Changeset 4122

Thu Dec 1 05:57:39 2005

Implemented ticket:1288 - Remove excess elements from 'Article Add' screen. Fixed a bunch of misspellings of , fixed the 'Add Article' screens so that they work again. Added calendar icon for calendar popup. Added methods to Article.php: setPublicationId(), setIssueNumber(), and setSectionNumber().



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/pub/add_article.php

    r4032 r4122  
    32 32  
    33 33 <P>  
      34 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" class="indent">  
    34 34 <TR>  
    35 35     <TD>  
    36 36         <IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/tol.gif" BORDER="0">  
    37 37     </TD>  
    38       <TD>  
      38     <TD >  
    38 38         <b><?php  putGS("Select the publication"); ?></b>  
    39 39     </TD>  
    44 44  
    45 45 <P>  
    46   <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="3" class="table_list">  
      46 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="6" class="table_list">  
    46 46     <TR class="table_list_header">  
    47           <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"  ><B><?php  putGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>"); ?></B></TD>  
    48           <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="20%" ><B><?php  putGS("Site"); ?></B></TD>  
      47         <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><?php  putGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>"); ?></TD>  
      48         <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><?php  putGS("Site"); ?></TD>  
    49 49     </TR>  
    50 50 <?php  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/sections/add_article.php

    r4085 r4122  
    42 42 ?>  
    43 43 <P>  
      44 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" class="indent">  
    44 44 <TR>  
    45 45     <TD><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/tol.gif" BORDER="0"></TD>  
    46       <TD><?php  putGS("Select the section"); ?></TD>  
      46     <TD><b><?php  putGS("Select the section"); ?></b></TD>  
    46 46 </TR>  
    47 47 </TABLE>  
    51 51 <?php  
    52 52 if (count($sections) > 0) {       
    53   //    if ($NUM_ROWS) {  
    54   //  $nr= $NUM_ROWS;  
    55   //  $i= $lpp;  
    56   //    if($nr < $lpp)    $i = $nr;  
    57 53     $color= 0;  
    58 54     ?>  
    71 67         </TD>  
    72 68         <TD >  
    73               <A HREF="/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/articles/add.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>&Issue=<?php  p($section->getIssueNumber()); ?>&Section=<?php p($section->getSectionNumber()); ?>&Language=<?php  p($section->getLanguageId()); ?>&Wiz=1"><?php p(htmlspecialchars($section->getName())); ?></A>  
      69             <A HREF="/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/articles/add.php?f_publication_id=<?php p($Pub); ?>&f_issue_number=<?php  p($section->getIssueNumber()); ?>&f_section_number=<?php p($section->getSectionNumber()); ?>&f_language_id=<?php  p($section->getLanguageId()); ?>"><?php p(htmlspecialchars($section->getName())); ?></A>  
    73 69         </TD>  
    74 70     </TR>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/article_common.php

    r3953 r4122  
    11 11 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/classes/Input.php');  
    12 12 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/$ADMIN_DIR/camp_html.php");  
    13   //require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/articles/article_top.php");  
    14   require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/articles/editor_load_xinha.php");  
    15 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/do_add.php

    r4116 r4122  
    15 15  
    16 16 // Get input  
    17   $Pub = Input::Get('Pub', 'int', 0);  
    18   $Issue = Input::Get('Issue', 'int', 0);  
    19   $Section = Input::Get('Section', 'int', 0);  
    20   $Language = Input::Get('Language', 'int', 0);  
    21   $cName = trim(Input::Get('cName', 'string', ''));  
    22   $cType = trim(Input::Get('cType', 'string', ''));  
    23   $cLanguage = trim(Input::Get('cLanguage', 'int', 0));  
    24   //$cFrontPage = Input::Get('cFrontPage', 'string', 'N', true);  
    25   //$cSectionPage = Input::Get('cSectionPage', 'string', 'N', true);  
    26   //$cKeywords = Input::Get('cKeywords', 'string', '', true);  
      17 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      18 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
      19 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
      20 $f_language_id = Input::Get('f_language_id', 'int', 0);  
      21 $f_article_name = trim(Input::Get('f_article_name', 'string', ''));  
      22 $f_article_type = trim(Input::Get('f_article_type', 'string', ''));  
      23 $f_article_language = trim(Input::Get('f_article_language', 'int', 0));  
    27 24  
    28 25 // Check input  
    29   if ($cName == "") {  
      26 if (empty($f_article_name)) {  
    29 26     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You must complete the $1 field.','<B>'.getGS('Name').'</B>'));  
    30 27     exit;  
    31 28 }  
    32 29      
    33   if ($cType == "") {  
      30 if (empty($f_article_type)) {  
    33 30     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You must select an article type.'));  
    34 31     exit;  
    35 32 }  
    36 33      
    37   if ($cLanguage == "") {  
      34 if (empty($f_article_language)) {  
    37 34     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You must select a language.'));  
    38 35     exit;  
    47 44 }  
    48 45  
    49   $publicationObj =& new Publication($Pub);  
      46 $publicationObj =& new Publication($f_publication_id);  
    49 46 if (!$publicationObj->exists()) {  
    50 47     camp_html_display_error(getGS('Publication does not exist.'));  
    53 50 }  
    54 51  
    55   $issueObj =& new Issue($Pub, $Language, $Issue);  
      52 $issueObj =& new Issue($f_publication_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);  
    55 52 if (!$issueObj->exists()) {  
    56 53     camp_html_display_error(getGS('Issue does not exist.'));  
    59 56 }  
    60 57  
    61   $sectionObj =& new Section($Pub, $Issue, $Language, $Section);  
      58 $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publication_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
    61 58 if (!$sectionObj->exists()) {  
    62 59     camp_html_display_error(getGS('Section does not exist.'));  
    65 62 }  
    66 63  
    67   $languageObj =& new Language($Language);  
    69 64 // Create article  
    70   $articleObj =& new Article($cLanguage);  
    71   $articleObj->create($cType, $cName);  
    72   //$articleObj->setOnSectionPage(($cSectionPage == "on"));  
    73   //$articleObj->setOnFrontPage(($cFrontPage == "on"));  
    74   $articleObj->setUserId($User->getUserId());  
    75   $articleObj->setIsPublic(true);  
    76   //$articleObj->setKeywords($cKeywords);  
    78   $logtext = getGS('Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6',  
    79       $cName, $sectionObj->getSectionNumber(),  
    80       $sectionObj->getName(), $issueObj->getIssueNumber(),  
    81       $issueObj->getName(), $publicationObj->getName());  
    82   Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 31);  
    84   ## added by sebastian  
    85   if (function_exists ("incModFile")) {  
    86       incModFile();  
      65 $articleObj =& new Article($f_language_id);  
      66 $articleObj->create($f_article_type, $f_article_name);  
      67 if ($articleObj->exists()) {  
      68     $articleObj->setPublicationId($f_publication_id);  
      69     $articleObj->setIssueNumber($f_issue_number);  
      70     $articleObj->setSectionNumber($f_section_number);  
      71     $articleObj->setUserId($User->getUserId());  
      72     $articleObj->setIsPublic(true);  
      74     ## added by sebastian  
      75     if (function_exists ("incModFile")) {  
      76         incModFile();  
      77     }  
      79     header("Location: ".camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_id, "edit.php"));  
      80 }  
      81 else {  
      82     camp_html_display_error("Could not create article.");  
    87 83 }  
    89   header("Location: ".camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $Language, "edit.php"));  
    90 84 exit;  
    91 85 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/do_unlock.php

    r4101 r4122  
    7 7     exit;  
    8 8 }  
    9   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      9 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    9 9 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    10 10 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_add.php

    r4116 r4122  
    23 23 }  
    24 24  
    25   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      25 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    25 25 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    26 26 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_link.php

    r4101 r4122  
    15 15 }  
    16 16  
    17   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      17 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    17 17 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    18 18 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_unlink.php

    r4101 r4122  
    15 15 }  
    16 16  
    17   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      17 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    17 17 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    18 18 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_edit.php

    r4101 r4122  
    19 19 }  
    20 20  
    21   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      21 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    21 21 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    22 22 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
    40 40 $publicationObj =& new Publication($f_publication_id);  
    41 41 $issueObj =& new Issue($f_publication_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);  
    42   $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publcation_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
      42 $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publication_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
    42 42  
    43 43 // This file can only be accessed if the user has the right to change articles  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/add.php

    r4116 r4122  
    16 16 }  
    17 17 $maxId = Image::GetMaxId();  
    18   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      18 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    18 18 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    19 19 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
    30 30 $articleObj =& new Article($f_language_selected, $f_article_number);  
    31 31 $publicationObj =& new Publication($f_publication_id);  
    32   $issueObj =& new Issue($f_publcation_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);  
    33   $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publcation_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
      32 $issueObj =& new Issue($f_publication_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);  
      33 $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publication_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
    34 34  
    35 35 $ImageTemplateId = ArticleImage::GetUnusedTemplateId($f_article_number);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/preview.php

    r4116 r4122  
    10 10 $f_language_id = Input::Get('f_language_id', 'int', 0);  
    11 11 $f_language_selected = Input::Get('f_language_selected', 'int', 0);  
    12   $f_publcation_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      12 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    12 12 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
    13 13 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/edit.php

    r4121 r4122  
    1 1 <?php   
    2 2 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/$ADMIN_DIR/articles/article_common.php");  
      3 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/articles/editor_load_xinha.php");  
    3 4 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/classes/ArticlePublish.php');  
    4 5  
    155 156 }  
    156 157    
    157   ?>  
      158 if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?>  
    157 158 <style type="text/css">@import url(<?php echo $Campsite["WEBSITE_URL"]; ?>/javascript/jscalendar/calendar-system.css);</style>  
    158 159 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $Campsite["WEBSITE_URL"]; ?>/javascript/jscalendar/calendar.js"></script>  
    159 160 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $Campsite["WEBSITE_URL"]; ?>/javascript/jscalendar/lang/calendar-<?php echo $_REQUEST["TOL_Language"]; ?>.js"></script>  
    160 161 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $Campsite["WEBSITE_URL"]; ?>/javascript/jscalendar/calendar-setup.js"></script>  
      162 <?php } // if edit mode ?>  
    161 163  
    162 164 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="0" class="table_input" width="900px" style="margin-top: 5px;">  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/add.php

    r4101 r4122  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/articles/article_common.php");  
      3 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/classes/ArticleType.php");  
    3 4  
    4 5 list($access, $User) = check_basic_access($_REQUEST);  
    12 13 }  
    13 14  
    14   $Pub = Input::Get('Pub', 'int', 0);  
    15   $Issue = Input::Get('Issue', 'int', 0);  
    16   $Section = Input::Get('Section', 'int', 0);  
    17   $Language = Input::Get('Language', 'int', 0);  
    18   $Back = Input::Get('Back', 'string', 'index.php', true);  
    19   $Wiz = Input::Get('Wiz', 'int', 0, true);  
    20   if ($Wiz != 0) {  
    21       $Back = "/$ADMIN/home.php";  
    22   }  
      15 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
      16 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
      17 $f_section_number = Input::Get('f_section_number', 'int', 0);  
      18 $f_language_id = Input::Get('f_language_id', 'int', 0);  
    23 19  
    24 20 if (!Input::IsValid()) {  
    27 23 }  
    28 24  
    29   $publicationObj =& new Publication($Pub);  
    30   $issueObj =& new Issue($Pub, $Language, $Issue);  
    31   $sectionObj =& new Section($Pub, $Issue, $Language, $Section);  
    32   $languageObj =& new Language($Language);  
      25 $publicationObj =& new Publication($f_publication_id);  
      26 $issueObj =& new Issue($f_publication_id, $f_language_id, $f_issue_number);  
      27 $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publication_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
    33 28  
    34 29 $allArticleTypes = ArticleType::GetArticleTypes();  
    42 37 $topArray = array('Pub' => $publicationObj, 'Issue' => $issueObj,  
    43 38                   'Section' => $sectionObj);  
    44   camp_html_content_top(getGS('Add new article'), $topArray, true, true, array(getGS("Articles") => "/$ADMIN/articles/?Pub=$Pub&Issue=$Issue&Section=$Section&Language=$Language"));  
      39 camp_html_content_top(getGS('Add new article'), $topArray, true, true, array(getGS("Articles") => "/$ADMIN/articles/?f_publication_id=$f_publication_id&f_issue_number=$f_issue_number&f_section_number=$f_section_number&f_language_id=$f_language_id"));  
    44 39  
    45 40 ?>  
    65 60 <P>  
    66 61 <FORM NAME="dialog" METHOD="POST" ACTION="do_add.php" onsubmit="return validateForm(this, 0, 1, 0, 1, 8);">  
    67   <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Pub" VALUE="<?php  p($Pub); ?>">  
    68   <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Issue" VALUE="<?php  p($Issue); ?>">  
    69   <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Section" VALUE="<?php  p($Section); ?>">  
    70   <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Language" VALUE="<?php  p($Language); ?>">  
    71   <CENTER>  
    72   <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="6" ALIGN="CENTER" class="table_input">  
      62 <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_publication_id" VALUE="<?php p($f_publication_id); ?>">  
      63 <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_issue_number" VALUE="<?php p($f_issue_number); ?>">  
      64 <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_section_number" VALUE="<?php p($f_section_number); ?>">  
      65 <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_language_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_language_id); ?>">  
      66 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="6" class="table_input">  
    73 67 <TR>  
    74 68     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    80 74     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS("Name"); ?>:</TD>  
    81 75     <TD>  
    82       <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cName" SIZE="64" MAXLENGTH="140" class="input_text" alt="blank" emsg="<?php putGS('You must complete the $1 field.', getGS('Name')); ?>">  
      76     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_article_name" SIZE="64" MAXLENGTH="140" class="input_text" alt="blank" emsg="<?php putGS('You must complete the $1 field.', getGS('Name')); ?>">  
    82 76     </TD>  
    83 77 </TR>  
    86 80     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS("Type"); ?>:</TD>  
    87 81     <TD>  
    88           <SELECT NAME="cType" class="input_select" alt="select" emsg="<?php putGS('You must complete the $1 field.', getGS('Article Type')); ?>">  
      82         <SELECT NAME="f_article_type" class="input_select" alt="select" emsg="<?php putGS('You must complete the $1 field.', getGS('Article Type')); ?>">  
    88 82         <option></option>  
    89 83         <?php  
    99 93     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS("Language"); ?>:</TD>  
    100 94     <TD>  
    101           <SELECT NAME="cLanguage" class="input_select">  
      95         <SELECT NAME="f_article_language" class="input_select">  
    101 95         <?php  
    102 96         foreach ($allLanguages as $tmpLanguage) {  
    103 97             echo '<option value="'.$tmpLanguage->getLanguageId().'"';  
    104               if ($tmpLanguage->getLanguageId() == $Language) {  
      98             if ($tmpLanguage->getLanguageId() == $f_language_id) {  
    104 98                 echo "selected";  
    105 99             }  
    112 106     </TD>  
    113 107 </TR>  
    114   <!--<TR>  
    115       <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="cFrontPage" class="input_checkbox"></TD>  
    116       <TD>  
    117           <?php  putGS('Show article on front page'); ?>  
    118       </TD>  
    119   </TR>  
    120   <TR>  
    121       <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="cSectionPage" class="input_checkbox"></TD>  
    122       <TD>  
    123           <?php  putGS('Show article on section page'); ?>  
    124       </TD>  
    125   </TR>  
    126   <TR>  
    127       <TD COLSPAN="2"> <?php putGS("Enter keywords, comma separated");?></TD>  
    128   </TR>  
    129   <TR>  
    130       <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS("Keywords"); ?>:</TD>  
    131       <TD>  
    132           <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="cKeywords" SIZE="64" MAXLENGTH="255" class="input_text">  
    133       </TD>  
    134   </TR>  
    135   -->  
    136 108 <TR>  
    137 109     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    138 110         <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">  
    139 111         <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Save" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Save'); ?>" class="button">  
    140           <!--<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Cancel" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Cancel'); ?>" class="button" ONCLICK="location.href='<?php  p($Back); ?>'">-->  
    141 112         </DIV>  
    142 113     </TD>  
    143 114 </TR>  
    144 115 </TABLE>  
    145   </CENTER>  
    146 116 </FORM>  
    147 117 <P>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/issues/add_article.php

    r4085 r4122  
    33 33 ?>  
    34 34 <P>  
      35 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="1" class="indent">  
    35 35 <TR>  
    36 36     <TD><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite['ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL']; ?>/tol.gif" BORDER="0"></TD>  
    37       <TD><?php  putGS("Select the issue"); ?></TD>  
      37     <TD><b><?php  putGS("Select the issue"); ?></b></TD>  
    37 37 </TR>  
    38 38 </TABLE>  
    86 86         <?php  }  
    87 87  
    88           if ($nr >= $ItemsPerPage+1) { ?>  
      88         if ($IssOffs >= $ItemsPerPage+1) { ?>  
    88 88              | <B><A HREF="add_article.php?Pub=<?php  p($Pub); ?>&IssOffs=<?php p($IssOffs + $ItemsPerPage); ?>"><?php  putGS('Next'); ?> >></A></B>  
    89 89         <?php  } ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/Article.php

    r4116 r4122  
    162 162             $this->m_data['IdLanguage']);  
    163 163         $articleData->create();  
      165         $logtext = getGS('Article #$1 "$2" ($3) created.',  
      166             $this->m_data['Number'], $this->m_data['Name'], $this->getLanguageName());  
      167         Log::Message($logtext, null, 31);  
    164 168     } // fn create  
    165 169  
    724 728     } // fn getPublicationId  
    725 729      
      731     /**  
      732      * Set the publication ID.  
      733      *  
      734      * @param int $p_value  
      735      * @return boolean  
      736      */  
      737     function setPublicationId($p_value)  
      738     {  
      739         if (is_numeric($p_value)) {  
      740             return $this->setProperty('IdPublication', $p_value);  
      741         } else {  
      742             return false;  
      743         }  
      744     } // fn setPublicationId  
    726 746      
    727 747     /**  
      748      * Get the issue that the article resides within.  
      749      *  
    728 750      * @return int  
    729 751      */  
    735 757      
    736 758     /**  
      759      * Set the issue number.  
      760      *  
      761      * @param int $p_value  
      762      * @return boolean  
      763      */  
      764     function setIssueNumber($p_value)  
      765     {  
      766         if (is_numeric($p_value)) {  
      767             return $this->setProperty('NrIssue', $p_value);  
      768         } else {  
      769             return false;  
      770         }  
      771     } // fn setIssueNumber  
      774     /**  
    737 775      * @return int  
    738 776      */  
    744 782      
    745 783     /**  
      784      * Set the section number.  
      785      *  
      786      * @param int $p_value  
      787      * @return boolean  
      788      */  
      789     function setSectionNumber($p_value)  
      790     {  
      791         if (is_numeric($p_value)) {  
      792             return $this->setProperty('NrSection', $p_value);  
      793         } else {  
      794             return false;  
      795         }  
      796     } // fn setSectionNumber  
      799     /**  
    746 800      * @return int  
    747 801      */