Network hub installation and user howto

NOTE: As of revision 3061, the archiveServer does not exist any more, so this Howto needs to be completely rewritten. It can still be used for version 1.2.0.

StorageServer configuration for access remote networkHub

The location of configuration depends on Campcaster installation environment:

  • normal (system-wide) installation: <campcaster_modules_path>/storageServer/var/conf.php
  • packaged version: /opt/campcaster/var/Campcaster/storageServer/var/conf.php
  • personal development environment: ~/.campcaster/storageServer.conf.php

The appropriate part is:

    /* ================================================ archive configuration */
    'archiveUrlPath'      => '<networkHub_path>',    // example: '/campcaster_hub/archiveServer/var',
    'archiveXMLRPC'       => 'xmlrpc/xrArchive.php',
    'archiveUrlHost'      => '<networkHub_host_or_IP>',
    'archiveUrlPort'      => 80,
    'archiveAccountLogin' => '<username>',
    'archiveAccountPass'  => '<password>,

(use right values – this is example or dump values only)

NOTE: The Network Hub uses a different directory path than the default value for the Storage Server, so please pay attention to the ‘archiveURLPath’ setting.

Installation (installing admin only)

On target system extract the networkHub tarball:

tar xjf campcaster-hub-<version>.tar.bz2

and run setup script (values in parameters are examples only):

cd campcaster-hub-<version>

Complete help for script parameters can be obtained by:

./bin/ --help


  • on system with campcaster studio already installed, use --skip-apache and --skip-postgresql switches – it prevents twofold configuration modification.
  • --hostname have to be remote accessible name (or IP) – it should be specified, the default is obtained from `hostname -f`, but it’s often localhost only, which is not remote accessible.

creating the tarball (developers only)

In the main directory of freshly checkouted or exported Campcaster type this:

./bin/ -v <version>

Copy resulting tarball to target machine for next step – installation.

Known problems:

  • campcaster uses PUT method, it’s sometimes denied in user ~/public_html directories (e.g. on my Gentoo). Use system wide www-root as http entry point or make sure the PUT method is not denied in your directory.


  • there is a activity.log and debug.log in the storageServer/var/trans directory on the client side (local storage)