Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<3.2. Creating Content        3.2.2. Creating a New Issue>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-12 07:32:37

3.2.1. Creating a Publication

To create a new publication, you need to enter the Publications view. Once you are there, click on 'Add new publication'.

[NOTE: If you are not the default administrator, you may not be able to see the 'Add new publication' option. You may want to ask your site administrator to alter your access rights. Bear in mind, however, that a good administrator would be reluctant to hand over those rights to more than a handful of people. If you are not among those select few, your Publications view will only contain a list of publications hosted on this particular Campsite server.]

7. Campsite: Adding new publications

At this point, you should specify the following:

  • Name of the publication (e.g. "Prague Times")

  • Site - the name of the server (or IP address) on which your publication will be hosted (e.g. and on which it will ultimately be accessible to readers.

  • Language - the default language of the publication

  • URL type - you can select between traditional (and cumbersome) full path or short (more user-friendly and practical) URLs (the latter are also much better for pasting in newsletters)

The rest of fields are related to subscriptions, and if you would like to leave the decisions on whether and how much are you going to charge for your publication for later, you may just skip those and return to them at some later stage (preferably after you read section 2.6 where subscription is covered in greater detail). But even at this stage, perhaps you'd like to know what they mean:

  • Pay Period - time within which the reader has to pay for his subscription, because his temporary automatic subscription is expiring in that many days (If you don't want to allow any automatic free access to your site, you will set this value to "0").

  • Time unit - select the unit in which you will measure the duration of trial or paid subscriptions to your publication from the drop down menu (days, weeks, months, years)

  • Unit cost - the cost of each unit

  • Currency - the monetary unit you will be charging in for your publication

  • Paid period - the default duration of paid subscription (in the time units selected at 'Time unit')

  • Trial period - default duration of trial subscriptions (in the time units selected at 'Time unit')

Any of the data entered on this screen can be altered or fine-tuned at a later stage.

[NOTE: Campsite allows multiple publications to be hosted on the same server (computer), but to make different publications directly accessible to readers, you need to specify different virtual web servers. For example, if you want to add another publication (e.g. "Moldovan Contemporary Political Thought") onto the server on which you are hosting your "Prague Times" publication, you need to assign it a different virtual web server name (e.g.]

If you have virtual hosts set up in your Apache configuration, you can start a new publication and specify the URL for this virtual host, which will then allow readers to access your publication through that address.]

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3.2.1. Creating a Publication
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  Last update: 2005-10-12 07:32:37
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