Changeset 4129

Mon Dec 5 19:29:39 2005

Added article attachment feature with language-specific descriptions - i.e. the description of the file can be set differently for each translation of the article. Fixed naming issues in classes/ArticleImage?.php where some names were using articleId instead of articleNumber. Added camp_format_bytes() which shows bytes in human readable format. Fixed bug in DatabaseObject?::keyValuesExist() where it would give a warning message if a key value did not exist.



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lib_campsite.php

    r4116 r4129  
    128 128  
    129 129 /**  
      130  * Transform bytes into a human-readable string.  
      131  *  
      132  * @param int $p_bytes  
      133  * @return string  
      134  */  
      135 function camp_format_bytes($p_bytes)  
      136 {  
      137     if ( ($p_bytes / 1073741824) > 1) {  
      138         return round($p_bytes/1073741824, 1).' '.getGS('GB');  
      139     } else if ( ($p_bytes / 1048576) > 1) {  
      140         return round($p_bytes/1048576, 1).' '.getGS('MB');  
      141     } else if ( ($p_bytes / 1024) > 1) {  
      142         return round($p_bytes/1024, 1).' '.getGS('KB');  
      143     } else {  
      144         return round($p_bytes, 1).' '.getGS('bytes');  
      145     }  
      146 } // fn camp_format_bytes  
      149 /**  
    130 150  * Load the global and local language files.  
    131 151  * @param string $p_name  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/autopublish.php

    r4121 r4129  
    55 55 $articleEvents = ArticlePublish::GetArticleEvents($f_article_number, $f_language_selected);  
    56 56  
    57   //$topArray = array('Pub' => $publicationObj, 'Issue' => $issueObj,  
    58   //                'Section' => $sectionObj, 'Article'=>$articleObj);  
    59   //camp_html_content_top(getGS("Scheduled Publishing"), $topArray);  
    61 57 $publishTime = date("Y-m-d H:i");  
    62 58 if ($articleObj->getPublished() != 'N') {  
    188 184     <TD COLSPAN="2" align="center">  
    189 185     <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Save" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Save'); ?>" class="button">  
      187     <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Cancel" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Cancel'); ?>" class="button" onclick="window.close();">  
    190 188     </TD>  
    191 189 </TR>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_add.php

    r4122 r4129  
    68 68 // Check if image was added successfully  
    69 69 if (!is_object($image)) {  
    70       header('Location: '.camp_html_display_error($image, $BackLink));  
      70     camp_html_display_error($image, $BackLink);  
    70 70     exit;     
    71 71 }  
    77 77 Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 41);  
    78 78  
    79   // Go back to article image list.  
    80   //$redirectLocation = camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_id, 'images/edit.php')  
    81   //     ."&ImageId=".$image->getImageId()."&ImageTemplateId=$ImageTemplateId";  
    82   ////echo $redirectLocation;  
    83   //header("Location: $redirectLocation");  
    84   //exit;  
    85 79 ?>  
    86 80 <script>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/add.php

    r4122 r4129  
    37 37 $q_now = $Campsite['db']->GetOne("SELECT LEFT(NOW(), 10)");  
    38 38  
    39   // Add extra breadcrumb for image list.  
    40   //$extraCrumbs = array(getGS("Images")=>"/$ADMIN/articles/images/?Pub=$Pub&Issue=$Issue&Language=$Language&Section=$Section&Article=$Article&sLanguage=$sLanguage");  
    41   //$topArray = array('Pub' => $publicationObj, 'Issue' => $issueObj,  
    42   //                'Section' => $sectionObj, 'Article'=>$articleObj);  
    43   //camp_html_content_top(getGS("Add New Image"), $topArray, true, true, $extraCrumbs);  
    45 39 ?>  
    46 40 <script>  
    123 117 </TABLE>  
    124 118 </FORM>  
    125   <P>  
    127   <?php //camp_html_copyright_notice(); ?>  
      119 <P>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/edit.php

    r4122 r4129  
    3 3 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/articles/editor_load_xinha.php");  
    4 4 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/classes/ArticlePublish.php');  
      5 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/classes/ArticleAttachment.php');  
    5 6  
    6 7 list($access, $User) = check_basic_access($_REQUEST);  
    45 46 $articleEvents = ArticlePublish::GetArticleEvents($f_article_number, $f_language_selected);  
    46 47 $articleTopics = ArticleTopic::GetArticleTopics($f_article_number, $f_language_selected);  
      48 $articleFiles = ArticleAttachment::GetAttachmentsByArticleNumber($f_article_number, $f_language_selected);  
    47 49  
    48 50 // Automatically switch to "view" mode if user doesnt have permissions.  
    683 685             <!-- END Images table -->  
    684 686         </TD></TR>  
      689         <TR><TD>  
      690             <!-- BEGIN Files table -->  
      691             <TABLE width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #EEEEEE;">  
      692             <TR>  
      693                 <TD>  
      694                     <TABLE width="100%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">  
      695                     <TR>  
      696                         <TD align="left">  
      697                         <b><?php putGS("Files"); ?></b>  
      698                         </td>  
      699                         <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") {  ?>  
      700                         <td align="right">  
      701                             <img src="<?php p($Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]);?>/add.png" border="0">  
      702                             <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="'<?php echo camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_selected, "files/popup.php"); ?>', 'attach_file', 'scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, menubar=no, toolbar=no, width=500, height=400, top=200, left=100');"><?php putGS("Attach"); ?></a>  
      703                         </td>  
      704                         <?php } ?>  
      705                     </tr>  
      706                     </table>  
      707                 </td>  
      708             </tr>  
      709             <?PHP  
      710             foreach ($articleFiles as $file) {  
      711                 $fileEditUrl = "/$ADMIN/articles/files/edit.php?f_publication_id=$f_publication_id&f_issue_number=$f_issue_number&f_section_number=$f_section_number&f_article_number=$f_article_number&f_attachment_id=".$file->getAttachmentId()."&f_language_id=$f_language_id&f_language_selected=$f_language_selected";  
      712                 $deleteUrl = "/$ADMIN/articles/files/do_del.php?f_publication_id=$f_publication_id&f_issue_number=$f_issue_number&f_section_number=$f_section_number&f_article_number=$f_article_number&f_attachment_id=".$file->getAttachmentId()."&f_language_selected=$f_language_selected&f_language_id=$f_language_id";  
      713             ?>  
      714             <tr>  
      715                 <td align="center" width="100%">  
      716                     <table>  
      717                     <tr>  
      718                         <td align="center" valign="middle">  
      719                             <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?><a href="<?php p($fileEditUrl); ?>"><?php } p(wordwrap($file->getFileName(), "25", "<br>", true)); ?><?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?></a><?php } ?><br><?php p($file->getDescription($f_language_selected)); ?>  
      720                         </td>  
      721                         <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?>  
      722                         <td>  
      723                             <a href="<?php p($deleteUrl); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS("Are you sure you want to remove the file \\'$1\\' from the article?", camp_javascriptspecialchars($file->getFileName())); ?>');"><img src="<?php p($Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]);?>/unlink.png" border="0"></a>  
      724                         </td>  
      725                         <?php } ?>  
      726                     </tr>  
      727                     <tr>  
      728                         <td align="center"><?php p(camp_format_bytes($file->getSizeInBytes())); ?></td>  
      729                         <td></td>  
      730                     </tr>  
      731                     </table>  
      732                 </td>  
      733             </tr>  
      734             <?php } ?>  
      735             </TABLE>  
      736             <!-- END Files table -->  
      737         </TD></TR>  
    685 740          
    686 741         <TR><TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/DatabaseObject.php

    r4073 r4129  
    310 310     {  
    311 311         foreach ($this->m_keyColumnNames as $columnName) {  
    312               if (!$this->m_data[$columnName]) {  
      312             if (!isset($this->m_data[$columnName]) || empty($this->m_data[$columnName])) {  
    312 312                 return false;  
    313 313             }  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/ArticleImage.php

    r4102 r4129  
    26 26     var $m_image = null;  
    27 27      
    28       function ArticleImage($p_articleId = null, $p_imageId = null, $p_templateId = null)  
      28     /**  
      29      * The ArticleImage table links together Articles with Images.  
      30      *  
      31      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
      32      * @param int $p_imageId  
      33      * @param int $p_templateId  
      34      * @return ArticleImage  
      35      */  
      36     function ArticleImage($p_articleNumber = null, $p_imageId = null, $p_templateId = null)  
    29 37     {  
    30           if (!is_null($p_articleId) && !is_null($p_imageId)) {  
    31               $this->m_data['NrArticle'] = $p_articleId;  
      38         if (!is_null($p_articleNumber) && !is_null($p_imageId)) {  
      39             $this->m_data['NrArticle'] = $p_articleNumber;  
    32 40             $this->m_data['IdImage'] = $p_imageId;  
    33 41             $this->fetch();  
    34 42         }  
    35           elseif (!is_null($p_articleId) && !is_null($p_templateId)) {  
    36               $this->m_data['NrArticle'] = $p_articleId;  
      43         elseif (!is_null($p_articleNumber) && !is_null($p_templateId)) {  
      44             $this->m_data['NrArticle'] = $p_articleNumber;  
    37 45             $this->m_data['Number'] = $p_templateId;  
    38 46             $this->m_keyColumnNames = array('NrArticle', 'Number');  
    70 78      
    71 79     /**  
    72        *  
      80      * Return an Image object.  
    72 80      */  
    73 81     function getImage()  
    80 88     /**  
    81 89      * Get a free Template ID.  
    82        * @param int $p_articleId  
      90      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    82 90      */  
    83       function GetUnusedTemplateId($p_articleId)  
      91     function GetUnusedTemplateId($p_articleNumber)  
    83 91     {  
    84 92         global $Campsite;  
    85 93         // Get the highest template ID and add one.  
    86           $queryStr = "SELECT MAX(Number)+1 FROM ArticleImages WHERE NrArticle=$p_articleId";  
      94         $queryStr = "SELECT MAX(Number)+1 FROM ArticleImages WHERE NrArticle=$p_articleNumber";  
    86 94         $templateId = $Campsite['db']->GetOne($queryStr);  
    87 95         if (!$templateId) {  
    98 106      * Return true if article already is using the given template ID, false otherwise.  
    99 107      *  
    100        * @param int $p_articleId  
      108      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    100 108      * @param int $p_templateId  
    101 109      *  
    102 110      * @return boolean  
    103 111      */  
    104       function TemplateIdInUse($p_articleId, $p_templateId)  
      112     function TemplateIdInUse($p_articleNumber, $p_templateId)  
    104 112     {  
    105 113         global $Campsite;  
    106 114         $queryStr = "SELECT Number FROM ArticleImages"  
    107                       ." WHERE NrArticle=$p_articleId AND Number=$p_templateId";  
      115                     ." WHERE NrArticle=$p_articleNumber AND Number=$p_templateId";  
    107 115         $value = $Campsite['db']->GetOne($queryStr);  
    108 116         if ($value !== false) {  
    120 128     /**  
    121 129      * Get all the images that belong to this article.  
      130      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    122 131      * @return array  
    123 132      */  
    124       function GetImagesByArticleNumber($p_articleId)  
      133     function GetImagesByArticleNumber($p_articleNumber)  
    124 133     {  
    125 134         global $Campsite;  
    131 140                     .', ArticleImages.Number, ArticleImages.NrArticle, ArticleImages.IdImage'  
    132 141                     .' FROM Images, ArticleImages'  
    133                       .' WHERE ArticleImages.NrArticle='.$p_articleId  
      142                     .' WHERE ArticleImages.NrArticle='.$p_articleNumber  
    133 142                     .' AND ArticleImages.IdImage=Images.Id'  
    134 143                     .' ORDER BY ArticleImages.Number';  
    154 163      *  
    155 164      * @param int $p_imageId  
    156        *  
    157        * @param int $p_articleId  
    158        *  
      165      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    159 166      * @param int $p_templateId  
    160 167      *      Optional.  If not specified, this will be the next highest number  
    163 170      * @return void  
    164 171      */  
    165       function AddImageToArticle($p_imageId, $p_articleId, $p_templateId = null)  
      172     function AddImageToArticle($p_imageId, $p_articleNumber, $p_templateId = null)  
    165 172     {  
    166 173         global $Campsite;  
    167 174         if (is_null($p_templateId)) {  
    168               $p_templateId = ArticleImage::GetUnusedTemplateId($p_articleId);  
      175             $p_templateId = ArticleImage::GetUnusedTemplateId($p_articleNumber);  
    168 175         }  
    169 176         $queryStr = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ArticleImages(NrArticle, IdImage, Number)'  
    170                       .' VALUES('.$p_articleId.', '.$p_imageId.', '.$p_templateId.')';  
      177                     .' VALUES('.$p_articleNumber.', '.$p_imageId.', '.$p_templateId.')';  
    170 177         $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr);  
    171 178     } // fn AddImageToArticle  
    178 185      * This call will only work for entries that already exist.  
    179 186      *  
    180        * @param int $p_articleId  
      187      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    180 187      * @param int $p_imageId  
    181 188      * @param int $p_templateId  
    184 191      * @return void  
    185 192      */  
    186       function SetTemplateId($p_articleId, $p_imageId, $p_templateId)  
      193     function SetTemplateId($p_articleNumber, $p_imageId, $p_templateId)  
    186 193     {  
    187 194         global $Campsite;  
    188 195         $queryStr = "UPDATE ArticleImages SET Number=$p_templateId"  
    189                       ." WHERE NrArticle=$p_articleId AND IdImage=$p_imageId";  
      196                     ." WHERE NrArticle=$p_articleNumber AND IdImage=$p_imageId";  
    189 196         $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr);  
    190 197     } // fn SetTemplateId  
    198 205      *  
    199 206      * @param int $p_imageId  
    200        * @param int $p_articleId  
      207      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    200 207      * @param int $p_templateId  
    201 208      *  
    202 209      * @return void  
    203 210      */  
    204       function RemoveImageFromArticle($p_imageId, $p_articleId, $p_templateId)  
      211     function RemoveImageFromArticle($p_imageId, $p_articleNumber, $p_templateId)  
    204 211     {  
    205 212         global $Campsite;  
    206           ArticleImage::RemoveImageTagsFromArticleText($p_articleId, $p_templateId);  
      213         ArticleImage::RemoveImageTagsFromArticleText($p_articleNumber, $p_templateId);  
    206 213         $queryStr = 'DELETE FROM ArticleImages'  
    207                       .' WHERE NrArticle='.$p_articleId  
      214                     .' WHERE NrArticle='.$p_articleNumber  
    207 214                     .' AND IdImage='.$p_imageId  
    208 215                     .' AND Number='.$p_templateId  
    220 227      *  
    221 228      * @param int $p_imageId  
    222        * @param int $p_articleId  
      229      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    222 229      * @param int $p_templateId  
    223 230      * @return void  
    224 231      */  
    225       function RemoveImageTagsFromArticleText($p_articleId, $p_templateId)  
      232     function RemoveImageTagsFromArticleText($p_articleNumber, $p_templateId)  
    225 232     {  
    226 233         // Get all the articles  
    227           $articles = Article::GetArticles(null, null, null, null, $p_articleId);  
      234         $articles = Article::GetArticles(null, null, null, null, $p_articleNumber);  
    227 234          
    228 235         // The REGEX  
    275 282     /**  
    276 283      * Remove image pointers for the given article.  
    277        * @param int $p_articleId  
      284      * @param int $p_articleNumber  
    277 284      * @return void  
    278 285      */  
    279       function OnArticleDelete($p_articleId)  
      286     function OnArticleDelete($p_articleNumber)  
    279 286     {  
    280 287         global $Campsite;  
    281 288         $queryStr = 'DELETE FROM ArticleImages'  
    282                       ." WHERE NrArticle='".$p_articleId."'";  
      289                     ." WHERE NrArticle='".$p_articleNumber."'";  
    282 289         $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr);         
    283 290     } // fn OnArticleDelete  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/configuration.php

    r4101 r4129  
    54 54 $Campsite['THUMBNAIL_BASE_URL'] = $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL'].'/images/thumbnails/';  
    55 55 $Campsite['THUMBNAIL_PREFIX'] = 'cms-thumb-';  
      56 $Campsite['FILE_DIRECTORY'] = $Campsite['HTML_DIR'].'/files';  
      57 $Campsite['FILE_NUM_DIRS_LEVEL_1'] = "1000";  
      58 $Campsite['FILE_NUM_DIRS_LEVEL_2'] = "1000";  
    56 59 $Campsite['TMP_DIRECTORY'] = '/tmp/';  
    57 60 $Campsite['HELP_URL'] = '';  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/admin.php

    r4104 r4129  
    19 19     '/articles/images/view.php',  
    20 20     '/articles/topics/popup.php',  
      21     '/articles/files/popup.php',  
    21 22     '/articles/empty.php');  
    22 23