Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-10-28 15:51:16

5.3.34. Print


Print the selected information.


Print <expression>



| <search_expression>
| <topic_expression>

<language_expression> = Language name |number |englname |code |codepage

  • name: language name

  • number: language identifier in the Campsite database

  • englname: language name in English

  • code: language international code

  • codepage: page code corresponding to the language

For details on language see languages.

<publication_expression> = Publication name |identifier |site

  • name: publication name

  • identifier: publication identifier in the Campsite database

  • site: publication site (see also Creating a new publication)

For details on publication see Creating a new publication.

<issue_expression> = Issue name |number |<date_attribute> |date <date_format> |template

  • name: issue name

  • number: issue identifier in the Campsite database

  • <date_attribute>: print an issue publish date field (year, month, day etc.); see details

  • date <date_format>: print issue publish date using the given format; see details

  • template: print the full path of the issue template file

For details on issue see Creating a new issue.

<section_expression> = Section name |number

  • name: section name

  • number: section identifier in the Campsite database

For details on section see Add new sections to an issue


|upload_date [<date_format>]
|[<article_type>] <article_type_attribute> [<date_format>]

  • name: article name

  • number: article identifier in the Campsite database

  • keywords: article keywords

  • type: article type (see details)

  • <date_attribute>: print an article upload date field (year, month, day etc.); see details

  • upload_date [<date_format>]: print article upload date using the given format; see details

  • [<article_type>] <article_type_attribute> [<date_format>]: print an article field specific to a certain article type (see Defining article types); if the field type is date a date format may be specified; see date format details

  • template: print the full path of the article template file

Note regarding “Print article [<article_type>] <article_type_attribute>”: Starting with Campsite 2.3.0 the table containing the image link in article body fields has the class “cs_img”; this allows the web designer to change the layout of the article images by using a CSS file. The new image link has the following structure:

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="cs_img" align=left>
<td align="center">
<img src="/cgi-bin/get_img?NrArticle=143&NrImage=1" border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5">

Note regarding “Print article [<article_type>] <article_type_attribute>”: Starting with Campsite 2.3.3 the subtitle in the article body fields has the class “articlesubhead”; this allows the web designer to change the layout of the subtitles by using a CSS file. The subtitle anchor has the following structure:

<span class="articlesubhead"><a name="a1.250_s1">Version 2.3.0 - 2.3.1</a></span>

The structure of the anchor name is: a<language_identifier>.<article_number>_s<subtitle_number>

For details on article see Creating articles within a section and Editing articles.


[<image_number>] photographer
|[<image_number>] place
|[<image_number>] description
|[<image_number>] <date_attribute>
|[<image_number>] date [<date_format>]

<image_number> is an <integer_value> representing a valid number of the article image; a default image number (1) is used if <image_number> was omitted.

  • photographer, place, description are fields describing the image

  • <date_attribute>: see Date – <date_attribute>

  • date [<date_format>]: see Date - <date_format>

<list_expression> = List row |column |index

  • row: list row; if column is not specified in list statement or has value 1 row takes the value of the element number in the list

  • column: list column; if column is not specified in list statement it will have a value of 1 for every list element

  • index: element number in the list; if list length is specified index will take the value of list_length * number_of_steps_from_list_start * element_number where

    • list_length is the maximum length of the list

    • number_of_steps_from_list_start is how many steps the list start moved from the "whole list" start

    • element_number is the number of the element in the current list

For details on list see If List


expdate [<date_format>]

  • expdate, unit, unitcost, currency, trialtime, paidtime, totalcost are fields describing the publication subscription

  • error: if subscription action took place (after submitting a subscription form) it prints the error message (if there was an error)

For details on subscription see 4.4 Setting up Subscriptions

<login_expression> = Login error

  • error: if login action took place (after submitting a login form) it prints the error message (if there was an error)



adderror: if user add action took place (after submitting a user subscription form) it prints the error message (if there was an error)

  • modifyerror: if user modify action took place (after submitting a user info form) it prints the error message (if there was an error)

  • the other parameters (identifier, name, uname, email, city...) are fields describing the user information; they are self-explaining; Field1-Field5, Text1-Text3 are extra fields for storing some extra information; the publication administrator sets their meaning

<subtitle_expression> = Subtitle name

<search_expression> = Search error | keywords

  • error: print error message if the search action generated an error

  • keywords: print the keywords the user inputted

<topic_expression> = Topic name | identifier

  • name: print topic name in the language of the environment

  • identifier: print topic identifier (integer)


  • Print List can be used only inside List-EndList statement.

  • Print Login can be used only outside Login-EndLogin statement.


add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
5.3.34. Print
John Pye  john at curioussymbols dot com
Thursday 01st of September 2005 04:23:00 PM
>> If a user is accessing via IP-based subscription, will <!** print user
>> identifier> still work just as normal?
>> Some of the code I have from the tracker project suggests this might
>> *not* be the case but I haven't been able to determine that at this stage.

You can display the user data no matter what subscription type the user has.
Whether the access is password or IP based the user is still known to the
parser and is unique.

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