LiveSupport 1.0 User Guide

LiveSupport 1.0 User Guide

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<4.9.4 Changing fades between files        4.10Scheduler>

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Available languages: english Last update: 2005-07-03 15:32:14 Moving files in playlist

Left click on each item entered in the playlist, allows you to:

  • Listen to the file (preview of the selected file and checking for errors)
  • Remove the file from playlist (that has the same function as the Remove selected button at the bottom of the table)

At the bottom of the table, the displayed buttons allows you to perform actions for simple playlist editing:

  • Change Fades button, to change transitions between selected files, playlist fadein or playlist fadeout. After selecting Change Fades, new window appears allowing you to change fade duration by clicking on the + or - buttons to increase or decrease value.
  • Remove selected allows you to erase selected files and remove them from the playlist. You select files by clicking on the checkboxes in the first table column. Removed files are then erased from the playlist, but not from the server, and you can still find them with Library search and use them again.
  • Clear Playlist allows you to remove all items from the playlist and. This command does not erase the whole playlist from the server but clears all items inside the playlist.

At the bottom of the table you can see options for managing the current playlist. The displayed buttons are:

  • Save Playlist, enables you to save your changes and your work on the open playlist. All actions (moving files, adding or removing, changing fades) will be saved and visible in the playlist the next time you open it.
  • Revert to Saved, gives you the opportunity to return to the last saved state in the playlist. In case you have made a mistake during the edit, by clicking on this button you can return to the latest saved state.
  • Delete Playlist deletes the entire playlist from the server, but not the files listed inside the playlist. Before removing entire playlist, you will see the popup window checking if you are sure in erasing it.
  • Close Playlist will close the current playlist and exit the Playlist Editor. Before closing, the popup window will appear asking you if you want to save all changes before closing.

If you haven�t saved and closed your playlist, the next time you log in, this will be the first window you see on your working area.

Note: During the whole time working on a playlist, the playlist is visible in the ScratchPad and marked as locked in the Type column. You cannot schedule the playlist until it is being closed with the Close playlist option. Also, the files from the server you are using inside the playlist cannot be deleted until the playlist is being closed.

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<4.9.4 Changing fades between files 4.10Scheduler>

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