Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<3.2.5. Creating Articles        3.2.7. Using the WYSIWYG Article Editor>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-11 22:32:11

3.2.6. Editing Articles

The Edit Article view is the main article-editing interface.  Its look will depend on the article type you have assigned to that article when you created it.

The fields you will see regardless of the type of article you are viewing are:

  • Name: containing the name you had given to the article when you created it. This field is editable.

  • Type: informs you which article type you had chosen for your article. You cannot alter this field

  • Uploaded: the date the article was created. You cannot change this field.

  • Show article on front page: Check this box if you would like the article to be displayed on your publication's front (home) page. You can alter this choice at any time.

  • Show article on section page: Check this box if you would like the article to be displayed on the main (home) page (a sort of a section homepage) of the section within you have created the article. You can alter this choice at any time.

  • Allow users without subscriptions to view the article: You should check this box if you want to make your article visible to viewers who have not subscribed to your publication (read more on subscriptions here).

  • Keywords:  that describe your article to search engines.

In addition to these system-determined fields and options, you may see any number and combination of different fields that you had made when you created a given article type.

All fields can be edited directly in the Edit Article view.

WARNING: Whenever you edit any of the fields, you will need to press the either the Save button at the bottom of the page or any of the Save icons next to user-created article fields. Moreover, date-type fields have a fixed syntax of YYYY-MM-DD. If you enter data in any other way, you may get incorrect results.

Above the article structure, you will always see the following nine buttons:

  • Submit/Publish/Unpublish: Change the the work-flow status of your article.

  • Images: Allows you to upload images that can be used within body-type fields of the article.

  • Topics: this is an advanced feature that lets you select from a list of topics and subtopics predefined by your Campsite administrator or high-ranking editor (e.g. users with rights that correspond to the default Administrator or Chief Editor user types that come “out of the box” with Campsite). Topics allow you to attach additional attributes to your article, which may be used by the aforementioned power users on your system to display articles in a certain way. If they have not decided to make use of this feature, you may ignore this button (click here for more information on topics).

  • Unlock:  Whenever you start editing an article, you automatically lock it.  This means if someone tries to edit the article at the same time that you are editing it, they will be notified and prevented from accessing the article.   You can unlock the article just before you exit this screen (e.g. when you are finished with your editing).

  • Preview: Preview the article.

  • Translate:  Create a translation of the article in another language.

  • Delete: Delete the article.

  • Duplicate: Copy the article to any publication, issue, or section.

  • Automatic Publishing: Schedule “publishing events,” i.e. publish or unpublish your article at a certain time.


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3.2.6. Editing Articles
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<3.2.5. Creating Articles 3.2.7. Using the WYSIWYG Article Editor>

  Last update: 2005-10-11 22:32:11
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