Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<5.3. Template Language Reference        5.3.2. Language>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-15 17:39:26

5.3.1. Language Elements: Conventions

In the following sub chapters describing the template language we used the following conventions:

  • identifiers in between '<' and '>' must be replaced in the template according to their description

  • spaces must be used as in the language description

  • attributes names and values must not contain '"' and tab characters

  • identifiers that are not in between '<' and '>' are language keywords and must be written as in the language description

  • any language identifier can be written in between “” character; identifiers containing spaces and must be written in between “”

  • identifiers enclosed by '[' and ']' characters are not mandatory in the statement

  • sequences of identifiers separated by '|' character describe a situation where all the identifiers are valid but only one can be used at a time

The template language is composed out of:

  • statements: they are keywords with a special meaning that define actions taken by template parser; click here for a list of statements

  • attributes: are keywords describing statement features; they are used to specify statement constraints

  • operators: are keywords used in specifying constraints (comparison expressions)

Constraints are built in one of the following ways:

  • comparison expressions: <attribute> <operator> <value>

  • list of values: <attribute> <value_list>

  • attributes without type: <attribute>

Attributes may have no type or one of the following types:

  • integer: signed, 10 digits number

  • string of characters: may contain any character except '"'

  • switch: has two values: "on" and "off"

  • date: year, month, day; where date value is specified it must be written in "yyyy-mm-dd" format

  • time: hour, minute, second; where time value is specified it must be written in "hh:mm:ss" format

  • datetime: year, month, day, hour, minute, second; where datetime value is specified it must be written in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format

  • topic: list of names defined by the application user used for categorizing articles

Every type has a list of valid operators that can be used on attributes of that certain type. The operators list corresponding to defined types:

  • integer: <integer_operator> = is | not | greater | greater_equal | smaller | smaller_equal

  • string of characters: <string_operator> = is | not | greater | greater_equal | smaller | smaller_equal

  • switch: <switch_operator> = is | not

  • date: <date_operator> = is | not | greater | greater_equal | smaller | smaller_equal

  • time: <time_operator> = is | not | greater | greater_equal | smaller | smaller_equal

  • datetime: <datetime_operator> = is | not | greater | greater_equal | smaller | smaller_equal

  • topic: <topic_operator> = is | not

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5.3.1. Language Elements: Conventions
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<5.3. Template Language Reference 5.3.2. Language>

  Last update: 2005-08-15 17:39:26
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