Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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3.2.4. Defining Article Types

The next step in setting up your publication is to define the types of articles that you intend to publish on your site. What you are actually doing at this stage is specifying the way articles will appear to the person who will be adding content to your publications. For example, a feature story is likely to have more components than a brief news item. To create an article type, click on 'Article types':

Then click 'Add new article type'.  You will see this very simple screen:

Type in a name for your article type (Only letters are allowed, no spaces or special characters).  For this example, we'll assume you typed in "breaking_news".  Click Save and you will see:

Then you can start adding fields to the article type by clicking on 'New field' option.

You will be requested to specify the name of the field (e.g. Author, Date, Deck, Body, Author, Biography -- remember no spaces or special characters are allowed!).

TIP: Try to give intuitive names to your article types and fields within them, because chances are that you will not be the only person doing the publishing. For example, if you have an article type that you would like to use in your sports section, call it "sports_article", not "Sp" or "Artic" or anything equally cryptic. It will save you time and nerves when journalists and admin staff start doing all of the posting (and all of the consequent asking). Similarly, when creating an article type, try to make the sequence of fields logical, i.e. close to the way they will appear to the readers on the site (e.g. Author - Date - Intro - Articlebody - Bibliography). At this stage of development, Campsite does not allow reordering of fields within article types.

After you name the field, you have to specify its type. There are three options:

  • Text - this type of field can contain a maximum of 265 characters. It does not support HTML tags and it its appearance/formatting/character set is entirely determined by the template (see the template section for more information on templates).

  • Date - this is a standard date field with a fixed syntax of YYYY-MM-DD

  • Body - this type of field can be up to 16MB in size. In this field you can insert images, links, and formatting tags.

After you have specified the field type, you can keep on adding fields to the article type or finish the operation. Anytime later you can add more fields to the article type without affecting the rest of the application or the database contents. You will not lose articles if you add fields to their particular article type.

WARNING: While you can safely add article fields to article types, deleting them may cause improper functioning of templates that refer to these fields. Article-type management is best left exclusively to expert users (e.g. administrators).

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