Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<3.2.2. Creating a New Issue        3.2.4. Defining Article Types>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-12 07:31:53

3.2.3. Creating a Section

By clicking on an issue, you will enter the Section List:

When you click on 'Add new section' you will get this screen:

Here you must specify the name, section number, and URL Name.  While you can come back later and change the name of the section, the section number can be chosen only at the time when the new section is added.   The URL name will be part of the URL if you are using "short names" (see this article for more details on what this means). If you would like to make the new section available to all existing subscribers, you should check the appropriate box.

Your next step would be to configure the section:

Here you may want to select custom templates for your section and section articles from the drop-down menu.

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3.2.3. Creating a Section
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  Last update: 2005-10-12 07:31:53
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