Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<2.2.2. Installing Campsite as a non-root user        2.2.4. Configuring Campsite to Work Over SSL>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-12 16:54:35

2.2.3. Configure the Web Server

Starting from 2.2.0 the apache configuration file is automatically generated for each Campsite instance. The default directory for the instance configuration files is /usr/local/campsite/etc/[instance_name]. You can change this at install time. We will call this directory the “instance configuration directory” from now on.

The steps you need to take to configure apache for campsite are the following:

  • Edit the file “[instance_name]-vhost.conf” from the instance configuration directory and replace $SERVER_ADDRESS and $SERVER_NAME with the appropriate values. Your system administrator should provide the server address and server name. The server name must also be registered in the DNS (Domain Name Service).

  • Include the file “[instance_name]-vhost.conf” in the main apache configuration file.

  • Restart the apache server:
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

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2.2.3. Configure the Web Server
Tuesday 30th of August 2005 01:04:00 AM
Or, for Apache 2 on FreeBSD 5:
/usr/local/sbin/apachectl restart

<2.2.2. Installing Campsite as a non-root user 2.2.4. Configuring Campsite to Work Over SSL>

  Last update: 2005-10-12 16:54:35
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