Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<3.1. Campsite User Interface        3.2.1. Creating a Publication>

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3.2. Creating Content

Table of Contents
3.2.1. Creating a Publication
3.2.2. Creating a New Issue
3.2.3. Creating a Section
3.2.4. Defining Article Types
3.2.5. Creating Articles
3.2.6. Editing Articles
3.2.7. Using the WYSIWYG Article Editor
3.2.8. Previewing Article and Publication Layouts
3.2.9. Publishing Articles
3.2.10. Publishing Issues

Campsite has a clear four-tier hierarchical structure, which conforms to the traditional structure of news publications. Each publication is thus made up of issues; each issue is in turn made up of sections, which are themselves comprised of articles.

Campsite's user interface is straightforward. A site map is present on every screen, which enables easy navigation between different levels. Each module of the publication is associated to a level. By clicking on the name of the module, you enter the structure of the next level or you edit the current module, depending on its position.

For example, after creating the "Prague Times" publication, by clicking on 'Prague Times' in the list of publications, you enter the list of issues for "Prague Times". By clicking the name of an issue, you enter its list of sections. By clicking the name of a section you enter the article list. By clicking the article name you enter the article structure and can edit the different components (fields) of the article.

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3.2. Creating Content
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  Last update: 2005-10-12 08:18:29
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