Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<2. INSTALLATION        2.2. Installation Steps>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-11-03 22:19:11

2.1. Requirements and Dependencies

To install the Campsite server, you need to have root access to a Linux or FreeBSD (at least version 2.2.1) server. Campsite 2.3.0 is known to work on the following Linux distributions: Mandrake 10 and 10.1; RedHat 9.0; Fedora Core 1 and 3; Debian 3.1 (Sarge); and Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary) and 5.10 (Breezy).

Before installing Campsite, make sure you have the following applications up and running:

1. Apache web server -- your http daemon, serving your web site to the world ( You will need version 1.3.x or newer.

For installation instructions, see the Apache web site. Installing Apache will generate the httpd.conf file referred to further down. This file contains all relevant information for Apache to handle the content on your Linux server. The adjustments described below need to be made in order to tell Apache about the procedures for Campsite files and templates.

2. MySQL Database Server - this application handles the Campsite database. You will need MySQL 4.0 or newer.

Three components of MySQL are needed for Campsite:

  • the server

  • client programs

  • files and libraries for development

All of those can be found on the MySQL website (

3. PHP 4.3 or newer – this is needed for Campsite administration interface. PHP is a module for the Apache web server.

4. Imagemagick - needed for creating thumbnails of images

5. php4-pear - PEAR is a library of PHP code, used throughout Campsite

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2.1. Requirements and Dependencies
Sebastian Goebel  devel at yellowsunshine dot de
Wednesday 17th of August 2005 09:05:00 AM
On a Debian sarge system, which was installed with some standard preselected package-bundles (webserver, mailserver, desktop, sql-database) I need to install following packages in advance to compile campsite:


During install I had to change apache user/group to "www-data" and allow "localhost.localdomain" to connect mysql-server.

<2. INSTALLATION 2.2. Installation Steps>

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