Campsite 2.4 User Guide

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< Username/Password Access Customizing the Subscription Form>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2006-01-29 07:01:34 IP Address Subscriptions

The IP based access can be used to automatically log in users that have known IP addresses that never change. Examples of this are libraries, colleges, schools etc. The IP address-based access works by recognizing a computer as owned by a certain subscriber based on the computer's IP address. Subscribers with IP address-based access will be allowed to accesss the site without being prompted for user names and passwords.

To create an IP-Address subscription, go to the Subscribers screen:

You will get to a screen that looks something like this:

First create a regular user by clicking on "Add new user account", edit it by clicking on the "Full Name" link in the subscriber list and click on "Add new" link in "User IP access list management" table (see image number 3). The form allows the input of a group of consecutive IP addresses. If necessary, more groups can be added. The start IP address is the smallest address in the group, while the number of addresses sets the size of the group.

For example, if a university library had a group of IP addresses: to then you would fill in:
  • start IP address:
  • number of addresses: 64 = 63 - 0 + 1

It is not necessary to add anything to the templates or to inform the users who will be accessing the site through IP address authentication of the existence of this User Name/Password pair.

It is possible to search for users based their IP addresses. In the subscribers list fill in at least one box in the field named "IP address" from left to right. The administration screen will display all readers that have IP addresses matching the input. For example, if we had two clients, one with IP access group: (start IP address, 64 addresses), the other one with IP access group: then we will have the following results:

  • filling in 120.120 in the IP address field will return both clients
  • filling in 120.120.120 will return only the first client: the second client's IP access group 120.120.140 doesn't match our input
  • filling in will return the first client
  • filling in will return an empty list: the IP access group of the first client stops at

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< Username/Password Access Customizing the Subscription Form>

  Last update: 2006-01-29 07:01:34
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