Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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< Username/Password Access Customizing the Subscription Form>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-12 23:26:26 IP Address Subscriptions

To create an IP-Address subscription, go to the Subscribers screen:

You will get to a screen that looks something like this:

First create a regular UserName/Password account by clicking on "Add new user account", and then add IP-Address rights by clicking on the "Full Name" link in the subscriber list. 

The double authorization option was implemented because the administrator can't test the subscription from his computer if only the IP Address authentication is active. He must enter in a different way (UserName/Password) and rights must be assigned as if he were coming from an appropriate IP address. It is not necessary to add anything to the templates or to inform the users who will be accessing the site through IP address authentication of the existence of this UserName/Password pair.

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< Username/Password Access Customizing the Subscription Form>

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