Campsite 2.3 User Guide

Campsite 2.3 User Guide

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Campsite 2.3 User Guide

           • 2.2.3. Configure the Web Server
                • Compatibility Issues
                • Creating Links to Issues, Sections, etc.
                • Creating a Link to a Template
      • 2.5. Known Issues
           • 3.2.1. Creating a Publication
           • 3.2.2. Creating a New Issue
           • 3.2.3. Creating a Section
           • 3.2.4. Defining Article Types
           • 3.2.5. Creating Articles
           • 3.2.6. Editing Articles
           • 3.2.9. Publishing Articles
           • 3.2.10. Publishing Issues
      • 4.1. Languages
      • 4.2. Countries
      • 4.3. The Localizer
           • 4.4.1. Creating User Types
           • 4.4.2. Creating Staff Users
           • 4.4.3. Setting up Subscriptions
                • Username/Password Access
                • IP Address Subscriptions
                • Customizing the Subscription Form
      • 4.5. Topics
           • 5.2.4. Building a Section Template
                • The 'Feature' article of the section
                • Including Images in the Section Listing
           • 5.2.6. Powerful Lists and Ordering
           • 5.3.2. Language
           • 5.3.3. Publication
           • 5.3.4. Issue
           • 5.3.5. Section
           • 5.3.6. Article
           • 5.3.7. Local
           • 5.3.8. Topic
           • 5.3.9. List of Issues
           • 5.3.10. List of Sections
           • 5.3.11. List of Articles
           • 5.3.12. List of Subtitles
           • 5.3.13. List Search Result
           • 5.3.16. If List
           • 5.3.17. Include
           • 5.3.18. If Publication
           • 5.3.19. If Issue
           • 5.3.20. If Section
           • 5.3.21. If Article
           • 5.3.22. If Allowed
           • 5.3.23. If Subscription
           • 5.3.24. If Login
           • 5.3.25. If User
           • 5.3.26. If CurrentSubtitle
           • 5.3.27. If Image
           • 5.3.28. If Language
           • 5.3.29. With
           • 5.3.30. If Search
           • 5.3.31. If Subtitle
           • 5.3.32. If Topic
           • 5.3.33. URL, Form
           • 5.3.34. Print
           • 5.3.35. Date
           • 5.3.36. Subscription
           • 5.3.37. User
           • 5.3.38. Login
           • 5.3.39. Logout
           • 5.3.40. Search
           • 5.3.41. Edit
           • 5.3.42. Select
      • 7.2. PHPWrapper
           • 7.2.1. Installing PHPWrapper
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