Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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5.3.33. URL, Form


URLParameters prints the runtime environment parameters in URL format. It prints only data context parameters and can be used to create links.

URI prints the complete link:

  • for publications with template path URL type it is equivalent to:

    <a href=”[template.tpl]?<!** URLParameters>”>[text]</a>

  • for publications with short name URL type it is equivalent to:

    <a href=”<!** URIPath>?<!** URLParameters>”>[text]</a>

URIPath prints only the path part of the URI, the part before the parameters list. If “/en/1/2/3?param1=text” was the full URI, URIpath is “/en/1/2/3”.

Note: For publications with short name URL type this is the only way to create links. It is not possible to build the URI manually.

FormParameters prints the runtime environment parameters in HTML form format. It prints only data context parameters and can be used to create links.


URLParameters [<parameters_list>]

URI [<parameters_list>]



[<parameter>] <list_of_parameters>
| <parameter>


| fromstart
| reset_issue_list
| reset_section_list
| reset_article_list
| reset_searchresult_list
| reset_subtitle_list
| image <image_number>
| root_level
| language
| publication
| issue
| section
| article
| template <template_name>


URLPath [<uripath_parameters_list>]



[<uripath_parameter>] <list_of_uripath_parameters>
| <uripath_parameter>


| language
| publication
| issue
| section
| article
| template <template_name>


FormParameters [fromstart]

<image_number> is an <integer_value> representing a valid number of article image

<template_name> is a <string value> representing the full path of a valid template

  • allsubtitles: following this link the whole article will be printed, instead of one subtitle.

  • fromstart: prints the parameters received at the start of template, not the current ones (useful when building site maps)

  • reset_issue_list: reset list counters for all the lists (issue, section, article, searchresult, subtitle)

  • reset_section_list: reset list counters for the following lists: section, article, searchresult, subtitle

  • reset_article_list: reset list counters for the following lists: article, searchresult, subtitle

  • reset_searchresult_list: reset list counters for the following lists: searchresult, subtitle

  • reset_subtitle_list: reset list counters for the following lists: subtitle

  • image: print image parameters in order to show an image in template

  • root_level: this link will have all parameters reset: language, publication, issue, section, article, subtitle, lists indexes etc.

  • language: this link will have all parameters above language reset: publication, issue, section, article, subtitle, lists indexes etc.; language parameter remains unchanged

  • publication: this link will have all parameters above publication reset: issue, section, article, subtitle, lists indexes etc.; language and publication parameters remain unchanged

  • issue: this link will have all parameters above issue reset: section, article, subtitle, lists indexes etc.; language, publication and issue parameters remain unchanged

  • section: this link will have all parameters above section reset: article, subtitle, lists indexes etc.; language, publication, issue and section parameters remain unchanged

  • article: this link will have all parameters above article reset: article, subtitle, lists indexes etc.; language, publication, issue, section and article parameters remain unchanged

  • template <template_name>: this link will set the template in the link to <template_name>


Suppose the data context is set to Language 1 (identifier), Publication 2 (identifier), Issue 3 (number), Section 6 (number). The printed string is:


for URLParameters, and

<input type=hidden name=IdLanguage value="1">
<input type=hidden name=IdPublication value="2">
<input type=hidden name=NrIssue value="3">
<input type=hidden name=NrSection value="6">

for FormParameters respectively.

If Image is specified on URLParameters, the parameters for <image_number> of the article specified in the data context will be printed.





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5.3.33. URL, Form
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  Last update: 2005-10-28 14:49:28
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