Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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<5.3.13. List Search Result        5.3.15. If NextSubtitles | PrevSubtitles>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-04 13:21:39

5.3.14. If NextItems | PreviousItems


It runs the first or second list of instructions depending on existing articles in a limited length list after/before the end/start of the list. It can be used only inside List statements, especially to validate Next | Previous buttons.


If [not] NextItems|PreviousItems

[Else [<list_of_instructions>]]
EndIf [NextItems|PreviousItems]


Can be used only inside List statement. It can not be used inside ForEmptyList block of List statement. Also, If NextItems can not be used inside If PreviousItems and vice versa.

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5.3.14. If NextItems | PreviousItems
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<5.3.13. List Search Result 5.3.15. If NextSubtitles | PrevSubtitles>

  Last update: 2005-08-04 13:21:39
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