LiveSupport 1.0 User Guide

LiveSupport 1.0 User Guide

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<1.7 Copyright        2.1 Installing from CVS>

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2 Installation

Table of content
2.1 Installing from CVS
2.2 Precompiled packages
2.3 LiveSupport Installer CD

LiveSupport can be installed from the CVS, from the precompiled packages and from the LiveSupport Installer CD. All these components can be downloaded from the Campware website.

More details on the installation of LiveSupport from the source code can be found here:

Using the LiveSupport installer CD, these configurations are installed alongside with a fully functional Linux installation built on Knoppix.

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2 Installation
Micz Flor  
Thursday 21st of July 2005 01:28:00 PM
LS can be configured to run on one machine. or two machines (scheduler and station) or three machines (scheduler, station, storage). To adjust the configuration so that the individual install flavours can contact each other over the local network goes as follows:

from storageServer point of view:
scheduler machine is defined in storageServer/var/conf.php as
schedulerUrlHost entry.
It's used when PHP acts as XMLRPC client connected to the scheduler.
(default is localhost => the same machine for storage and scheduler)

following is only "as I know":

on the scheduler side:
the storageServer machine is defined in scheduler.xml
(in <install_dir>/etc on installed system) at two places:

from GTK UI - similarly as scheduler but in gLiveSupport.xml file
and scheduler machine is defined as:

Also: after any change in the configuration files, you need to restart the scheduler by typing
/etc/init.d/livesupport-station restart
as root. If the Studio GUI was running when gLiveSupport.xml was edited, that needs to be exited and started up again, too.

<1.7 Copyright 2.1 Installing from CVS>

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