Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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5.3.16. If List


Depending on the given condition, it runs the first or second list of instructions. It can be used inside List instructions. It is used to build tables from lists.


If [not] List <condition>
[Else [<list_of_instructions>]]
EndIf [List]



row <table_item_values>
|column <table_item_values>
|index <table_item_values>

<table_item_values> = odd|even|<number_list>


[<integer_value>] <number_list>


<!** If List row odd>
Odd row
<!** Else>
Even row
<!** EndIf>

<!** If List row 1 4 5>
Row is 1, 4 or 5
<!** Else>
Row is 2, 3 or bigger than 5
<!** EndIf>

<!** If List start>
Draw table head
<!** Else>
Draw table row
<!** EndIf>

Building a table:

<!** List columns 3 ... >
<!** If List start> <-- start table --> <table> <!** EndIf>
<!** If List column 1> <-- start new row --> <tr> <!** EndIf>
<td> write text/data here </td>
<!** If List column 3> <-- close row --> </tr> <!** EndIf>
<!** If List end> <-- end table --> </table> <!** EndIf>
<!** EndList>


Can only be used only inside List statements.

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5.3.16. If List
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  Last update: 2005-08-16 09:52:27
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