Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-16 09:41:53

5.3.13. List Search Result


Select the list of articles after searching database for given keywords. The Publication, Language, Issue, Section, Article parameters may not be defined outside List SearchResult statement; inside the statement however, all these parameters are defined. The code between "List .. Article.. " statement and "ForEmptyList" (if used) or "EndList" is repeated for every article in the list. When the list of article is empty the code in between "ForEmptyList" and "EndList" is executed once.


List [length <integer_value>] [columns <integer_value>]
SearchResult [order <order_condition>]
<list_of_instructions> [ForEmptyList [<list_of_instructions>]]
EndList [SearchResult]


length <integer_value> where <integer_value> specifies list_length forces the list to have at most list_length items. If the list contains more items than list_length items the ones not fitting in can be listed using If NextItems/PreviousItems statements.

columns <integer_value> where <integer_value> specifies columns_number sets an environment variable. This is incremented as if the items would be placed in a table cell. The counting starts from one and the variable is incremented for every new element. When it reaches the maximum value it is reset to one. This is very useful in building tables of data. For details see If List.

<list_of_instructions> may contain any statement except: "Language", "Publication".


bydate desc|asc
|bynumber desc|asc

Inside the List, the data context is defined by the constraints applied to the current article for every processed line. The data context is restored after the list processing.


Inside List SearchResult the following statements are forbidden:

  • Language

  • Publication

Note for If statements

All If statements can be negated by inserting "not" between If and its modifier (Publication, Issue etc.)


<**If Publication defined>

and the negated version:

<**If not Publication defined>

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5.3.13. List Search Result
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  Last update: 2005-08-16 09:41:53
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