LiveSupport 1.0 User Guide

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<4.9.3 Playlist Editor Moving files in playlist>

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4.9.4 Changing fades between files

Table of content Moving files in playlist

The Row between two items in the playlist editor represents the Fade line, i.e. total fade length of the end of previous file together with the beginning of the next file.

Fade duration can be changed by clicking on the Fade row between two files in the Playlist Editor palette and selecting Change transition option. If you left click on the Fade row on the beginning of the playlist, you will be offered the option Change fadein. And if you left click on the Fade row on the end of playlist, you will have the option Change Fadeout.

The default transition between files is set to 0ms. After selecting needed option (change transition, change fadein, change fadeout), the new palette will appear displaying:

  • The name of the files between which you want to change fade duration
  • Duration field, where the length of the fade duration (in milliseconds) appears
  • + and - buttons for increasing and decreasing fade duration value. The result of pressing + or - buttons will be visible in the Duration field above.
  • Cancel button, for canceling the entire process and returning to the Playlist Editor
  • Reset button, for reverting fade duration value on the starting position (starting from zero)
  • Submit button, for accepting the duration value setup and return to the Playlist Editor palette.

The same palette will appear if you click on the Change Fade button on the end of the playlist table.

Note: Our recommendation is to avoid any cross fading in news programs. You should leave your voice and talking blocks with a clean start and end. It is also recommendable to use offered cross fade mix values only in the musical parts of the program.

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4.9.4 Changing fades between files
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<4.9.3 Playlist Editor Moving files in playlist>

  Last update: 2005-07-03 15:32:14
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