Changeset 3954

Tue Oct 4 12:36:45 2005

fixed ticket:1238 - Parser crashes when no templates exist/assigned



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/parser/parser/main.cpp

    r3952 r3954  
    186 186     FD_ZERO(&clSet);  
    187 187     FD_SET((SOCKET)*pcoClSock, &clSet);  
      188     outbuf coOutBuf((SOCKET)*pcoClSock);  
      189     sockstream coOs(&coOutBuf);  
      190     string coErrorMsg;  
    188 191     MYSQL* pSql = NULL;  
    189 192     try  
    219 222 #endif  
    220 223  
    221           outbuf coOutBuf((SOCKET)*pcoClSock);  
    222           sockstream coOs(&coOutBuf);  
    223 224         pSql = MYSQLConnection();  
    224 225         if (pSql == NULL)       // unable to connect to server  
    231 232             RunParser(MYSQLConnection(), pcoURL, coRemoteAddress.c_str(), coOs);  
    232 233         }  
    233           coOs.flush();  
    234           delete pcoClSock;  
    235 234     }  
    236 235     catch (RunException& coEx)  
    237 236     {  
    238           delete pcoClSock;  
      237         coErrorMsg = coEx.what();  
    238 237 #ifdef _DEBUG  
    239           cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.what() << endl;  
      238         cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.what() << " (RunException)" << endl;  
    239 238 #endif  
    240 239     }  
    241 240     catch (SocketErrorException& coEx)  
    242 241     {  
    243           delete pcoClSock;  
      242         coErrorMsg = string("There was an error communicating with the template engine: ")  
      243                 + coEx.Message() + "! Please restart the template engine.";  
    244 244 #ifdef _DEBUG  
    245           cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.Message() << endl;  
      245         cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.Message() << " (SocketErrorException)" << endl;  
    245 245 #endif  
    246 246     }  
    247 247     catch (out_of_range& coEx)  
    248 248     {  
    249           delete pcoClSock;  
      249         coErrorMsg = string("Internal out of range error: ") + coEx.what();  
    249 249 #ifdef _DEBUG  
    250           cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.what() << endl;  
      250         cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.what() << " (out_of_range)" << endl;  
    250 250 #endif  
    251 251     }  
    252 252     catch (bad_alloc& coEx)  
    253 253     {  
    254           delete pcoClSock;  
      254         coErrorMsg = string("Internal memory allocation error: ") + coEx.what();  
    254 254 #ifdef _DEBUG  
    255           cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: unable to allocate memory: " << coEx.what() << endl;  
      255         cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.what() << " (bad_alloc)" << endl;  
    255 255 #endif  
    256 256     }  
    257 257     catch (exception& coEx)  
    258 258     {  
    259           delete pcoClSock;  
      259         coErrorMsg = string("Internal error: ") + coEx.what();  
    259 259 #ifdef _DEBUG  
    260           cerr << coEx.what() << endl;  
      260         cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: " << coEx.what() << " (exception)" << endl;  
    260 260 #endif  
    261 261     }  
      262     catch (...)  
      263     {  
      264         coErrorMsg = "Unknown internal error";  
      265 #ifdef _DEBUG  
      266         cerr << "MyThreadRoutine: other exception" << endl;  
      267 #endif  
      268     }  
      269     if (coErrorMsg != "")  
      270     {  
      271         coOs << "<html><body><font color=red><h2>There were errors!</h2>" << endl  
      272                 << "<pre>" << coErrorMsg << "</pre>" << endl << "</body></html>" << endl;  
      273     }  
      274     coOs.flush();  
      275     delete pcoClSock;  
    262 276     return NULL;  
    263 277 }  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/parser/parser/process_req.cpp

    r3889 r3954  
    89 89     bool bDebug = false, bPreview = false, bTechDebug = false;  
    90 90     char pchBuf[300];  
      91     const CPublication* pcoPub = NULL;  
      92     id_type nIssue = -1;  
    91 93     pcoCtx->SetIP(htonl(inet_addr(p_pchRemoteIP)));  
    92 94     if ((coStr = p_pcoURL->getValue(P_IDLANG)) != "")  
    99 101         pcoCtx->SetPublication(atol(coStr.c_str()));  
    100 102         pcoCtx->SetDefPublication(atol(coStr.c_str()));  
      103         pcoPub = CPublicationsRegister::getInstance().getPublication(pcoCtx->Publication());  
    101 104     }  
    102 105     if ((coStr = p_pcoURL->getValue(P_NRISSUE)) != "")  
    104 107         pcoCtx->SetIssue(atol(coStr.c_str()));  
    105 108         pcoCtx->SetDefIssue(atol(coStr.c_str()));  
      109         nIssue = pcoCtx->Issue();  
    106 110     }  
    107 111     if ((coStr = p_pcoURL->getValue(P_NRSECTION)) != "")  
    360 364             id_type nLanguage = p_pcoURL->getLanguage();  
    361 365             id_type nPublication = p_pcoURL->getPublication();  
    362               id_type nIssue = p_pcoURL->getIssue();  
    363 366             id_type nSection = p_pcoURL->getSection();  
    364 367             id_type nArticle = p_pcoURL->getArticle();  
    397 400         CParser::setMYSQL(NULL);  
    398 401     }  
      402     catch (InvalidValue& rcoEx)  
      403     {  
      404         stringstream coStr;  
      405         if (pcoPub != NULL && nIssue > 0)  
      406         {  
      407             coStr << "Please verify if the issue, section and article templates were set for "  
      408                     << "publication " << *(pcoPub->getAliases().begin())  
      409                     << ", issue number " << nIssue << ".";  
      410         }  
      411         else  
      412         {  
      413             coStr << "Internal error of invalid value: " << rcoEx.what();  
      414         }  
      415         throw RunException(coStr.str());  
      416     }  
    399 417     catch (ExStat& rcoEx)  
    400 418     {  
    401 419         throw RunException("Error loading template file");  
    402           return -1;  
    403 420     }  
    404 421     catch (RunException& rcoEx)  
    405 422     {  
    406 423         throw rcoEx;  
    407           return -1;  
    408 424     }  
    409 425     catch (ExMutex& rcoEx)  
    410 426     {  
    411 427         throw RunException(rcoEx.Message());  
    412           return -1;  
    413 428     }  
    414 429     catch (bad_alloc& rcoEx)  
    415 430     {  
    416           throw RunException("bad alloc");  
    417           return -1;  
      431         throw RunException("unable to allocate memory");  
    418 432     }  
    419 433     return 0;