your Publication".]

For now, you should know that all articles you create in your publication(s) are by default available to subscribers only. Publication editors or administrators have the right to make an article accessible to non-subscribers.

The way it works from readers' side is as follows: If a reader tries to access a non-public article, she is informed that she is not allowed to read the article but is provided with an option to subscribe immediately to that article or other articles or the whole publication. A temporary subscription is activated immediately (the duration of that temporary subscription is determined by the value you set for the 'Pay Time', For more information, see this article). During this period, the reader has a chance to effect the payment and consequently have her subscription extended by the administrator.

The publication's administrator is automatically notified of all new subscriptions by e-mail. Subscribers also receive automatically generated e-mail reminders that their subscription is expiring 14 days before the event.

[NOTE: The text of the subscription-expiry message is hard coded in the current version of Campsite and it reads as follows:

"Dear <reader>,

This is an automatically generated e-mail message. Your <subs_type> subscription (started on <start_date>) to publication <publication> will expire on <date> (in <number> days).

Please enter the site http://<pub_site> to update subscription."

Future versions of Campsite will allow for customization of the message and for its translation into multiple languages.]

Campsite allows you to control access to your site in two ways:

  • Standard UserName:Password pairs, which is suitable for individual users
  • IP Address access, which most institutional subscribers (libraries, universities, NGOs, companies, etc.) tend to prefer
As Campsite handles subscriptions at the publication level, all subscription-related variables are customizable from the Publication Configure screen:

The Trial time field allows you to set the default trial-subscription duration and the Paid Time field alows you to set the default duration of paid subscription.  You can specify different Trial Times and Paid Times for individual countries if you like. To do so, click on "Countries defaults".  You will then have the option to "Add new country", i.e. create subscription preferences for a given country.

The remainder of subscription parameters for your publication are:

  • Pay Time: specifies the time within which the user has to pay for his subscription (in the meantime, he has immediate access to the site).
  • Time Unit: specifies the time unit you would like to use to measure the duration of subscriptions; you can select day, week, month, or year.
  • Unit Cost: the price for a section for the selected time unit.
  • Currency: the publication's currency. Even if the subscription request is sent and the currency is changed meanwhile, the information about the user's debt is correctly recorded.

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4.4.3. Setting up Subscriptions
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  Last update: 2005-10-12 23:01:00
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