Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-08-16 10:00:12

5.3.28. If Language


Depending on the given condition, it runs the first or second list of instructions. It may be used anywhere in the template.


If [not] Language <condition>
[Else [<list_of_instructions>]]
EndIf [Language]



number <integer_operator> <integer_value>
<string_operator> <string_value>
<string_operator> <string_value>
<string_operator> <string_value>

  • defined: the if condition is true if language parameter is defined

  • fromstart: the if condition is true if actual value of language parameter is equal with the value from template start

  • number: the if condition is true if operation: number <integer_operator> <integer_value> is true

  • name, englname, code: the if condition is true if operation: name|englname|code <string_operator> <string_value> is true where englname is the English name of the language, name is the original language name

The list of instructions may contain any instruction allowed in the current context. If it is used inside a list it must respect the constraints of the list (List Issue, List Section, List Article, List Subtitle, List SearchResult).



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5.3.28. If Language
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  Last update: 2005-08-16 10:00:12
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