Changeset 4145

Thu Dec 8 22:10:00 2005

Fixed issue #1576: Install script needs to create the /attachments/ directory. Fixed issue #1577: Create permissions for Attachments. Moved some more log messages into the API. Started the long, dark road of localization.



  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Adaug secţiuni");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Adaug secţiuni la subscriere");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Secţiunea a fost adăugată cu succes");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Verificaţi dacă există deja o altă subscriere cu aceeaşi secţiune");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi subscrierea la secţiunea $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Subscrierea la secţiunea $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Subscrierea la secţiunea $1 nu poate fi ştearsă");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Modifică subscrierea");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- TOATE SECŢIUNILE --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Actualizez subscrierea");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Subscrierea a fost actualizată");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Subscrierea nu poate fi actualizată");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Modific subscrierea");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "Tipul de utilizator $1 nu poate fi adăugat");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "Verificaţi dacă tipul de utilizator există deja");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "Tipul de utilizator $1 a fost adăugat");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi tipul de utilizator $1?");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "Nu există tipul de utilizator");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "Tipul de utilizator a fost şters");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "Tipul de utilizator nu poate fi şters");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Tipul de utilizator $1 a fost şters");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Modifică drepturile tipului de utilizator");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "Nu aveţi dreptul să modificaţi drepturile tipului de utilizator");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "Subscriere de probă");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi subscrierile la publicaţia $1?");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Subscrierea a fost ştearsă");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Subscrierea nu poate fi ştearsă");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "Adaugă secţiunile acum");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Cu plată (confirmă plata acum)");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "Probă");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Subscrierea a fost adăugată cu succes");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Subscrierea nu poate fi adăugată");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Verificaţi dacă există altă subscriere la aceeaşi publicaţie");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Doriţi să deactivaţi subscrierea?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Doriţi să activaţi subscrierea?");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Schimb starea subscrierii");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Subscrierea a fost activată");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Subscrierea a fost deactivată");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Starea subscrierii nu poate fi schimbată");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "Actualizare plată");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Plata subscrierii a fost actualizată");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Plata subscrierii nu poate fi actualizată");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("Show article on section page", "Afişează articolul în pagina secţiunii");  
    7 7 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Introduceţi cuvintele cheie separate de virgulă");  
    8   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Articolul $1 a fost adăugat la $2. $3 din $4. $5 din $6");  
    9 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi articolul $1 ($2)?");  
    10 9 regGS("Change article status", "Modific starea articolului");  
    18 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Doriţi să îl deblocaţi?");  
    19 18 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    20   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Articolul a fost modificat");  
    21 19 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Articolul nu poate fi modificat sau nu au fost modificări");  
    22 20 regGS("Duplicate article", "Duplică articolul");  
    23 21 regGS("The destination section is the same as the source section.", "Secţiunea destinaţie este aceeaşi cu cea sursă");  
      22 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    24 24 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Tipul de articol $1 există deja");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Tipul de articole $1 a fost adăugat");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Şterge tip de articol");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Nu aveţi dreptul să ştergeţi tipuri de articole");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi tipul de articole $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Şterg tipul de articol");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Tipul de articol $1 a fost şters");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Tipul de articol $1 nu poate fi şters");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Adaugă imagine");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "Adaugă o imagine existentă");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Data (aaaa-ll-zz)");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "Şterge imaginea $1");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "Şterge imaginea din articol");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "Adaugă imaginea la articol");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "Introduceţi un număr al imaginii in cadrul articolului");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "Modifică datele imaginii");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Datele imaginii $1 au fost modificate");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imaginea $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Nu aveţi dreptul să adăugaţi imagini");  
    22   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Imaginea $1 a fost adăugată");  
    23 14 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 a fost adăugat");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Imaginea $1 a fost adăugată");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imaginea $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Nume");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "Şablonul paginii principale");  
    29 30 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi ediţia $1?");  
    30 31 regGS("Deleting issue", "Şterg ediţia");  
    31   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Ediţia $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    32 32 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Ediţia $1 nu poate fi ştearsă");  
    33 33 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Toate secţiunile din ediţia $1 din publicaţia $2 au fost şterse");  
    43 43 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Copiază structura de la ediţia nr $1");  
    44 44 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Copiez ediţia anterioară");  
    45   regGS("Copying done.", "Copierea terminată cu succes");  
    46 45 regGS("Select the issue", "Selectaţi ediţia");  
    47 46 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Ediţia nouă $1 din $2 în publicaţia $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Name", "Nume");  
    9 9 regGS("Keyword", "Cuvânt cheie");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "Tipuri de informaţie");  
    11 10 regGS("Languages", "Limbi");  
    12 11 regGS("Native name", "Nume in limba originală");  
    38 37 regGS("---Select article---", "---Selectaţi articolul---");  
    39 38 regGS("Language", "Limbă");  
    40   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Tipul de informaţie al cuvîntului cheie");  
    41 39 regGS("Translation", "Traducere");  
    42   regGS("Infotype", "Tip de informaţie");  
    43 40 regGS("Country", "Ţară");  
    44 41 regGS("User name", "Nume utilizator");  
    62 59 regGS("Article Types", "Tipuri de articole");  
    63 60 regGS("User Types", "Tipuri de utilizatori");  
    64   regGS("Glossary", "Glosar");  
    65   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Tipuri de informaţie ale cuvîntului cheie");  
    66 61 regGS("Publications", "Publicaţii");  
    67 62 regGS("Issues", "Ediţii");  
    121 116 regGS("Place", "Loc");  
    122 117 regGS("Date", "Data");  
    123   regGS("Publ. no.", "Nr. publ.");  
    124   regGS("Issue no.", "Nr. ediţie");  
    125   regGS("Section no.", "Nr. secţiune");  
    126 118 regGS("Image number", "Număr imagine");  
    127 119 regGS("Users", "Utilizatori");  
    128   regGS("User is a reader", "Utilizatorul este abonat");  
    129 120 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Utilizatorul poate adăuga/modifica publicaţii");  
    130 121 regGS("User may delete publications", "Utilizatorul poate şterge publicaţii");  
    149 140 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Utilizatorul poate adăuga limbi si modifica informaţiile despre limbi");  
    150 141 regGS("User may delete languages", "Utilizatorul poate limbi");  
    151   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Utilizatorul poate modifica tipurile de informaţie din glosar");  
    152   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Utilizatorul poate adăuga/modifica intrările din glosar");  
    153   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Utilizatorul poate şterge intrări din glosar");  
    154 142 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Utilizatorul va fi anunţat in cazul apariţiei unor evenimente");  
    155 143 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Utilizatorul poate vizuliza înregistrările din log");  
    161 149 regGS("User may manage topics", "Utilizatorul poate modifica topicele");  
    162 150 regGS("Adding new translation", "Utilizatorul poate adăuga traduceri");  
    163   regGS("Translate keyword", "Tradu cuvântul cheie");  
    164 151 regGS("No more languages.", "Nu există alte limbi");  
    165   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Tipul de informaţie al cuvântului cheie nu există");  
    166   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Adaug noul tip de informaţie al cuvântului cheie");  
    167   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Tipul de informaţie a fost şters");  
    168   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Tipul de informaţie nu poate fi şters");  
    169 152 regGS("Add new publication", "Adaugă publicaţie");  
    170 153 regGS("Upload new template", "Transferă şablon");  
    179 162 regGS("Your articles", "Articole personale");  
    180 163 regGS("Submitted articles", "Articole anunţate");  
    181   regGS("Quick Menu", "Meniu rapid");  
    182 164 regGS("Logs", "Loguri");  
    183 165 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Mai sunt $1 articole");  
    196 178 regGS("Delete subscription", "Şterge subscriere");  
    197 179 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Nu aveţi dreptul de a şterge subscrieri");  
    198   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Şterg subscriere");  
    199 180 regGS("No such subscription.", "Subscrierea nu există");  
    200 181 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Secţiunea $1 nu poate fi ştearsă");  
    203 184 regGS("No", "Nu");  
    204 185 regGS("No issues.", "Nu exista ediţii");  
    205   regGS("Back to article details", "Înapoi la editarea articolului");  
    206 186 regGS("Adding new topic", "Adaug topic nou");  
    207 187 regGS("Topic $1 added", "Topicul $1 a fost adăugat");  
    212 192 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Mai sunt $1 topicuri");  
    213 193 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Topicul $1 a fost şters");  
    214   regGS("Changing topic name", "Modific numele topicului");  
    215 194 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Nu aveţi dreptul să modificaţi numele topicului");  
    216 195 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Topicul $1 a fost actualizat");  
    219 198 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Şterge topicul $1");  
    220 199 regGS("No topics", "Nu există topice");  
    221   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Topicul $1 a fost adăugat cu succes");  
    222   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Topicul $1 a fost modificat cu succes");  
    223 200 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Topicul $1 a fost şters");  
    224 201 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Mai sînt $1 articole care folosesc topicul");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Nu există imagini");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Vizualizare imagine");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Modifică datele imaginii");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Datele imaginii $1 au fost modificate");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi imaginea $1 ?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imaginea $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Imaginea $1 a fost adăugată");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ro/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Nume");  
    5 6 regGS("No publications.", "Nu există publicaţii");  
    6 7 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Ţara<br><font size=-1>(click pt. a edita)</font>");  
    7   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Şterge înregistrarea $1");  
    8   regGS("No entries defined.", "Nu există înregistrări");  
      8 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Şterge înregistrarea $1");  
    9 9 regGS("Change publication information", "Modifică informaţia despre publicaţie");  
    10 10 regGS("You do not have the right to edit publication information.", "Nu aveţi dreptul de a edita informaţia despre publicaţie");  
    11 11 regGS("Changing publication information", "Modific informaţia despre publicaţie");  
    12 12 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Nu aveţi dreptul de a modifica informaţia despre publicaţie");  
    13   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Publicaţia $1 a fost modificată cu succes");  
    14 13 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publicaţia $1 a fost modificată");  
    15 14 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Informaţia despre publicaţie nu poate fi modificată");  
    16 15 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Verificaţi dacă nu există altă publicaţie cu acelaşi nume sau acealşi sit");  
    17   regGS("Delete publication", "Şterge publicaţia");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Nu aveti dreptul sa ştergeţi publicaţii");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi publicaţia $1?");  
    20 18 regGS("Deleting publication", "Şterg publicaţia");  
    21 19 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Mai sunt $1 subscrieri");  
    22   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Publicaţia $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    23 20 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Publicaţia $1 nu poate fi ştearsă");  
    24 21 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publicaţia $1 a fost ştearsă");  
    31 28 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Adaug timp implicit de subscriere la ţară");  
    32 29 regGS("You must select a country.", "Trebuie să selectaţi o ţară");  
    33   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 a fost adăugat");  
    34 30 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Timp implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 nu poate fi adăugat");  
    35 31 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Modifică timpul implicit de subscriere la ţară");  
    36 32 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Nu există timp implicit de subscriere la ţară");  
    37   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Modifică timpul implicit de subscriere la ţară");  
    38   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 a fost modificat cu succes");  
    39 33 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 a fost modificat");  
    40   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Timpul implicit de subscriere nu poate fi modificat");  
    41 34 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Şterge timpul implicit de subscriere");  
    42 35 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Doriţi să ştergeţi timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1?");  
    43   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Şterg timp implicit de subscriere");  
    44   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 a fost şters");  
    45   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 nu poate fi şters");  
    46 36 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Timpul implicit de subscriere la ţara $1 a fost şters");  
    47 37 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Nume");  
    48   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Publicaţia $1 a fost adăugată");  
    49 38 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publicaţia $1 a fost adăugată");  
    50 39 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "正在增加区");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "正在向订阅增加区");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "区被成功添加");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "请确认是否存在同样区的其它订阅");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "你确认要删除区$1的订阅?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "向区$1的订阅已删除");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "向区$1的订阅不能删除");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "改变订阅");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "--所有区--");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "正在更新订阅");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "订阅已被更新");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "订阅不能被更新");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "正在改变订阅");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "用户类型不能被添加");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "请检查同样名称的用户类型已经存在");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "用户类型$1已添加");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "您确认要删除用户类型$1?");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "无此用户类型");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "用户类型已删除");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "用户类型不能删除");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "用户类型$1已删除");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "改变用户类型许可");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "您无权改变用户类型许可");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "无国家");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "您无权增加国家");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "正在增加新国家");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "国家$1已被建立");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "国家$1不能建立");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "国家$1已增加");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "您确定要删除国家$1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "正在删除国家");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "国家$1已被删除");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "国家$1不能删除");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "国家$1被删除");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "编辑国家名称");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "您无权改变国家名称");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "无此国家名称");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "正在改变国家名称");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "国家名称$1已被改变");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "国家名称$1不能改变");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "国家名称$1被改变");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "翻译国家名称");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "您无权修改国家名称");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "国家名称$1已被翻译");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "国家名称$1不能被翻译");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "国家名称$1已翻译");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "试订阅");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "您确认要删除发布$1的订阅");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "订阅已被删除");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "订阅不能删除");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "现在增加区");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "已付(现在确认付款)");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "试用");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "订阅已被成功添加");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "订阅不能被添加");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "请确认是否有同样发布的其它订阅");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "您确认要解除订阅?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "您确认要激活订阅?");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "正在改变订阅状态");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "订阅已被激活");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "订阅已被解除");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "订阅状态不能改变");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "更新付款");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "订阅付款被更新");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "订阅付款不能修改");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("Show article on section page", "在区页显示文章");  
    7 7 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "输入关键词,用逗号隔开");  
    8   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "文章$1被加到$2,$3来自$4。$6中的$5");  
    9 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "您要删除文章$1($2)");  
    10 9 regGS("Change article status", "修改文章状态");  
    18 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "你确认要解锁?");  
    19 18 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    20   regGS("The article has been updated.", "文章已被更新");  
    21 19 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "文章不能被更新,因此无变化");  
    22 20 regGS("Duplicate article", "");  
    23 21 regGS("The destination section is the same as the source section.", "");  
      22 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    24 24 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "文章类型$1已经存在");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "文章类型$1已被添加");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "删除文章类型");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "您权删除文章类型");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "您确认要删除文章类型$1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "正在删除文章类型");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "文章类型$1已被删除");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "文章类型$1不能删除");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "添加新图片");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "日期(yyyy-mm-dd)");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "删除图片$1");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "修改图片信息");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "已变化$1的图片属性");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "图片$1已删除");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "您无权限增加图片");  
    22   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "图片$1已被添加");  
    23 14 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "增加新国家的默认订阅时间");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "图片$1已被添加");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "图片$1已删除");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "名称");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "首页模版");  
    29 30 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "你确认删除议题$1");  
    30 31 regGS("Deleting issue", "正在删除议题");  
    31   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "议题$1已被删除");  
    32 32 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "议题$1不能被删除");  
    33 33 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "来自发布$2的议题$1的所有区已删除");  
    43 43 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "从$1议题复制结构");  
    44 44 regGS("Copying previous issue", "正在复制以前的议题");  
    45   regGS("Copying done.", "复制完成");  
    46 45 regGS("Select the issue", "选择议题");  
    47 46 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "在发布$3来自$2的新议题$1");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Name", "名称");  
    9 9 regGS("Keyword", "关键词");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "内容类型");  
    11 10 regGS("Languages", "语言");  
    12 11 regGS("Native name", "本地名称");  
    26 25 regGS("Go up", "向上");  
    27 26 regGS("Language", "语言");  
    28   regGS("Keyword infotype", "关键字类型");  
    29 27 regGS("Translation", "翻译");  
    30   regGS("Infotype", "内容类型");  
    31 28 regGS("Country", "国家");  
    32 29 regGS("User name", "用户名");  
    50 47 regGS("Article Types", "文章类型");  
    51 48 regGS("User Types", "用户类型");  
    52   regGS("Glossary", "术语");  
    53   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "关键字类型");  
    54 49 regGS("Publications", "出版物");  
    55 50 regGS("Issues", "问题");  
    104 99 regGS("Place", "地点");  
    105 100 regGS("Date", "日期");  
    106   regGS("Publ. no.", "出版号码");  
    107   regGS("Issue no.", "问题号码");  
    108   regGS("Section no.", "区域号码");  
    109 101 regGS("Image number", "图片号码");  
    110 102 regGS("Users", "用户");  
    111   regGS("User is a reader", "用户是读者");  
    112 103 regGS("User may add/change publications", "用户可以添加/改变发布");  
    113 104 regGS("User may delete publications", "用户可以删除发布");  
    132 123 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "用户可添加/管理语言信息");  
    133 124 regGS("User may delete languages", "用户可删除语言");  
    134   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "用户可管理术语表");  
    135   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "用户可添加删除术语入口");  
    136   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "用户可删除术语入口");  
    137 125 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "用户将被告知");  
    138 126 regGS("User may view audit logs", "用户可查看日志");  
    144 132 regGS("User may manage topics", "用户可管理主题");  
    145 133 regGS("Adding new translation", "添加新翻译");  
    146   regGS("Translate keyword", "翻译关键字");  
    147 134 regGS("No more languages.", "无更多语言");  
    148   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "无此关键字类型");  
    149   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "添加新关键字类型");  
    150   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "类型已删除");  
    151   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "此类型不能被删除");  
    152 135 regGS("Add new publication", "添加新发布");  
    153 136 regGS("Upload new template", "上载新模版");  
    162 145 regGS("Your articles", "你的文章");  
    163 146 regGS("Submitted articles", "提交文章");  
    164   regGS("Quick Menu", "快捷菜单");  
    165 147 regGS("Logs", "日志");  
    166 148 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "还有$1篇文章");  
    179 161 regGS("Delete subscription", "删除订阅");  
    180 162 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "你没有删除订阅的权限");  
    181   regGS("Deleting subscription", "删除权限");  
    182 163 regGS("No such subscription.", "无此订阅");  
    183 164 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "$1区不能被删除");  
    186 167 regGS("No", "否");  
    187 168 regGS("No issues.", "无问题");  
    188   regGS("Back to article details", "返回到文章细节");  
    189 169 regGS("Adding new topic", "添加新主题");  
    190 170 regGS("Topic $1 added", "主题$1已添加");  
    195 175 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "还有$1子主题");  
    196 176 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "主题$1已删除");  
    197   regGS("Changing topic name", "改变主题名称");  
    198 177 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "你没有权限改变主题名");  
    199 178 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "主题$1已更新");  
    202 181 regGS("Delete topic $1", "删除主题$1");  
    203 182 regGS("No topics", "无主题");  
    204   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "主题$1已被成功添加");  
    205   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "主题$1已被成功更新");  
    206 183 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "主题$1已被删除");  
    207 184 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "有$1篇文章用此主题");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "无图片");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "查看图片");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "修改图片信息");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "已变化$1的图片属性");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "您确认要删除图片$1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "图片$1已删除");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "图片$1已被添加");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/zh/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "名称");  
    5 6 regGS("No publications.", "无出版物");  
    6 7 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "国家");  
    7   regGS("Delete entry $1", "删除入口$1");  
    8   regGS("No entries defined.", "无入口被定义");  
      8 regGS("Delete alias $1", "删除入口$1");  
    9 9 regGS("Change publication information", "改变出版信息");  
    10 10 regGS("You do not have the right to edit publication information.", "您无权编辑出版信息");  
    11 11 regGS("Changing publication information", "改变出版信息");  
    12 12 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "您无权编辑出版信息");  
    13   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "出版物$1已成功更新");  
    14 13 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "出版物$1已改变");  
    15 14 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "出版信息不能被更新");  
    16 15 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "请检查是否已有同样出版物或者同样站点名称已不存在");  
    17   regGS("Delete publication", "删除出版物");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "您无权删除出版物");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "您确认要删除出版物$1?");  
    20 18 regGS("Deleting publication", "正在删除出版物");  
    21 19 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "还有$1个订阅");  
    22   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "出版物$1已被删除");  
    23 20 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "出版物$1不能被删除");  
    24 21 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "出版物$1已被删除");  
    30 27 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "正在增加新国家的默认订阅时间");  
    31 28 regGS("You must select a country.", "您必须选择一个国家");  
    32   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "增加新国家的默认订阅时间");  
    33 29 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "$1的默认订阅时间不能被添加");  
    34 30 regGS("Change subscription default time", "改变订阅默认时间");  
    35 31 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "无该国家的默认时间入口");  
    36   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "正在改变订阅默认时间");  
    37   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "$1的默认订阅时间已成功更新");  
    38 32 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "$1的默认订阅时间已改变");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "默认订阅时间不能更新");  
    40 33 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "删除默认订阅时间");  
    41 34 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "您确定要删除$1的默认订阅时间?");  
    42   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "删除默认订阅时间");  
    43   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "$1的默认订阅时间已删除");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "$1的默认订阅时间不能被删除");  
    45 35 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "$1的默认订阅时间已删除");  
    46 36 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "名称(单击选择发布)");  
    47   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "$1出版物已成功添加");  
    48 37 regGS("Publication $1 added", "出版物$1已添加");  
    49 38 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "إضافة الابواب");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "إضافة ابواب إلى الاشتراك");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "تمت إضافة الباب بنجاح");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "الرجاء التأكد من عدم وجود اشتراك آخر في الباب نفسه");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء الاشتراك في الباب  $1");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "إلغاء الاشتراك في الباب  $1");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", " يمكن إلغاء الاشتراك في الباب  $1");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "بدّل الاشتراك");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "الابواب كلها");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "تحديث الاشتراك");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "تم تحديث الاشتراك");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "لا يمكن تحديث الاشتراك");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "تغيير الاشتراك");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "لا يمكن إضافة نموذج المستخدم");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "الرجاء التأكد من عدم وجود نموذج مستخدم بالاسم نفسه");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "تمت إضافة نموذج المستخدم  $1");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", " $1 هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء نوع المستخدم ");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "لا نموذج لمستخدم مماثل");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "تم إلغاء نموذج المستخدم");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن إلغاء نموذج المستخدم");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "إلغاء نموذج المستخدم  $1");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "  بدل الإذن لنموذج المستخدم");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "لا يحق لك تغيير الإذن لنموذج المستخدم");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "لا يوجد دول");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "لا يحق لك إضافة دولة");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "إضافة دولة جديد");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "تم خلق الدولة $1");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", " يمكن خلق الدولة $1");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "خلق الدولة $1");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "التأكد من إلغاء الدولة $1");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "إلغاء دولة ");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "$1تم إلغاء الدولة ");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن إلغاء الدولة $1");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "تم إلغاء الدولة $1");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "تحرير إسم الدولة ");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "لا يحق لك تغيير أسماء الدولة ");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", " اسم هذا الدولة غير موجود");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "تغيير إسم الدولة ");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "تم تغيير إسم الدولة $1 ");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "لا يمكن تغيير اسم الدولة $1");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "تمّ تغيير اسم الدولة $1");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "ترجم إسم الدولة ");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "لا تملك صلاحية ترجمة أسماء البلدان");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "تمت ترجمة اسم الدولة $1");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "لا يمكن ترجمة إسم الدولة $1");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", " ترجمة إسم الدولة $1 ");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "اشتراك تجريبي");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء الاشتراك في المنشور $1 ");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "تم إلغاء الاشتراك");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن إلغاء الاشتراك");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "أضف الابواب الآن");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "(مدفوع (أكّد الدفع لاحقا");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "تجربة");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "تمت إضافة الاشتراك بنجاح");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "لا يمكن إضافة الاشتراك");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "الرجاء التأكد من عدم وجود اشتراك آخر في المنشور نفسه");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إيقاف الاشتراك؟");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد استئناف الاشتراك؟");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "تغيير وضع الاشتراك");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "تم استئناف الاشتراك");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "تم إيقاف الاشتراك");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "لا يمكن تغيير حالة الاشتراك");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "تحديث الدفع");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "تم تحديث الدفع الخاص بالاشتراك");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "لا يمكن تغيير الدفع الخاص بالاشتراك");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "أظهار المقال في صفحة الباب");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "أدخل كلمات المفتاح مستخدما الفاصلة");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "تمّت إضافة المقال $1 إلى $2. $3 من $4 و$5 من $6");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء المقال $1 ($2)؟");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "غيّر وضع المقال");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "هل انت متأكد من فتح المقال؟");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "المقال مغلق");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "تم تحديث المقال");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "لم يحدث أي تعديل، فلم يتم تحديث المقال");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "كرر المقال");  
    29 27 regGS("You must select an article type.", "");  
    30 28 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "");  
      29 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image '$1' from the article?", "هل انت متأكد من ازالة الصورة' /1$/ 'من المقال ؟");  
    31 31 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "نوع المقال $1 موجود أصلا");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "تم إضافة نوع المقال $1");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "حذف نوع المقال");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "لا تملك صلاحية حذف نوع المقالات");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "هل أنت متأكد من حذف نوع المقال $1 ؟");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "حذف نوع المقال");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "تم حذف نوع المقال $1");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "لم يتم حذف نوع المقال $1");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "قائمة صور المقال");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "العودة الى قائمة صور المقال");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "أضف صورة جديدة");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "اضافة صورة موجودة");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "التاريخ <br> (السنة، الشهرة، اليوم)");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "الغاء الصورة $1");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "ازالة الصور من المقال");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "ربط الصورة بالمقال");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "الرجاء ادخال رقم للصورة");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "الرجاء ادخال وصف للصورة");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "يجب اختيار ملف صورة للتحميل");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "لا يوجد حاليا صور مربوطة بالمقال");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "اضغط على وصلة 'اضافة صورة' من اعلى لاضافة واحدة");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image '$1' from the article?", "هل انت متأكد من ازالة الصورة' /1$/ 'من المقال ؟");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image '$1'?", "هل انت متأكد من حذف الصورة '/1$/' ؟");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "غيّر معلومات الصورة");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "تمّ تغيير خصائص الصورة $1");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "تمّ إلغاء الصورة $1");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "لا يحق لك إضافة الصور");  
    22 14 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "تمّت إضافة الصورة  $1");  
    23   regGS("You do not have the right to change the article.", "لا تملك صلاحية تعديل المقال");  
    24   regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "تم ربط الصورة 1$ بالمقال 2$");  
    25   regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "تم فك ارتباط الصورة 1$ من 2$");  
    26 15 regGS("Unlink image $1", "فك ارتباط الصورة 1$");  
    27 16 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", " تمت إضافة مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية ل $1 ");  
      17 regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "تم ربط الصورة 1$ بالمقال 2$");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "تم فك ارتباط الصورة 1$ من 2$");  
      19 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "تمّت إضافة الصورة  $1");  
      20 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "تمّ إلغاء الصورة $1");  
    8 22 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "      ( الاسم <br> (إضغط لترى الإصدارات");  
    3 4 regGS("Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "نشر<br> (السنة، الشهر، اليوم");  
    30 31 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء الإصدار $1 ؟  ");  
    31 32 regGS("Deleting issue", "إلغاء الإصدار");  
    32   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "تمّ  إلغاء الإصدار $1");  
    33 33 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن إلغاء الإصدار $1");  
    34 34 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "تمّ إلغاء كل أبواب الإصدار $1 في المنشور $2");  
    44 44 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "إنسخ الهيكلية من الإصدار رقم $1");  
    45 45 regGS("Copying previous issue", "نسخ الإصدار السابق");  
    46   regGS("Copying done.", "إنتهى النسخ");  
    47 46 regGS("Select the issue", "إختر الإصدار");  
    48 47 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "إصدار $1 جديد من $2 في المنشور $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/globals.php

    r3953 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("More...", "المزيد...");  
    7 7 regGS("Content", "المحتوى");  
    8   regGS("Obsolete", "قديم");  
    9   regGS("Publishing environment", "بيئة النشر");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "أنواع المعلومات");  
    11 8 regGS("Languages", "اللغات");  
    12 9 regGS("Countries", "الدول");  
    49 46 regGS("---Select article---", "اختر المقال");  
    50 47 regGS("Language", "اللغة");  
    51   regGS("Keyword infotype", "نوع الكلمة الأساسية");  
    52 48 regGS("Translation", "الترجمة");  
    53   regGS("Infotype", "نوع المعلومات");  
    54 49 regGS("Country", "البلد");  
    55 50 regGS("User name", "اسم المستخدم");  
    78 73 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "جدول عملية نشر جديدة");  
    79 74 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "حذف عملية نشر مجدولة");  
    80   regGS("The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.", "العملية المجدولة في $1 تم إلغاؤها");  
    81 75 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "عملية ال $1 تم جدولتها في $2");  
    82 76 regGS("Date/Time", "التاريخ/الوقت");  
    95 89 regGS("Show", "اظهر");  
    96 90 regGS("Remove", "أزل");  
    97   regGS("The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2", "عمليات $1 تم جدولتها في $2");  
    98 91 regGS("days", "الأيام");  
    99 92 regGS("Article Types", "أنواع المقال");  
    100 93 regGS("User Types", "أنواع المستخدم");  
    101   regGS("Glossary", "الفهرس");  
    102   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "أنواع الكلمات الأساسية");  
    103 94 regGS("Publications", "المنشورات");  
    104 95 regGS("Issues", "الأعداد");  
    125 116 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "إدخال غير صحيح");  
    126 117 regGS("Language does not exist.", "اللغة غير موجودة");  
    127   regGS("Infotype does not exist.", "نوع المعلومة غير موجود");  
    128 118 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "الكلمة الأساسية غير موجودة");  
    129 119 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "المنشور غير موجود");  
    172 162 regGS("In use", "مستخدمة بي");  
    173 163 regGS("Identifier", "معرَف");  
    174   regGS("Uploaded by", "حمَل بواسطة");  
    175 164 regGS("Additional searches", "بحث إضافي");  
    176 165 regGS("Most Recently Added", "أخر الإضافات");  
    179 168 regGS("Reset search conditions", "أعد شروط البحث");  
    180 169 regGS("Preview issue", "معاينة العدد");  
    181   regGS("Publ. no.", "رقم المنشور");  
    182   regGS("Issue no.", "رقم العدد");  
    183   regGS("Section no.", "رقم القسم");  
    184 170 regGS("Image number", "رقم الصورة");  
    185 171 regGS("Users", "المستخدمون");  
    186   regGS("User is a reader", "المستخدم قارئ");  
    187 172 regGS("User may add/change publications", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة وتعديل المنشورات");  
    188 173 regGS("User may delete publications", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء المنشورات");  
    207 192 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة اللغات وتعديلها");  
    208 193 regGS("User may delete languages", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء اللغات");  
    209   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "يحق للمستخدم إدارة معلومات الفهرس");  
    210   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "يحق للمستخدم إضافة وتعديل مدخلات الفهرس");  
    211   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "يحق للمستخدم إلغاء مدخلات الفهرس");  
    212 194 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "سيتم تنبية المستخدم على العديد من العمليات");  
    213 195 regGS("User may view audit logs", "يحق للمستخدم أن يرى سجلات الأداء");  
    243 225 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "تحديث صلاحيات أنواع المستخدمين");  
    244 226 regGS("Adding new translation", "إضافة ترجمة جديدة");  
    245   regGS("Translate keyword", "ترجمة كلمة أساسية");  
    246 227 regGS("No more languages.", "لا مزيد من اللغات");  
    247   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "لا وجود نوع كلمة رئيسية");  
    248   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "إضافة نوع كلمة رئيسية جديد");  
    249   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "تم إلغاء نوع المعلومات");  
    250   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "لم يكن ممكن إلغاء نوع المعلومات");  
    251 228 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "الحقل $1 يمكن أن يحتوي على أحرف, أرقام و _");  
    252 229 regGS("Add new publication", "أضف منشور جديد");  
    262 239 regGS("Your articles", "مقالاتك");  
    263 240 regGS("Submitted articles", "المقالات المعتمدة");  
    264   regGS("Quick Menu", "القائمة السريعة");  
    265 241 regGS("Logs", "السجلات");  
    266 242 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "لا يزال هنالك $1 مقالات");  
    279 255 regGS("Delete subscription", "حذف الإشتراك");  
    280 256 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "لا تملك صلاحية حذف الإشتراكات");  
    281   regGS("Deleting subscription", "حذف الإشتراك");  
    282 257 regGS("No such subscription.", "لا وجود للإشتراك");  
    283 258 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "لم يتم حذف القسم $1");  
    296 271 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "هنالك $1 مواضيع فرعية متبقية");  
    297 272 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "تم حذف الموضوع $1 ");  
    298   regGS("Changing topic name", "تغير أسم الموضوع");  
    299 273 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "لا تملك صلاحية تغير أسم الموضوع");  
    300 274 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "تم تحديث الموضوع $1");  
    303 277 regGS("Delete topic $1", "حذف الموضوع $1");  
    304 278 regGS("No topics", "لا مواضيع");  
    305   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "تم إضافة الموضوع $1 بنجاح");  
    306   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "تم تحديث الموضوع $1 بنجاح");  
    307 279 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "تم حذف الموضوع $1");  
    308 280 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "هنالك $1 مقالات تستخدم الموضوع");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "لا صور");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "الوصف (إضغط لرؤية التفاصيل)");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "المعرض");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "نص فقط");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "مستخدمة في المقالات");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "مشاهدة الصورة");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "غيّر معلومات الصورة");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "تمّ تغيير خصائص الصورة $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء الصورة  $1 ؟");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "تمّ إلغاء الصورة $1");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "تمّت إضافة الصورة  $1");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ar/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", " الاسم (اضغط لترى الإصدارات)");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "نوع الرابط");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "البلد<br> (اضغط للتعديل(");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "الغاء بيانات الدخول $1");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "بيانات الدخول غير محددة");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "الغاء بيانات الدخول $1");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "العودة إلى المنشور");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "إعدادات المنشور");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "تبديل المعلومات الخاصة بالمنشور");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "لا يحق لك تغيير المعلومات الخاصة بالمنشور");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "تم تحديث المنشور $1 بنجاح");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "تغيّر المنشور $1");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "لا يمكن تحديث المعلومات الخاصة بالمنشور");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "الرجاء التأكد من عدم وجود منشور يحمل الاسم نفسه أو اسم الموقع نفسه");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "إلغاء المنشور");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "لا يحق لك إلغاء المنشورات");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء المنشور $1");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "إلغاء المنشور");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "اشتراك $1 (اشتراكات) متبقية");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", " إلغاء المنشور $1");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "لا  يمكن إلغاء المنشور$1");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", " الغاء المنشور $1");  
    37 34 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "إضافة مدّة اشتراك الأصلية خاصة بالبلد الجديد");  
    38 35 regGS("You must select a country.", "اختر بلداً");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", " تمت إضافة مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية ل $1 ");  
    40 36 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "لا يمكن إضافة مدة الاشتراك الأصلية للبلد $1");  
    41 37 regGS("Change subscription default time", "قم بتغيير مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية");  
    42 38 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "ما من مدّة أصلية خاصة بهذا البلد");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "تغيير مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "تم تحديث مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية لـ $1 ");  
    45 39 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", " تغيير مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية لـ $1");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "لا يمكن تحديث مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية");  
    47 40 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "إلغ مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية");  
    48 41 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد إلغاء مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية لـ $1 ؟");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "إلغاء مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "تمّ الغاء مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية لـ $1");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "لا يمكن تغيير مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية لـ $1");  
    52 42 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "تمّ الغاء مدّة الاشتراك الأصلية لـ $1");  
    53 43 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "الاسم (اضغط هنا لاختيار المنشور");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "تمت إضافة المنشور$1 ");  
    55 44 regGS("Publication $1 added", "أضيف المنشور $1");  
    56 45 regGS("Add new alias", "أضف اسم مستعار جديد");  
    67 56 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "تم تعديل اسم الموقع المستعار للمنشور 1$ الى 2$");  
    68 57 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "لم يتم تعديل اسم الموقع المستعار 1$");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "حذف الاسم المستعار");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "لا يوجد هكذا اسم مستعار");  
    71 58 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "هل انت متأكد من حذف الاسم المستعار 1");  
    72 59 regGS("Deleting alias", "حذف الاسم المستعار");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Adding sections");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Adding sections to subscription");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "The section was added successfully.");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Change subscription");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- ALL SECTIONS --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Updating subscription");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "The subscription has been updated.");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "The subscription could not be updated.");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Changing subscription");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("User types", "User types");  
    3 3 regGS("No user types.", "No user types.");  
    4   regGS("User type $1 added", "User type $1 added");  
    5 4 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?");  
    6 5 regGS("No such user type.", "No such user type.");  
    7 6 regGS("You do not have the right to delete user types.", "You do not have the right to delete user types.");  
    8   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "User type $1 deleted");  
    9 7 regGS("User type", "User type");  
    10 8 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Change user type permissions");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "No countries.");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "You do not have the right to add countries.");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Adding new country");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "The country $1 has been created");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "The country $1 could not be created");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Country $1 added");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Deleting country");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "The country $1 has been deleted.");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "The country $1 could not be deleted.");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Country $1 deleted");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Edit country name");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "You do not have the right to change country names.");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "No such country name.");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Changing country name");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "The country name $1 has been changed");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "The country name $1 could not be changed");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Country name $1 changed");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Translate country name");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "You do not have the right to translate country names.");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "The country name $1 has been translated");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "The country name $1 could not be translated");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Country name $1 translated");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    4 4 regGS("Paid subscription", "Paid subscription");  
    5 5 regGS("Trial subscription", "Trial subscription");  
    6   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "The subscription has been deleted.");  
    7 6 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "The subscription could not be deleted.");  
    8 7 regGS("Add sections now", "Add sections now");  
    11 10 regGS("Paid (payment will be confirmed later)", "Paid (payment will be confirmed later)");  
    12 11 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Paid (confirm payment now)");  
    13   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "The subscription has been added successfully.");  
    14 12 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "The subscription could not be added.");  
    15 13 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription status", "Change subscription status");  
    17 15 regGS("You do not have the right to change subscriptions status.", "You do not have the right to change subscriptions status.");  
    18   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Changing subscription status");  
    19   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "The subscription has been activated.");  
    20   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "The subscription has been deactivated.");  
    21 16 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Subscription status could not be changed.");  
    22 17 regGS("Update payment", "Update payment");  
    23   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "The subscription payment was updated.");  
    24 18 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Subscription payment could not be changed.");  
    25 19 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "Show article on section page");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Enter keywords, comma separated");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "Change article status");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Are you sure you want to unlock it?");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "Article is locked");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "The article has been updated.");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "Duplicate article");  
    28 26 regGS("You do not have the right to delete articles.", "You do not have the right to delete articles.");  
    29 27 regGS("You must select an article type.", "You must select an article type.");  
      28 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?");  
    30 30 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "The article type $1 already exists.");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "The article type $1 has been added.");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Delete article type");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "You do not have the right to delete article types.");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Deleting article type");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "The article type $1 has been deleted.");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "The article type $1 could not be deleted.");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "Article Image List");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "Back to Article Image List");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Add New Image");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "Add an Existing Image");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>");  
    8 5 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "Remove Image From Article");  
    9   regGS("Link Image to Article", "Link Image to Article");  
    10 6 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "Please enter a number for the image.");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "Please enter a description for the image.");  
    12 8 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "You must select an image file to upload.");  
    13   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "There are currently no images associated with this article.");  
    14   regGS("Click one of the \"Add Image\" links above to add one.", "Click one of the \"Add Image\" links above to add one.");  
    15   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?");  
    16 9 regGS("Change image information", "Change image information");  
    17   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Changed image properties of $1");  
    18   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Image $1 deleted");  
    19 10 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "You do not have the right to add images");  
    20   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "The image $1 has been added.");  
    21   regGS("You do not have the right to change the article.", "You do not have the right to change the article.");  
    22   regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Image $1 linked to article $2");  
    23   regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Image $1 unlinked from $2");  
    24   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \\'$1\\' from the article?", "Are you sure you want to remove the image \\'$1\\' from the article?");  
    25 11 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "User type $1 deleted");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "User type $1 added");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "Topic $1 added to article");  
      5 regGS("Last", "Last");  
      6 regGS("First", "First");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Changed image properties of $1");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "Article topic $1 deleted");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "Text");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "Article body");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "The default subscription time for $1 has been added.");  
      17 regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Image $1 linked to article $2");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Image $1 unlinked from $2");  
      19 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "The image $1 has been added.");  
      20 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Image $1 deleted");  
    8 22 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/issues.php

    r4097 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "Issue List");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>");  
    3 4 regGS("Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>");  
    22 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?");  
    23 24 regGS("Deleting issue", "Deleting issue");  
    24   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "The issue $1 has been deleted.");  
    25 25 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "The issue $1 could not be deleted.");  
    26 26 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted");  
    36 36 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Copy structure from issue nr $1");  
    37 37 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Copying previous issue");  
    38   regGS("Copying done.", "Copying done.");  
    39 38 regGS("Select the issue", "Select the issue");  
    40 39 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Account", "Account");  
      3 regGS("Items per page", "Items per page");  
    2 4 regGS("Cannot create file \"$1\"", "Cannot create file \"$1\"");  
    3 5 regGS("URL \"$1\" is invalid or is not an image.", "URL \"$1\" is invalid or is not an image.");  
    4 6 regGS("URL \"$1\" is not an image.", "URL \"$1\" is not an image.");  
    5   regGS("You are here:", "You are here:");  
    6 7 regGS("Add new", "Add new");  
    7 8 regGS("CAMPSITE", "CAMPSITE");  
    11 12 regGS("More...", "More...");  
    12 13 regGS("Content", "Content");  
    13   regGS("Obsolete", "Obsolete");  
    14   regGS("Publishing environment", "Publishing environment");  
    15   regGS("Infotypes", "Infotypes");  
    16 14 regGS("Languages", "Languages");  
    17 15 regGS("Countries", "Countries");  
    66 64 regGS("---Select article---", "---Select article---");  
    67 65 regGS("Language", "Language");  
    68   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Keyword infotype");  
    69 66 regGS("Translation", "Translation");  
    70   regGS("Infotype", "Infotype");  
    71 67 regGS("Country", "Country");  
    72 68 regGS("Account name", "Account name");  
    99 95 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "Scheduling a new publish action");  
    100 96 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "Delete scheduled publish action");  
    101   regGS("The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.", "The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.");  
    102 97 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "The $1 action has been scheduled on $2");  
    103 98 regGS("Date/Time", "Date/Time");  
    116 111 regGS("Show", "Show");  
    117 112 regGS("Remove", "Remove");  
    118   regGS("The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2", "The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2");  
    119 113 regGS("days", "days");  
    120 114 regGS("Article Types", "Article Types");  
    121 115 regGS("Staff User Types", "Staff User Types");  
    122   regGS("Glossary", "Glossary");  
    123   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Keyword infotypes");  
    124 116 regGS("Publications", "Publications");  
    125 117 regGS("Issues", "Issues");  
    146 138 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "Invalid input: $1");  
    147 139 regGS("Language does not exist.", "Language does not exist.");  
    148   regGS("Infotype does not exist.", "Infotype does not exist.");  
    149 140 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "Keyword does not exist.");  
    150 141 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "Publication does not exist.");  
    195 186 regGS("Miscellaneous", "Miscellaneous");  
    196 187 regGS("Identifier", "Identifier");  
    197   regGS("Uploaded by", "Uploaded by");  
    198 188 regGS("Additional searches", "Additional searches");  
    199 189 regGS("Most Recently Added", "Most Recently Added");  
    202 192 regGS("Reset search conditions", "Reset search conditions");  
    203 193 regGS("Preview issue", "Preview issue");  
    204   regGS("Publ. no.", "Publ. no.");  
    205   regGS("Issue no.", "Issue no.");  
    206   regGS("Section no.", "Section no.");  
    207 194 regGS("Image number", "Image number");  
    208 195 regGS("Users", "Users");  
    209   regGS("User is a reader", "User is a reader");  
    210 196 regGS("User may add/change publications", "User may add/change publications");  
    211 197 regGS("User may delete publications", "User may delete publications");  
    233 219 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "User may add languages and manage language information");  
    234 220 regGS("User may delete languages", "User may delete languages");  
    235   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "User may manage glossary infotypes");  
    236   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "User may add/change glossary entries");  
    237   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "User may delete glossary entries");  
    238 221 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "User will be notified on several events");  
    239 222 regGS("User may view audit logs", "User may view audit logs");  
    271 254 regGS("Restart the template engine", "Restart the template engine");  
    272 255 regGS("The template engine was (re)started.", "The template engine was (re)started.");  
    273   regGS("The template engine could not be restarted! Please verify if the template engine was started by other user than $1.","The template engine could not be restarted! Please verify if the template engine was started by other user than $1.");  
      256 regGS("The template engine could not be restarted! Please verify if the template engine was started by other user than $1.", "The template engine could not be restarted! Please verify if the template engine was started by other user than $1.");  
    273 256 regGS("An user type with the name '$1' already exists.", "An user type with the name '$1' already exists.");  
    274 257 regGS("Localizer", "Localizer");  
    281 264 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "Updating user types permissions");  
    282 265 regGS("Adding new translation", "Adding new translation");  
    283   regGS("Translate keyword", "Translate keyword");  
    284 266 regGS("No more languages.", "No more languages.");  
    285   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "No such keyword infotype.");  
    286   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Adding new keyword infotype");  
    287   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "The infotype has been deleted.");  
    288   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "The infotype could not be deleted.");  
    289 267 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.");  
    290 268 regGS("Add new publication", "Add new publication");  
    301 279 regGS("Your articles", "Your articles");  
    302 280 regGS("Submitted articles", "Submitted articles");  
    303   regGS("Quick Menu", "Quick Menu");  
    304 281 regGS("Logs", "Logs");  
    305 282 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "There are $1 article(s) left.");  
    318 295 regGS("Delete subscription", "Delete subscription");  
    319 296 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.");  
    320   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Deleting subscription");  
    321 297 regGS("No such subscription.", "No such subscription.");  
    322 298 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "The section $1 could not be deleted.");  
    336 312 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "There are $1 subtopics left.");  
    337 313 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Topic $1 deleted");  
    338   regGS("Changing topic name", "Changing topic name");  
    339 314 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "You do not have the right to change topic name.");  
    340 315 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Topic $1 updated");  
    343 318 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Delete topic $1");  
    344 319 regGS("No topics", "No topics");  
    345   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "The topic $1 has been successfuly added.");  
    346   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.");  
    347 320 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "The topic $1 has been deleted.");  
    348 321 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "There are $1 articles using the topic.");  
    368 341 regGS("You must input a valid date.", "You must input a valid date.");  
    369 342 regGS("Add new field", "Add new field");  
    370   regGS("Back to article details", "Back to article details");  
    371 343 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "Article automatic publishing schedule");  
    372 344 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?");  
    376 348 regGS("No such section.", "No such section.");  
    377 349 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?");  
    378   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \\'$1\\'?", "Are you sure you want to delete the image \\'$1\\'?");  
    379 350 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?");  
    380 351 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?");  
    381 352 regGS("Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name '$2' was not used before in the publication $3.", "Could not save the changes to the issue $1. Please make sure the issue URL name '$2' was not used before in the publication $3.");  
    382   ?> ?>  
      353 ?> ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "No images.");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "Gallery");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "Text only");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "Used in articles");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "View image");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Change image information");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Changed image properties of $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Image $1 deleted");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "The image $1 has been added.");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/en/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "Publication List");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "Go To Issues");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "URL Type");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Delete entry $1");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "No entries defined.");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Delete alias $1");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "Back to publication");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "Configure publication");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "Changing publication information");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "You do not have the right to change publication information.");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publication $1 changed");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "The publication information could not be updated.");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "Delete publication");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "You do not have the right to delete publications.");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "Deleting publication");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "There are $1 subscription(s) left.");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "The publication $1 has been deleted.");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "The publication $1 could not be deleted.");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publication $1 deleted");  
    37 34 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Adding new country default subscription time");  
    38 35 regGS("You must select a country.", "You must select a country.");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "The default subscription time for $1 has been added.");  
    40 36 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.");  
    41 37 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Change subscription default time");  
    42 38 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "No default time entry for that country.");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Changing default subscription time");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.");  
    45 39 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Default subscription time for $1 changed");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "The default subscription time could not be updated.");  
    47 40 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Delete subscription default time");  
    48 41 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Deleting subscription default time");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.");  
    52 42 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Subscription default time for $1 deleted");  
    53 43 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "The publication $1 has been successfuly added.");  
    55 44 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publication $1 added");  
    56 45 regGS("Add new alias", "Add new alias");  
    67 56 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.");  
    68 57 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "The site alias $1 could not be modified.");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "Delete alias");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "No such alias.");  
    71 58 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?");  
    72 59 regGS("Deleting alias", "Deleting alias");  
    76 63 regGS("You do not have the right to add publications.", "You do not have the right to add publications.");  
    77 64 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "There are $1 issue(s) left.");  
    78   regGS("No such country.", "No such country.");  
    79 65 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Adicionando Secções");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Adicionando Secções a Assinaturas");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Secção adicionada");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Verifique se esta secção já não se encontra assinada");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Eliminar a Assinatura para a secção $1");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "A Assinatura para a secção $1 foi eliminada");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "A Assinatura para a secção $1 não pode ser eliminada");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Alterar assinaturas");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- TODAS AS SECÇÕES --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Actualizanto Assinatura");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "A Assinatura foi actualizada");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "A Assinatura não pode ser actualizada");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Actualizando a Assinatura");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "O Tipo de Utilizador não pode ser introduzido");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "Verifique se já não existe um Tipod eUtilizador com o mesmo nome");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "Tipo de Utilziador $1 adicionado");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Eliminar Tipod eUtilizador $1?");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "Não existe o Tipo de Utilizador");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "Tipo de Utilizador eliminado");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "O Tipo de Utilizador não pode ser eliminado");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Tipo de Utilizador $1 eliminado");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Alterar permissões");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "Não tem autorização para alterar permissões");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Não Existem Paises");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Não tem permissão para adicionar Paises");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Adicionando Pais");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "O Pais $1 foi criado");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "O Pais $1 não pode ser criado");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Pais $1 foi criado com sucesso");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Deseja eliminar o pais $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Eliminando Pais");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "O Pais $1 foi eliminado.");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "O Pais $1 não pode ser eliminado.");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "O Pais $1 foi eliminado.");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Alterar nome do Pais");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Não tem permissões para Alterar nome de Paises");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Nome Desconhecido");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Alterando Nome de Pais");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "O Nome do Pais $1 foi Alterado");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "O Nome do Pais $1 não pode ser Alterado");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "O Nome do Pais $1 foi Alterado");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Traduzir Nome de Pais");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Não tem permissões para Traduzir nomes de Paises");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "O Nome do Pais $1 foi Traduzido");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "O Nome do Pais $1 não pode ser Traduzido");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "O Nome do Pais $1 foi Traduzido");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "Periodo Gratuito");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Eliminar assinatura da publicação $1?");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Assinatura eliminada.");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Assinatura não pode ser eliminada");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "Adicionar agora Secções");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Paga (confirme pagamente neste momento)");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "Periodo Gratuito");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Assinatura aceite");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Não é possivel aceitar assinatura");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Verifique se a assinatura não é duplicada");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Suspender Assinatura?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Activar Assinatura");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Alterando o Status da Assinatura");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "A Assinatura foi activada");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "A Assinatura foi suspensa");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "O Status da Assinatura não pode ser alterado");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "Actualizar Pagamento");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "O periodo de vigencia da Assinatura foi alterado");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "O periodo de vigencia da Assinatura não pode ser alterado");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("Show article on section page", "Mostrar Artigo na página de Secção");  
    7 7 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Entre Palavras-Chave, separadas por virgulas");  
    8   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Artigo $1 adicionado a $2. $3 de $4. $5 de $6");  
    9 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Confirme a Eliminação do Artigo $1 ($2)?");  
    10 9 regGS("Change article status", "Alterar Estado do Artigo");  
    18 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Confirme o desbloqueamento");  
    19 18 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    20   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Artigo actualizado");  
    21 19 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "O Artigo não pode ser actualizado, ou não foram efectuadas alterações.");  
    22 20 regGS("Duplicate article", "Duplicar Artigo");  
    23 21 regGS("The destination section is the same as the source section.", "Secção destino idêntica à de origem.");  
      22 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    24 24 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "O Tipo de Artigo $1 já existe");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "O Tipo de Artigo $1 foi adicionado");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Eliminar Tipo de Artigo");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Não tem permissões para eliminar Tipo de Artigos");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Eliminar Tipo de Artigo $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Eliminando Tipo de Artigo");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Tipo de Artigo $1 foi eliminado");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Tipo de Artigo $1 não pode ser eliminado");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Adicionar Imagem");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Data (aaaa-mm-dd)");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "Apagar imagem");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "Alterar informações da imagem");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Alterando as informações da imagem $1");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imagem $1 apagada");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Não tem permissões para adicionar imagens");  
    22   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Imagem $1 foi adicionada");  
    23 14 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Foi adiciondo um tempo de Assinatura para $1 ");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Imagem $1 foi adicionada");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imagem $1 apagada");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Nome<br>(Clique para ver Secções)");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "Modelo para a Página Principal");  
    28 29 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Tem a certeza que deseja eliminar a Edição $1?");  
    29 30 regGS("Deleting issue", "Eliminando Edição");  
    30   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "A Edição $1 foi eliminada.");  
    31 31 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "A Edição $1 não pode ser eliminada.");  
    32 32 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Todas as Secções da Edição $1 da Publicação $2 foram eliminadas");  
    42 42 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Copiar estrutura da Edição $1");  
    43 43 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Copiar Edição anterior");  
    44   regGS("Copying done.", "Cópia Efectuada");  
    45 44 regGS("Select the issue", "Escolha a Edição");  
    46 45 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Nova Edição $1 de $2 na Publicação $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Name", "Nome");  
    9 9 regGS("Keyword", "Palavra-Chave");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "Informação-Tipo");  
    11 10 regGS("Languages", "Idiomas");  
    12 11 regGS("Native name", "Nome Nativo");  
    40 39 regGS("Time", "Hora");  
    41 40 regGS("Language", "Idioma");  
    42   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Palavra-Chave para Informação-Tipo");  
    43 41 regGS("Translation", "Tradução");  
    44   regGS("Infotype", "Informação-Tipo");  
    45 42 regGS("Country", "País");  
    46 43 regGS("User name", "Nome de Utilizador");  
    64 61 regGS("Article Types", "Tipo de Artigos");  
    65 62 regGS("User Types", "Tipo de Utilizadores");  
    66   regGS("Glossary", "Glossário");  
    67   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Palavra-Chave para Informação-Tipo");  
    68 63 regGS("Publications", "Publicações");  
    69 64 regGS("Issues", "Edições");  
    123 118 regGS("Place", "Local");  
    124 119 regGS("Date", "Data");  
    125   regGS("Publ. no.", "Publ. nº.");  
    126   regGS("Issue no.", "Edição Nº.");  
    127   regGS("Section no.", "Secção Nº");  
    128 120 regGS("Image number", "Imagem Nº");  
    129 121 regGS("Users", "Utilizadores");  
    130   regGS("User is a reader", "Utilizador é Leitor");  
    131 122 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Permissão para Criar/Alterar Publicações");  
    132 123 regGS("User may delete publications", "Permissão para Apagar Publicações");  
    151 142 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Permissão para Criar e Gerir Idiomas");  
    152 143 regGS("User may delete languages", "Permissão para Apagar Idiomas");  
    153   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Permissão para Gerir o Glossário de Informações-Tipo");  
    154   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Permissão para Criar/Alterar Termos do Glossário");  
    155   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Permissão para Apagar Termos do Glossário");  
    156 144 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Este Utilizador será notificado automáticamente dos acontecimento ocorridos");  
    157 145 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Permissão para ver Registos de Utilização");  
    163 151 regGS("User may manage topics", "Permissão para Gerir Temas");  
    164 152 regGS("Adding new translation", "Adicionando Tradução");  
    165   regGS("Translate keyword", "Traduzir Palavra-Chave");  
    166 153 regGS("No more languages.", "Não existem mais Idiomas");  
    167   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Palavra-Chave para Informação-Tipo Desconhecida.");  
    168   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Criando Palavra-Chave para Informação-Tipo");  
    169   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Informação-Tipo foi Apagada");  
    170   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Informação-Tipo não pode ser apagada.");  
    171 154 regGS("Add new publication", "Criar Publicação");  
    172 155 regGS("Upload new template", "Criar Modelo");  
    181 164 regGS("Your articles", "Os Meus Artigos");  
    182 165 regGS("Submitted articles", "Artigos Submetidos à Apreciação");  
    183   regGS("Quick Menu", "Menu Rápido");  
    184 166 regGS("Logs", "Registos");  
    185 167 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Existe(m) ainda $1 Artigo(s).");  
    198 180 regGS("Delete subscription", "Apagar Assinatura");  
    199 181 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Não tem Permissão para 'Apagar Assinaturas'");  
    200   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Apagando Assinatura");  
    201 182 regGS("No such subscription.", "Assinatura Desconhecida");  
    202 183 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "A Secção $1 não pode ser Apagada.");  
    205 186 regGS("No", "Não");  
    206 187 regGS("No issues.", "Nº Edições");  
    207   regGS("Back to article details", "Voltar aos Detalhes do Artigo");  
    208 188 regGS("Adding new topic", "Adicionando Tema");  
    209 189 regGS("Topic $1 added", "Artigo Adicionado ao Tema $1.");  
    214 194 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Existe(m) ainda $1 Sub-Tema(s).");  
    215 195 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Tema $1 Apagado");  
    216   regGS("Changing topic name", "Alterando o Nome do Tema");  
    217 196 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Não tem permissão para 'Alterar Tema'.");  
    218 197 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Tema $1 Alterado.");  
    221 200 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Apagar Tema $1");  
    222 201 regGS("No topics", "Sem Tema");  
    223   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "O Tema $1 foi Adicionado.");  
    224   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "O Tema $1 foi Alterado.");  
    225 202 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "O Tema $1 foi Apagado.");  
    226 203 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Existe(m) $1 artigos usando este Tema.");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Não existem imagens");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Ver imagem");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Alterar informações da imagem");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Alterando as informações da imagem $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Deseja apagar Imagem $1");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imagem $1 apagada");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Imagem $1 foi adicionada");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/pt/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Nome (Carregue para ver Edições)");  
    5 6 regGS("No publications.", "Não existem Publicações");  
    6 7 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "País (Carregue para Alterar)");  
    7   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Apagar $1");  
    8   regGS("No entries defined.", "Não existe");  
      8 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Apagar $1");  
    9 9 regGS("Change publication information", "Alterar detalhes da Publicação");  
    10 10 regGS("You do not have the right to edit publication information.", "Não tem permissão para Alterar Detalhes de Publicação");  
    11 11 regGS("Changing publication information", "Alterando Detalhes de Publicação");  
    12 12 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Não tem permissão para Alterar Detalhes de Publicação");  
    13   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Foram alterados os detalhes para $1");  
    14 13 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "$1 alterada(o)");  
    15 14 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Os detalhes de Publicação não podem ser alterados");  
    16 15 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Verifique se já não existem uma Publicação com o mesmo nome ou com o mesmo endereço URL");  
    17   regGS("Delete publication", "Apagar Publicação");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Não tem permissão para Apagar Publicações");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Confirma o apagamento da Publicação $1?");  
    20 18 regGS("Deleting publication", "Apagando Publicação");  
    21 19 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Existe(m) ainda $1 Assinatura(s)");  
    22   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "A Publicação $1 foi Apagada");  
    23 20 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "A Publicação $1 não pode ser Apagada");  
    24 21 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "A Publicação $1 foi Apagada");  
    31 28 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Adicionando novo tempo de Assinatura");  
    32 29 regGS("You must select a country.", "Tem de escolher um País");  
    33   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Foi adiciondo um tempo de Assinatura para $1 ");  
    34 30 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Não pode ser adiciondo um tempo de Assinatura para $1 ");  
    35 31 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Alterar tempo de Assinatura");  
    36 32 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Não existe tempo de Assinatura definido para o País escolhido");  
    37   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Alterar tempo de assinatura");  
    38   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Tempo de Assinatura para $1 não pode ser alterado");  
    39 33 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Tempo de Assinatura para $1 foi alterado");  
    40   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Tempo de Assinatura não pode ser alterado");  
    41 34 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Apagar tempo de Assinatura");  
    42 35 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Confirma o apagamento do tempo de Assinatura");  
    43   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Apagando tempo de Assinatura");  
    44   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Tempo de Assinatura para $1 foi apagado");  
    45   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Tempo de Assinatura para $1 não pode ser apagado");  
    46 36 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Tempo de Assinatura para $1 foi apagado");  
    47 37 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Nome (Carregue para selecionar Publicação)");  
    48   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Foi Criada a Publicação $1");  
    49 38 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Foi Criada a Publicação $1");  
    50 39 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Додавање рубрика");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Додавање рубрика у претплату");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Рубрика је успешно додата");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Проверите постоји ли друга претплата на исту рубрику");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете претплату на рубрику $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Претплата на рубрику $1 је обрисана");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Претплата на рубрику $1 не може бити обрисана");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Промени претплату");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "--  СВЕ РУБРИКЕ --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Измена претплате");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Претплата је измењена");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Претплата не може бити измењена");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Мењање претплате");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("User types", "Типови корисника");  
    3 3 regGS("No user types.", "Нема типова корисника");  
    4   regGS("User type $1 added", "Тип корисника $1 додат");  
    5 4 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете тип корисника $1?");  
    6 5 regGS("No such user type.", "Нема таквог типа корисника");  
    7 6 regGS("You do not have the right to delete user types.", "Немате право да бришете типове корисника");  
    8   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Тип корисника $1 је обрисан");  
    9 7 regGS("User type", "Тип корисника");  
    10 8 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Промени права додељена типу корисника");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Нема држава");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Немате право да додајете државе");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Додавање нове државе");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "Држава $1 је креирана");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "Држава $1 не може бити креирана");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Држава $1 је додата");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете државу $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Брисање државе");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "Држава $1 је обрисана");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "Држава $1 не може бити обрисана");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Држава $1 је обрисана");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Уреди име државе");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Немате право да мењате имена држава");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Нема државе са тим именом");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Мењање имена државе");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "Име државе $1 је промењено");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "Име државе $1 не може бити промењено");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Име државе $1 промењено");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Преведи име државе");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Немате право да преводите имена држава");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "Име државе $1 је преведено");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "Име државе $1 не може бити преведено");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Име државе $1 преведено");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    4 4 regGS("Paid subscription", "Плаћене претплате");  
    5 5 regGS("Trial subscription", "Пробне претплате");  
    6   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Претплата је обрисана");  
    7 6 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Претплата не може бити обрисана");  
    8 7 regGS("Add sections now", "Додај рубрику сад");  
    11 10 regGS("Paid (payment will be confirmed later)", "Плаћено (уплата ће бити потврђена касније) ");  
    12 11 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Плаћено (потврди уплату сад)");  
    13   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Претплата је успешно додата");  
    14 12 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Претплата не може бити додата");  
    15 13 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Проверите постоји ли друга претплата на исту публикацију");  
    18 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Сигурни сте да желите да деактивирате претплату?");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Сигурни сте да желите да активирате претплату?");  
    20   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Мењање статуса претплате");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Претплата је активирана");  
    22   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Претплата је деактивирана");  
    23 18 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Статус претплате не може бити промењен");  
    24 19 regGS("Update payment", "Измени уплату");  
    25   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Уплата за претплату је измењена");  
    26 20 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Уплата за претплату не може бити измењена");  
    27 21 regGS("Left to pay", "Преостало за плаћање");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "Прикажи чланак на страни рубрике");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Унесите кључне речи (раздвојене зарезима)");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Чланак $1 додат у $2. $3 из $4. $5 од $6");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете чланак $1 ($2)?");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "Промени статус чланка");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да га откључате?");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "Чланак је закључан");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Чланак је измењен");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Чланак не може бити измењен или нема шта да се измени");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "дуплирај чланак");  
    29 27 regGS("You must select an article type.", "Морате изабрати тип чланка.");  
    30 28 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", " ");  
      29 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image '$1' from the article?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику  '$1'  из чланка? ");  
    31 31 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Тип чланка $1 већ постоји");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Тип чланка $1 је додат");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Обриши тип чланка");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Немате право да бришете типове чланака");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете тип чланка $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Брисање типа чланка");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Тип чланка $1 је обрисан");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Тип чланка $1 не може бити обрисан");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "Немате право да мењате чланак. Можете мењати само своје чланке, а предатим чланцима статус може променити само овлашћени корисник.");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "Листа слика у чланку");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "Назад на листу слика у чланку");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Додајте нову слику");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "Додај постојећу слику");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Датум<br><small>(гггг-мм-дд)</small>");  
    8 5 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "Уклони слику из чланка");  
    9   regGS("Link Image to Article", "Вежи слику са чланком");  
    10 6 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "Унесите број за слику");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "Унесите опис слике.");  
    12 8 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "Морате изабрати слику за аплоуд.");  
    13   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "Тренутно нема слика повезаних са овим чланком.");  
    14   regGS("Click one of the \"Add Image\" links above to add one.", "Кликните на један од 'Додај слику' линкова да би сте је додали.");  
    15 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уконите слику \'$1\' из чланка?");  
    16 10 regGS("Change image information", "Промени податке о слици");  
    17   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Промењене особине слике $1");  
    18   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Слика $1 је обрисана");  
    19 11 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Немате право да додајете слике");  
    20   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Слика $1 је додата");  
    21   regGS("You do not have the right to change the article.", "Немате право да мењате чланак.");  
    22   regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Слика $1 јењ повезана са чланком $2.");  
    23   regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Веза слика $1 са чланком $2 је раскинута");  
    24 12 regGS("Delete image $1", "Избриши слику $1");  
    25 13 regGS("Click one of the ", "Кликните на један од 'додај слику' линкова да бисте је додали");  
    26   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image '$1' from the article?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику  '$1'  из чланка? ");  
    27 14 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image '$1'?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику '$1'?");  
    28 15 regGS("Unlink image $1", "Раскини везу слике $1");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Нови период претплате за $1 додат");  
      17 regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Слика $1 јењ повезана са чланком $2.");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Веза слика $1 са чланком $2 је раскинута");  
      19 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Слика $1 је додата");  
      20 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Слика $1 је обрисана");  
    8 22 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Назив<br><small>(кликните за преглед рубрика)</small>");  
    3 4 regGS("Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Објављен <br><small>(гггг-мм-дд)</small>");  
    22 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете издање $1?");  
    23 24 regGS("Deleting issue", "Брисање издања");  
    24   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Издање $1 је избрисано");  
    25 25 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Издање $1 не може бити избрисано");  
    26 26 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Све рубрике издања $1 из публикације $2 су обрисане");  
    36 36 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Прекопирај структуру из издања $1");  
    37 37 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Копирање претходног издања");  
    38   regGS("Copying done.", "Копирање готово");  
    39 38 regGS("Select the issue", "Изаберите издање");  
    40 39 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Ново издање $1 из $2 у публикацији $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("More...", "Даље...");  
    8 8 regGS("Content", "Садржаји");  
    9   regGS("Obsolete", "Старо гвожђе");  
    10   regGS("Publishing environment", "Издавачко окружење");  
    11   regGS("Infotypes", "Инфотипи");  
    12 9 regGS("Languages", "Језици");  
    13 10 regGS("Countries", "Државе");  
    62 59 regGS("---Select article---", "--- Изабери чланак ---");  
    63 60 regGS("Language", "Језик");  
    64   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Инфотип за кључну реч");  
    65 61 regGS("Translation", "Превод");  
    66   regGS("Infotype", "Инфотип");  
    67 62 regGS("Country", "Држава");  
    68 63 regGS("User name", "Корисничко име");  
    95 90 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "Закажи нову акцију објављивања");  
    96 91 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "Обриши заказану акцију објављивања");  
    97   regGS("The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.", "Акција заказана за $1 је обрисана.");  
    98 92 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "Акција $1 је заказана за $2");  
    99 93 regGS("Date/Time", "Датум/време");  
    112 106 regGS("Show", "Прикажи");  
    113 107 regGS("Remove", "Уклони");  
    114   regGS("The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2", "$1 акција је предвиђено за $2");  
    115 108 regGS("days", "Дана");  
    116 109 regGS("Article Types", "Типови чланака");  
    117 110 regGS("User Types", "Типови корисника");  
    118   regGS("Glossary", "Глосар");  
    119   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Инфотипи за кључну реч");  
    120 111 regGS("Publications", "Публикације");  
    121 112 regGS("Issues", "Издања");  
    142 133 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "Погрешан унос: $1");  
    143 134 regGS("Language does not exist.", "Нема тог језика.");  
    144   regGS("Infotype does not exist.", "Нема таквог инфотипа.");  
    145 135 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "Нема те кључне речи.");  
    146 136 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "Нема такве публикације.");  
    191 181 regGS("Miscellaneous", "Разно");  
    192 182 regGS("Identifier", "Идентификатор");  
    193   regGS("Uploaded by", "Аплоудовао/ла");  
    194 183 regGS("Additional searches", "Додатне претраге");  
    195 184 regGS("Most Recently Added", "Најновије додате");  
    198 187 regGS("Reset search conditions", "Поништи услове претраге");  
    199 188 regGS("Preview issue", "Преглед издања");  
    200   regGS("Publ. no.", "Бр. публикације");  
    201   regGS("Issue no.", "Бр. издања");  
    202   regGS("Section no.", "Бр. рубрике");  
    203 189 regGS("Image number", "Број слике");  
    204 190 regGS("Users", "Корисници");  
    205   regGS("User is a reader", "Корисник је читалац");  
    206 191 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Корисник може да додаје/мења публикације");  
    207 192 regGS("User may delete publications", "Корисник може да брише публикације");  
    229 214 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Корисник може да додаје језике и управља информацијама о језику");  
    230 215 regGS("User may delete languages", "Корисник може да брише језике");  
    231   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Корисник може да управља инфотипима глосара ");  
    232   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Корисник може да додаје/мења записе у глосару");  
    233   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Корисник може да брише записе у глосару");  
    234 216 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Корисник ће бити обавештен о одређеним системским активностима");  
    235 217 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Корисник има приступ логовима");  
    272 254 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "Мењање права  за тип корисника");  
    273 255 regGS("Adding new translation", "Додавање новог превода");  
    274   regGS("Translate keyword", "Преведи кључну реч");  
    275 256 regGS("No more languages.", "Нема више језика");  
    276   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Нема тог инфотипа за кључну реч ");  
    277   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Додавање новог инфотипа за кључне речи");  
    278   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Инфотип је избрисан");  
    279   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Инфотип не може бити избрисан");  
    280 257 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "Поље $1 може садржати искључиво слова, бројке и доњу црту (_).");  
    281 258 regGS("Add new publication", "Додај нову публикацију");  
    291 268 regGS("Your articles", "Твоји чланци");  
    292 269 regGS("Submitted articles", "Предати чланци");  
    293   regGS("Quick Menu", "Пречице");  
    294 270 regGS("Logs", "Логови");  
    295 271 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Преоста(л)о је $1 чланак(а)");  
    308 284 regGS("Delete subscription", "Обриши претплату");  
    309 285 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Немате право да бришете претплате");  
    310   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Брисање претплате");  
    311 286 regGS("No such subscription.", "Нема такве претплате");  
    312 287 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Рубрика $1 не може бити обрисана");  
    326 301 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Преостало је $1 подтема");  
    327 302 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Тема $1 је обрисана");  
    328   regGS("Changing topic name", "Промена имена теме");  
    329 303 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Немате право да мењате име теме");  
    330 304 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Тема $1 измењена");  
    333 307 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Обриши тему $1");  
    334 308 regGS("No topics", "Нема тема");  
    335   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Тема $1 је успешно додата");  
    336   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Тема $1 је успешно измењена");  
    337 309 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Тема $1 је успешно обрисана");  
    338 310 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Преостало је $1 текстова који користе ову тему");  
    358 330 regGS("You must input a valid date.", "Морате исправно унети датум");  
    359 331 regGS("Add new field", "Додај ново поље");  
    360   regGS("Back to article details", "Назад на детаље чланка");  
    361 332 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "Распоред аутоматског објављивања чланака");  
    362 333 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете заказану акцију?");  
    363 334 regGS("Unlink", "Поништи линк");  
    364   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
      335 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику \'$1\'?");  
    364 335 regGS("No such issue.", "Нема тог издања.");  
    365 336 regGS("No such section.", "Нема те рубрике.");  
    369 340 regGS("User may add/change user accounts and passwords", "Корисник може да додаје/мења корисничке налоге и лозинке");  
    370 341 regGS("User may delete user accounts", "Корисник може да брише корисничке налоге");  
    371   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \\'$1\\'?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику \'$1\'?");  
    372 342 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Нема ниједне слике");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "Опис<br><small>(клик за детаље)</small>");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "Галерија");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "Само текст");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "Користи се у чланцима");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Прикажи слику");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Промени податке о слици");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Промењене особине слике $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете слику $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Слика $1 је обрисана");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Слика $1 је додата");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sr/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Име<br><small>(кликните за преглед издања)</small>");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "тип УРЛа");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Држава<br><small>(кликните за уређивање)</small>");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Обриши податак $1");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "Нема дефинисаних података");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Обриши податак $1");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "Назад на публикацију");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "Подеси публикацију");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "Мењање података о публикацији");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Немате право измене података о публикацији");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Публикација $1 је успешно измењена");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Публикација $1 промењена");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Подаци о публикацији не могу бити измењени");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Проверите да ли већ постоји публикација са истим именом или именом сајта ");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "Обриши публикацију");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Немате право да бришете публикације");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете публикацију $1?");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "Брисање публикације");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Преостало је $1 претплата");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Публикација $1 је обрисана");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Публикација $1 не може бити обрисана");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Публикација $1 обрисана");  
    41 38 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Промени трајање основне претплате");  
    42 39 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Не постоји временска одредница претплате за ту државу");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Промена дужине трајања основне претплате");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Трајање основне претплате за $1 успешно промењено");  
    45 40 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Трајање основне претплате за $1 промењено");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Трајање основне претплате не може бити промењено");  
    47 41 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Обриши основну дужину претплате");  
    48 42 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Сигурни сте да желите да обришете основну дужину претплате за $1?");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Брисање дужине основне претплате");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Основна претплата за $1 је избрисана");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Дужина основне претплате за $1 не може бити избрисана");  
    52 43 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Дужина претплате за $1 је избрисана");  
    53 44 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Назив<br><small>(кликните за избор публикације)</small>");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Публикација $1 је успешно додата");  
    55 45 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Публикација $1 је додата");  
    56 46 regGS("Add new alias", "Додај нови алиас");  
    67 57 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "Сајт алиас за публикацију $1 је промењен у $2.");  
    68 58 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "Сајт алиас $1 не може бити промењен.");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "Обриши алиас");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "Нема таквог алиаса.");  
    71 59 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да обришете алиас $1?");  
    72 60 regGS("Deleting alias", "Брисање алиаса");  
    76 64 regGS("You do not have the right to add publications.", "Немате право да додајете публикације.");  
    77 65 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "Преостало је $1 издања.");  
    78   regGS("No such country.", "Нема те државе.");  
    79 66 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Добавление секций");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Добавление секций к подписке");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Секция была успешно добавлена");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Пожалуйста проверьте, что нет другой подписки с такой секцией.");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить подписку на секцию $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Подписка на секцию $1 была удалена");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Невозможно удалить подписку на секцию $1.");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Изменить подписку");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- ВСЕ СЕКЦИИ --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Обновление подписки");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Подписка была обновлена.");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Невозможно обновить подписку.");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Изменение подписки");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("User types", "Типы пользователей");  
    3 3 regGS("No user types.", "Нет типов пользователей.");  
    4   regGS("User type $1 added", "Тип пользователей $1 добавлен");  
    5 4 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить тип пользователей $1?");  
    6 5 regGS("No such user type.", "Нет такого типа пользователей.");  
    7 6 regGS("You do not have the right to delete user types.", "Вы не имеете права удаления типов пользователей.");  
    8   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Тип пользователей $1 удален");  
    9 7 regGS("User type", "Тип пользователей");  
    10 8 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Изменить права типа пользователей");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Нет стран.");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Вы не имеете права добавления стран.");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Добавление новой страны");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "Страна $1 была создана");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "Невозможно создать страну $1");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Страна $1 добавлена");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить страну $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Удаление страны");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "Страна $1 была удалена");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "Невозможно удалить страну $1.");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Страна $1 удалена");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Редактировать название страны");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Вы не имеете права изменения названия страны.");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Нет такого наззвания страны");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Изменения названия страны");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "Название страны $1 было изменено");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "Невозможно изменить название страны $1");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Изменено название страны $1");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Перевести название страны");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Вы не имеете права перевода названия страны.");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "Название страны $1 был переведено");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "Невозможно перевести название страны $1");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Переведено название страны $1");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    4 4 regGS("Paid subscription", "Платная подписка");  
    5 5 regGS("Trial subscription", "Пробная подписка");  
    6   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Подписка была удалена");  
    7 6 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Невозможно удалить подписку.");  
    8 7 regGS("Add sections now", "Добавить секцию сейчас");  
    11 10 regGS("Paid (payment will be confirmed later)", "Платная (оплата будет подтверждена позже)");  
    12 11 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Платная (подтвердить оплату сейчас)");  
    13   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Подписка была успешно добавлена.");  
    14 12 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Невозможно добавить подписку.");  
    15 13 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Пожалуйста проверьте, что нет другой подписки на эту публикацию.");  
    18 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Вы уверены, что хотите деактивировать подписку?");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Вы уверены, что хотите активировать подписку?");  
    20   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Изменение статуса подписки");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Подписка активирована.");  
    22   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Подписка деактивирована.");  
    23 18 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Невозможно изменить статус подписки.");  
    24 19 regGS("Update payment", "Обновление оплаты");  
    25   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Оплата подписки была обновлена.");  
    26 20 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Невозможно изменить оплату подписки.");  
    27 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить подписку на публикацию $1?");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "Показать статью на странице секции");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Введите ключевые слова, разделяя запятой");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Статья $1 добавлена к $2. $3 из $4. $5 из $6");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить статью $1 ($2)?");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "Изменить статус статьи");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Вы уверены, что уверены разблокировать?");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "Статья заблокирована");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Статья была обновлена");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Статья не может быть обновлена или изменения не были сделаны.");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "Дублировать статью");  
    35 33 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "Расписание автоматической публикации статей");  
    36 34 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "Вы уверены, что хотитее удалить эту запланированную операцию");  
      35 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить картинку \'$1\' из статьи?");  
    37 37 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Тип статьи $1 уже существует");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Тип статьи $1 был добавлен.");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Удалить тип статьи");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Вы не имеете права удаления типов статей.");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить тип статей $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Удаление типа статей");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Тип статей $1 был удален");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Невозможно удалить тип статей $1");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "Вы не имеете права изменять эту статью. Вы можете только редактировать собственные статьи, и будучи отправленной, статья может быть изменена только уполномоченным пользователем.");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "Список картинок статьи");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "Назад к списку картинок статьи");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Добавить новую картинку");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "Добавить существующую картинку");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Дата<BR><SMALL>(гггг-мм-дд)</SMALL>");  
    8 5 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "<nobr>Удалить картинку</nobr> <nobr>из статьи</nobr>");  
    9   regGS("Link Image to Article", "<nobr>Привязать картинку к статье</nobr>");  
    10 6 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "Пожалуйста введите номер для картинки");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "Пожалуйста введите описание для картинки");  
    12 8 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "Вы должны выбрать картинку для загрузки.");  
    13   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "Нет картинок, ассоциированных со статьёй");  
    14   regGS("Click one of the \"Add Image\" links above to add one.", "Для добавления картинки щелкните по одной из ссылок \"Добавить картинку\"");  
    15   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить картинку \'$1\' из статьи?");  
    16 9 regGS("Change image information", "Измениить информацию о картинке");  
    17   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Измененные свойства картинки $1");  
    18   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Удалена картинка $1");  
    19 10 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Вы не имеете права добавления картинок");  
    20 11 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Картинка $1 была успешно добавлена.");  
    21   regGS("You do not have the right to change the article.", "Вы не имеете прав изменять стаью");  
    22   regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Картинки $1 привязана к статье $2");  
    23   regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Картинка $1 отвязана от $2");  
    24 12 regGS("View image", "Просмотр картинки");  
    25 13 regGS("Unlink", "Отвязать");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Время подписки по умолчанию для $1 успешно добавлено.");  
      17 regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Картинки $1 привязана к статье $2");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Картинка $1 отвязана от $2");  
      19 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Картинка $1 была успешно добавлена.");  
      20 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Удалена картинка $1");  
    8 22 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Название<BR><SMALL>(щелкните для просмотра секций)</SMALL>");  
    3 4 regGS("Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Опубликовано<BR><SMALL>(гггг-мм-дд)</SMALL>");  
    22 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выпуск $1?");  
    23 24 regGS("Deleting issue", "Удаление выпуска");  
    24   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Выпуск $1 был удален.");  
    25 25 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Не удалось удалить выпуск $1.");  
    26 26 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Удалены все секции из выпуска $1 публикации $2");  
    36 36 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Скопировать структуру из выпуска №$1");  
    37 37 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Копирование предыдущего выпуска:");  
    38   regGS("Copying done.", "Копирование завершено.");  
    39 38 regGS("Select the issue", "Выберите выпуск");  
    40 39 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Новый выпуск $1 из $2 в публикации $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("More...", "Далее...");  
    8 8 regGS("Content", "Содержимое");  
    9   regGS("Obsolete", "Устаревшее");  
    10   regGS("Publishing environment", "Окружение");  
    11   regGS("Infotypes", "Классы");  
    12 9 regGS("Languages", "Язык");  
    13 10 regGS("Countries", "Страны");  
    62 59 regGS("---Select article---", "---Выберите статью---");  
    63 60 regGS("Language", "Язык");  
    64   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Класс ключевых слов");  
    65 61 regGS("Translation", "Перевод");  
    66   regGS("Infotype", "Класс");  
    67 62 regGS("Country", "Страна");  
    68 63 regGS("User name", "Пользователь");  
    95 90 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "Планирование новых операций");  
    96 91 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "Удалить запланированную операцию");  
    97   regGS("The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.", "Операция, запланированная на $1 была удалена");  
    98 92 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "Операция $1 была назначена на $2");  
    99 93 regGS("Date/Time", "Дата/Время");  
    112 106 regGS("Show", "Показать");  
    113 107 regGS("Remove", "Удалить");  
    114   regGS("The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2", "Операция $1 была запланирована на $2");  
    115 108 regGS("days", "дней");  
    116 109 regGS("Article Types", "Тип статьи");  
    117 110 regGS("User Types", "Типы пользователей");  
    118   regGS("Glossary", "Глоссарий");  
    119   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Класс ключевого слова");  
    120 111 regGS("Publications", "Публикации");  
    121 112 regGS("Issues", "Выпуски");  
    142 133 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "Неправильный ввод: $1");  
    143 134 regGS("Language does not exist.", "Язык не существует");  
    144   regGS("Infotype does not exist.", "Класс не существует");  
    145 135 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "Ключевое слово не существует");  
    146 136 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "Нет такой публикации.");  
    191 181 regGS("Miscellaneous", "Разное");  
    192 182 regGS("Identifier", "Идентификатор");  
    193   regGS("Uploaded by", "Отправлена");  
    194 183 regGS("Additional searches", "Дополнительный поиск");  
    195 184 regGS("Most Recently Added", "Недавно добавленные");  
    198 187 regGS("Reset search conditions", "Сбросить условия поиска");  
    199 188 regGS("Preview issue", "Предварительные просмотр выпуска");  
    200   regGS("Publ. no.", "Публ. №");  
    201   regGS("Issue no.", "Выпуск №");  
    202   regGS("Section no.", "Секция №");  
    203 189 regGS("Image number", "Номер картинки");  
    204 190 regGS("Users", "Пользователи");  
    205   regGS("User is a reader", "Пользователь - это читатель");  
    206 191 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Пользователь может добавлять/изменять публикации");  
    207 192 regGS("User may delete publications", "Пользователь может удалять публикации");  
    229 214 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Пользователь может добавлять языки и управлять информаций о языках");  
    230 215 regGS("User may delete languages", "Пользователь может удалять языки");  
    231   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Пользователь может управлять классами глоссария");  
    232   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Пользователь может добавлять/изменять записи словаря");  
    233   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Пользователь может удалять записи словаря");  
    234 216 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Пользователь будет уведомляться о некоторых событиях");  
    235 217 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Пользователь может просматривать журнал отчетности");  
    272 254 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "Обновление прав типов пользователей");  
    273 255 regGS("Adding new translation", "Добавление нового перевода");  
    274   regGS("Translate keyword", "Перевести ключевое слово");  
    275 256 regGS("No more languages.", "Больше нет языков");  
    276   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Нет такого класса ключевых слов");  
    277   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Добавление нового класса ключевых слов");  
    278   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Класс был удален");  
    279   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Класс не может быть удален");  
    280 257 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "Поле $1 может содержать только буквы, цифры и символ подчеркивания");  
    281 258 regGS("Add new publication", "Добавить новую публикацию");  
    291 268 regGS("Your articles", "Ваши статьи");  
    292 269 regGS("Submitted articles", "Отправленные статьи");  
    293   regGS("Quick Menu", "Меню");  
    294 270 regGS("Logs", "Журнал");  
    295 271 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Осталось статей: $1");  
    308 284 regGS("Delete subscription", "Удалить подписку");  
    309 285 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Вы не имеете прав удаления подписок");  
    310   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Удаление подписки");  
    311 286 regGS("No such subscription.", "Нет такой подписки");  
    312 287 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Невозможно удалить секцию $1");  
    326 301 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Осталось подтем: $1");  
    327 302 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Удалена тема $1");  
    328   regGS("Changing topic name", "Переименование темы");  
    329 303 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Вы не имеете права переименования тем.");  
    330 304 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Тема $1 обновлена");  
    333 307 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Удалить тему $1");  
    334 308 regGS("No topics", "Нет тем");  
    335   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Тема $1 была успешно добавлена");  
    336   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Тема $1 была успешно обновлена");  
    337 309 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Тема $1 была удалена");  
    338 310 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Тема используется в $1 статье(-ях).");  
    358 330 regGS("You must input a valid date.", "Вы должны ввести правильную дату");  
    359 331 regGS("Add new field", "Добавить новый тип:ru");  
    360   regGS("Back to article details", "Назад к параметрам статьи:ru");  
    361 332 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "Расписание автоматических публикаций статей");  
    362 333 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить запланированное действие");  
    363 334 regGS("Unlink", "Отвязать");  
    364   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
      335 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить картинку \'$1\'?");  
    364 335 regGS("No such issue.", "Нет такого выпуска.:ru");  
    365 336 regGS("No such section.", "Нет такой секции:ru");  
    378 349 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Название<BR><SMALL>(Щелкнуть для правки)</SMALL>:ru");  
    379 350 regGS("New field", "Новое поле");  
    380   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \\'$1\\'?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить картинку \\'$1\\'?");  
    381 351 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Нет картинок.");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "Описание <SMALL>(щелкните для подробностей)</SMALL>");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "Галерея");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "Только текст");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "Использована в статьях");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Просмотреть картинку");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Изменить информацию о картинке");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Измененные свойства картинки $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить картинку $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Удалена картинка $1");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Картинка $1 была успешно добавлена.");  
    17 13 regGS("Image archive", "Архив картинок");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/ru/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Название<BR><SMALL>(щелкните для просмотра выпуска)</SMALL>");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "Тип URL");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Страна<BR><SMALL>(щелкните для правки)</SMALL>");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Удалить запись $1");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "Нет определенных записей.");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Удалить запись $1");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "Назад к публикациям");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "Конфигурирование публикаций");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "Изменение информации публикации");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Вы не имеете права изменять информацию публикации.");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Публикация $1 была успешно обновлена.");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Публикация $1 изменена");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Не удалось обновить информацию публикации.");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Пожалуйста проверьте, не существует ли уже другая публикация с этим именем или другой сайт с этим именем.");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "Удалить публикацию");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Вы не имеете права удалять публикации.");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить публикацию $1?");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "Удаление публикации");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Осталось подписок: $1.");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Публикация $1 была удалена.");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Не удалось удалить публикацию $1.");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Публикация $1 удалена");  
    37 34 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Добавление времени подписки по умолчанию для новой страны");  
    38 35 regGS("You must select a country.", "Вы должны выбрать страну.");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Время подписки по умолчанию для $1 успешно добавлено.");  
    40 36 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Не удалось добавить время подписки по умолчанию для страны $1.");  
    41 37 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Изменение времени подписки по умолчанию");  
    42 38 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Нет записи о времени по умолчанию для этой страны.");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Изменение времени подписки по умолчанию");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Время подписки по умолчанию для $1 было успешно обновлено.");  
    45 39 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Время подписки по умолчанию для $1 изменено");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Не удалось обновить время подписки по умолчанию.");  
    47 40 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Удалить время подписки по умолчанию");  
    48 41 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить время подпискипо умолчанию для $1?");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Удалить время подписки по умолчанию");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Время подписки по умолчанию для $1 было удалено.");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Не удалось удалить время подписки по умолчанию для $1.");  
    52 42 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Время подписки по умолчанию для $1 удалено");  
    53 43 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Название<BR><SMALL>(щелкните для выбора выпуска)</SMALL>");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Публикация $1 успешно добавлена");  
    55 44 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Добавлен публикация $1");  
    56 45 regGS("Add new alias", "Добавить новый псевдоним");  
    67 56 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "Псевдоним сайта для публикации $1 изменен на $2");  
    68 57 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "Псевдоним сайта $1 не может быть изменен.");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "Удалить псевдоним");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "Нет таких псевдонимов");  
    71 58 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить псевдоним $1?");  
    72 59 regGS("Deleting alias", "Удаление псевдонима");  
    76 63 regGS("You do not have the right to add publications.", "Вы не имеете прав добавления публикации.");  
    77 64 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "Отсалось выпусков: $1");  
    78   regGS("No such country.", "Нет такой страны");  
    79 65 regGS("Change publication information", "Изменить информацию публикации:ru");  
    80 66 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Agregando secciones");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Agregando secciones para suscripción");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "La seccion fue agregada con éxito");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Favor revise si no existe otra suscripción con el mismo nombre de sección");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "¿Esta seguro que desea borrar la suscripción a la sección $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "La suscripción a la sección $1 ha sido borrada");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "La suscripción a la sección $1 no pudo ser borrada");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Cambiar suscripción");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- TODAS LAS SECCIONES --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Actualizando suscripciones");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "La suscripción ha sido actualizada");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "La suscripción no pudo ser actualizada");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Cambiando suscripciones");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "El tipo de usuario no pudo ser agregado");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "Favor revise si un tipo de usuario con el mismo nombre no existe ya");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "Tipo de usuario $1 agregado");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "¿Esta seguro que desea borrar el tipo de usuario $1?");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "No existe tipo de usuario");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "El tipo de usuario ha sido borrado");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "El tipo de usuario no pudo ser borrado");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Tipo de usuario $1 borrado");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Cambiar permisos de tipo de usuario");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "No tiene derecho a cambiar permisos de tipo de usuario");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Sin países");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "No tiene derecho para agregar países");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Agregando nuevo país");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "El país $1 ha sido creado");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "El país $1 no pudo ser creado");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "País $1 agregado");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "¿Esta seguro que quiere borrar el país $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Borrando país");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "El país $1 ha sido borrado");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "El país $1 no pudo ser borrado");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "País $1 borrado");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Editar nombre de país");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "No tiene derecho para cambiar nombre de país");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "No existe nombre de país");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Cambiando nombre de país");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "El nombre de país $1 ha sido cambiado");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "El nombre de país $1 no pudo ser cambiado");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Nombre de país $1 cambiado");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Traduzca nombre de país");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "No tiene derecho a traducir nombre de país");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "El nombre de país $1 ha sido traducido");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "El nombre de país $1 no pudo ser traducido");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Nombre de país $1 traducido");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "Suscripción de prueba");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "¿Esta seguro que desea borrar la suscripción a la publicación $1?");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "La suscripcion ha sido borrada");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "La suscripcion no pudo ser borrada");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "Agregar secciones ahora");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Pagado ( confirmar pago ahora )");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "Prueba");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "La suscripción ha sido agregada con exito");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "La suscripción no puedo ser agregada");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Favor revise si no existe otra suscripción a la misma publicacion");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "¿Esta seguro que desea desactivar la suscripción?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "¿Esta seguro que desea activar la suscripción?");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Cambiando estatus de suscripción");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "La suscripción ha sido activada");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "La suscripción ha sido desactivada");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Estatus de suscripción no pudo ser cambiado");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "Actualizar pago");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "El pago de suscripción fue actualizado");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "El pago de suscripción no pudo ser cambiado");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("Show article on section page", "Mostrar artículo en portada de sección");  
    7 7 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Entrar palabras claves, separadas por comas");  
    8   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Artículo $1 agregado a $2. $3 de $4. $5 de $6");  
    9 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "¿Esta seguro que quiere borrar el artículo $1 ($2)?");  
    10 9 regGS("Change article status", "Cambiar estatus de artículo");  
    18 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "¿Esta seguro que desea bloquearlo?");  
    19 18 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    20   regGS("The article has been updated.", "El artículo ha sido actualizado.");  
    21 19 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "El artículo no pudo ser actualizado o no se pudieron hacer cambios.");  
    22 20 regGS("Duplicate article", "Duplicar articulo");  
    23 21 regGS("The destination section is the same as the source section.", "La seccion destino es la misma que la seccion fuente.");  
      22 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    24 24 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "El tipo de artículo $1 ya existe");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "El tipo de articulo $1 ha sido agregado.");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Borrar tipo de artículo");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "No tiene derecho a borrar tipo de artículo.");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "¿Esta seguro que desea borrar el tipo de artículo $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Borrando tipo de artículo");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "El tipo de artículo $1 ha sido borrado.");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "El tipo de artículo $1 no pudo ser borrado");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Agregar nueva imagen");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "aaaa-mm-dd");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "Borrar imagen $1");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "Cambiar información de imagen");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Cambiar propiedades de imagen $1?");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imagen $1 borrada");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "No tiene derecho a agregar imágenes");  
    22   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "La imagen $1 ha sido agregada");  
    23 14 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "El tiempo de suscripción defecto para $1 ha sido agregado");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "La imagen $1 ha sido agregada");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imagen $1 borrada");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Nombre");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "Plantilla de Portada");  
    29 30 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "¿Estas seguro que desea borrar la edición $1?");  
    30 31 regGS("Deleting issue", "Borrando edición");  
    31   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "La edición $1 ha sido borrada");  
    32 32 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "La edición $1 no pudo ser borrada");  
    33 33 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Todas las secciones de Edición $1 de publicación $2 borradas");  
    43 43 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Copiar estructura de edición No. $1");  
    44 44 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Copiando edición previa");  
    45   regGS("Copying done.", "Copia realizada");  
    46 45 regGS("Select the issue", "Seleccionar la edición");  
    47 46 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Nueva edición $1 de $2 en publicación $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Name", "Nombre");  
    9 9 regGS("Keyword", "Palabra Clave");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "Infotypes");  
    11 10 regGS("Languages", "Idiomas");  
    12 11 regGS("Native name", "Nombre local");  
    38 37 regGS("---Select article---", "---Seleccione artículo---");  
    39 38 regGS("Language", "Idioma");  
    40   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Palabra clave de infotype");  
    41 39 regGS("Translation", "Traducción");  
    42   regGS("Infotype", "Infotype");  
    43 40 regGS("Country", "País");  
    44 41 regGS("User name", "Nombre de usuario");  
    62 59 regGS("Article Types", "Tipo Artículo");  
    63 60 regGS("User Types", "Tipo Usuario");  
    64   regGS("Glossary", "Glosario");  
    65   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Palabra clave infotypes");  
    66 61 regGS("Publications", "Publicaciones");  
    67 62 regGS("Issues", "Ediciones");  
    121 116 regGS("Place", "Lugar");  
    122 117 regGS("Date", "Fecha");  
    123   regGS("Publ. no.", "Publ. No.");  
    124   regGS("Issue no.", "Edición no.");  
    125   regGS("Section no.", "Sección no.");  
    126 118 regGS("Image number", "Número de imagen");  
    127 119 regGS("Users", "Usuarios");  
    128   regGS("User is a reader", "Usuario es lector");  
    129 120 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Usuario puede agregar/cambiar publicaciones");  
    130 121 regGS("User may delete publications", "Usuario puede borrar publicaciones");  
    149 140 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Usuario puede agregar idiomas y manejar información de idiomas");  
    150 141 regGS("User may delete languages", "Usuario puede borrar idiomas");  
    151   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Usuario puede manejar glosario infotypes");  
    152   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Usuario puede agregar/cambiar entradas al glosario");  
    153   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Usuario puede borrar entradas al glosario");  
    154 142 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Usuario sera notificado en varios eventos");  
    155 143 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Usuario puede ver historial de auditoria");  
    161 149 regGS("User may manage topics", "Usuario puede manejar temas");  
    162 150 regGS("Adding new translation", "Agregar nueva traducción");  
    163   regGS("Translate keyword", "Traducir palabra clave");  
    164 151 regGS("No more languages.", "No más idiomas");  
    165   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "No existe palabra clave infotype");  
    166   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Agregando nueva palabra clave infotype");  
    167   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "El infotype ha sido borrado");  
    168   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "El infotype no pudo ser borrado");  
    169 152 regGS("Add new publication", "Agregar nueva publicación");  
    170 153 regGS("Upload new template", "Subir nuevo template");  
    179 162 regGS("Your articles", "Sus artículos");  
    180 163 regGS("Submitted articles", "Artículos enviados");  
    181   regGS("Quick Menu", "Menú Rápido");  
    182 164 regGS("Logs", "Historial");  
    183 165 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Hay $1 articulo(s) pendiente(s)");  
    196 178 regGS("Delete subscription", "Borrar suscripción");  
    197 179 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "No tiene derecho a borrar suscripciones");  
    198   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Borrando suscripciones");  
    199 180 regGS("No such subscription.", "No existe suscripción");  
    200 181 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "La sección $1 no pudo ser borrada");  
    203 184 regGS("No", "No");  
    204 185 regGS("No issues.", "Sin edición");  
    205   regGS("Back to article details", "Volver a detalles de articulos");  
    206 186 regGS("Adding new topic", "Agregando nuevo tema");  
    207 187 regGS("Topic $1 added", "Tema $1 agregado");  
    212 192 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Hay $1 subtema(s) pendiente(s)");  
    213 193 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Tema $1 borrado");  
    214   regGS("Changing topic name", "Cambiando nombre de tema");  
    215 194 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "No tiene derecho para cambiar nombre de tema");  
    216 195 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Tema $1 actualizado");  
    219 198 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Borrar tema $1");  
    220 199 regGS("No topics", "Sin temas");  
    221   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "El tema $1 ha sido exitosamente agregado");  
    222   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "El tema $1 ha sido exitosamente actualizado");  
    223 200 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "El tema $1 ha sido borrado");  
    224 201 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Hay $1 articulo(s) usando el tema");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Sin imagen");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Ver imagen");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Cambiar información de imagen");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Cambiar propiedades de imagen $1?");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "¿Esta seguro de querer borrar la imagen $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Imagen $1 borrada");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "La imagen $1 ha sido agregada");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/es/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Nombre");  
    5 6 regGS("No publications.", "Sin publicaciones");  
    6 7 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "País");  
    7   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Borrar entrada $1");  
    8   regGS("No entries defined.", "No entradas definidas");  
      8 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Borrar entrada $1");  
    9 9 regGS("Change publication information", "Cambiar información de publicación");  
    10 10 regGS("You do not have the right to edit publication information.", "No tiene derecho para editar la información publicación");  
    11 11 regGS("Changing publication information", "Cambiando información de publicación");  
    12 12 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "No tiene derecho de cambiar la información de publicación");  
    13   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "La publicación $1 fue actualizada con éxito");  
    14 13 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publicación $1 cambiada");  
    15 14 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "La información de publicación no pudo ser actualizada");  
    16 15 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Favor revise si otra publicación con el mismo o el mismo sitio no existen ya");  
    17   regGS("Delete publication", "Borrar publicación");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "No tiene derecho a borrar publicaciones");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "¿Esta seguro que quiere borrar publicación $1?");  
    20 18 regGS("Deleting publication", "Borrando publicación");  
    21 19 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Hay $1 subscripcion(es) pendiente(s)");  
    22   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "La publicación $1 ha sido borrada");  
    23 20 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "La publicación $1 no pudo ser borrada");  
    24 21 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publicación $1 borrada");  
    31 28 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Agregando nuevo país de tiempo de suscripción");  
    32 29 regGS("You must select a country.", "Debe seleccionar un país");  
    33   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "El tiempo de suscripción defecto para $1 ha sido agregado");  
    34 30 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "El tiempo defecto de suscripción para el pais $1 no pudo ser agregado");  
    35 31 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Cambiar tiempo de suscripción inicial");  
    36 32 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "No entrada de tiempo defecto para ese país");  
    37   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Cambiando tiempo defecto de suscripción");  
    38   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "El tiempo defecto de suscripción para $1 ha sido actualizado con exito");  
    39 33 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Tiempo defecto de suscripción para $1 cambiado");  
    40   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "El tiempo defecto de suscripción no pudo ser actualizado");  
    41 34 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Borrar tiempo defecto de suscripción");  
    42 35 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "¿Esta seguro que desea borrar tiempo defecto de suscripción para $1?");  
    43   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Borrando tiempo defecto de suscripción");  
    44   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Tiempo defecto de suscripción para $1 ha sido borrado");  
    45   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "El tiempo de suscripción defecto para $1 no pudo ser borrado");  
    46 36 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Tiempo defecto de suscripción para $1 borrado");  
    47 37 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Nombre");  
    48   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "La publicación $1 ha sido agregada con éxito");  
    49 38 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publicación $1 agregada");  
    50 39 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/user_subscription_sections.php

    r4037 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/user_types.php

    r4037 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("User types", "");  
    3 3 regGS("No user types.", "");  
    4   regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
    5 4 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "");  
    6 5 regGS("No such user type.", "");  
    7 6 regGS("You do not have the right to delete user types.", "");  
    8   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
    9 7 regGS("User type", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Change user type permissions", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/country.php

    r4037 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/user_subscriptions.php

    r4037 r4145  
    4 4 regGS("Paid subscription", "");  
    5 5 regGS("Trial subscription", "");  
    6   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "");  
    7 6 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "");  
    8 7 regGS("Add sections now", "");  
    11 10 regGS("Paid (payment will be confirmed later)", "");  
    12 11 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "");  
    13   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "");  
    14 12 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "");  
    15 13 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription status", "");  
    17 15 regGS("You do not have the right to change subscriptions status.", "");  
    18   regGS("Changing subscription status", "");  
    19   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "");  
    20   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "");  
    21 16 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "");  
    22 17 regGS("Update payment", "");  
    23   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "");  
    24 18 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "");  
    25 19 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "");  
    28 26 regGS("You do not have the right to delete articles.", "");  
    29 27 regGS("You must select an article type.", "");  
      28 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    30 30 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/article_types.php

    r4037 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "");  
    8 5 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    9   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    10 6 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    13   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    14   regGS("Click one of the \"Add Image\" links above to add one.", "");  
    15   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    16 9 regGS("Change image information", "");  
    17   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
    18   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "");  
    19 10 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "");  
    20   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "");  
    21   regGS("You do not have the right to change the article.", "");  
    22   regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "");  
    23   regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "");  
    24 11 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "");  
      17 regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "");  
      19 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "");  
      20 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "");  
    8 22 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "");  
    22 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "");  
    23 24 regGS("Deleting issue", "");  
    24   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    25 25 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
    26 26 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "");  
    36 36 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "");  
    37 37 regGS("Copying previous issue", "");  
    38   regGS("Copying done.", "");  
    39 38 regGS("Select the issue", "");  
    40 39 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/fr/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "");  
    37 34 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "");  
    38 35 regGS("You must select a country.", "");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "");  
    40 36 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "");  
    41 37 regGS("Change subscription default time", "");  
    42 38 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "");  
    45 39 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "");  
    47 40 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "");  
    48 41 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "");  
    52 42 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "");  
    53 43 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "");  
    55 44 regGS("Publication $1 added", "");  
    56 45 regGS("Add new alias", "");  
    67 56 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "");  
    68 57 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "");  
    71 58 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "");  
    72 59 regGS("Deleting alias", "");  
    76 63 regGS("You do not have the right to add publications.", "");  
    77 64 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "");  
    78   regGS("No such country.", "");  
    79 65 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Rubriken werden hinzugefügt");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Rubriken werden zu Abonoment hinzugefügtq");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Rubrik wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Bitte überprüfen, ob ein anderes Abonmoment mit derselben Rubrik bereits existiert");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Abonoment zur Rubrik $1 wirklich löschen?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Das Abonoment für Rubrik $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Das Abonoment für Rubrik $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Abonoment ändern");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- ALLE RUBRIKEN --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Abonoment wird aktualisiert");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Abonoment wurde aktualisiert");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Abonoment konnte nicht aktualisiert werden");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Abonoment wird geändert");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "Benutzertyp konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "Bitte überprüfen, ob ein Benutzertyp mit demselben Namen bereits existiert");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "Benutzertyp $1 hinzugefügt");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Benutzertyp $1 wirklich löschen");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "Benutzertyp nicht vorhanden");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "Benutzertyp wurde gelöscht");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "Benutzertyp konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Benutzertyp $1 gelöscht");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Benutzertyprechte ändern");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "Keine Berechtigung Benutzertyprechte zu ändern");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Keine Länder");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Keine Berechtigung Länder hinzuzufügen");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Neues Land wird hinzugefügt");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "Land $1 wurde erstellt");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "Land $1 konnte nicht erstellt werden");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Land $1 hinzugefügt");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Land $1 wirklich löschen");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Land wird gelöscht");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "Land $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "Land $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Land $1 gelöscht");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Landname bearbeiten");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Keine Berechtigung Landnamen zu ändern");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Landname nich vorhanden");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Landname wird geändert");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "Der Landname $1 wurde geändert");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "Der Landname $1 konnte nicht geändert werden");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Landname $1 geändert");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Landname übersetzen");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Keine Berechtigung Landnamen zu übersetzen");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "Landname $1 wurde übersetzt");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "Landname $1 konnte nicht übersetzt werden");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Landname $1 übersetzt");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "Probe-Abonnement");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Abonoment an Publikation $1 wirklich löschen?");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Abonoment wurde gelöscht");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Abonoment konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "Rubriken jetzt hinzufügen");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Bezahlt (Bezahlung jetzt bestätigen)");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "Probe");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Abonoment wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Abonoment konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Bitte überprüfen, ob ein weiters Abonoment für dieselbe Publikation exitiert");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Abonoment wirklich deaktivieren?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Abonoment wirklich aktivieren?");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Abonomentstatus wird geändert");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Abonoment wurde aktiviert");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Abonoment wurde deaktiviert");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Abonomentstatus konnte nicht geändert werden");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "Zahlung aktualisieren");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Abonomentzahlung wurde aktualisiert");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Abonomentzahlung konnte nicht geändert werden");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("Show article on section page", "Artikel in der Rubrik anzeigen");  
    7 7 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Stichwörter hinzufügen, mit Kommas getrennt");  
    8   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Artikel $1 wurde zu $2 hinzugefügt. $3 von $4. $5 von $6");  
    9 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Artikel $1 ($2) wirklich löschen?");  
    10 9 regGS("Change article status", "Artikel Status ändern");  
    18 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Wirklich freigeben?");  
    19 18 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    20   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Artikel wurde aktualisiert");  
    21 19 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Artikel konnte nicht aktualisiert werden oder es wurden keine Änderungen vorgenommen");  
    22 20 regGS("Duplicate article", "");  
    23 21 regGS("The destination section is the same as the source section.", "");  
      22 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    24 24 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Artikeltyp $1 existiert bereits");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Artikeltyp $1 wurde hinzugefügt");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Artikeltyp löschen");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Keine Berechtigung Artikeltypen zu löschen");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Artikeltyp $1 wirklich löschen?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Artikeltyp wird gelöscht");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Artikeltyp $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Artikeltyp $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Neues Bild hinzufügen");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Datum (jjjj-mm-tt)");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "Bild $1 löschen");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "Bildinformation ändern");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Bildeigenschaften von $1 geändert");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Bild $1 gelöscht");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Keine Berechtigung Bilder hinzuzufügen");  
    22 14 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Bild $1 erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Abonomentstandardzeit für $1 wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Bild $1 erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Bild $1 gelöscht");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Name (zum Betrachten der Rubrik anklicken)");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "Template der Startseite");  
    28 29 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Ausgabe $1 wirklich löschen?");  
    29 30 regGS("Deleting issue", "Ausgabe wird gelöscht");  
    30   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Ausgabe $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    31 31 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Ausgabe $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    32 32 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Alle Rubriken in Ausgabe $1 der Publikation $2 wurden gelöscht");  
    42 42 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Struktur der Ausgabe $1 kopieren");  
    43 43 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Vorherige Ausgabe kopieren");  
    44   regGS("Copying done.", "Kopiervorgang abgeschlossen");  
    45 44 regGS("Select the issue", "Ausgabe auswählen");  
    46 45 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Neue Ausgabe $1 von $2 der Publikation $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Name", "Name");  
    9 9 regGS("Keyword", "Stichwort");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "Infotyp");  
    11 10 regGS("Languages", "Sprachen");  
    12 11 regGS("Native name", "Im Original");  
    26 25 regGS("Go up", "Nach oben");  
    27 26 regGS("Language", "Sprache");  
    28   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Keyword-Infotyp");  
    29 27 regGS("Translation", "Übersetzung");  
    30   regGS("Infotype", "Infotyp");  
    31 28 regGS("Country", "Land");  
    32 29 regGS("User name", "Benutzername");  
    50 47 regGS("Article Types", "Artikel Typen");  
    51 48 regGS("User Types", "Benutzertypen");  
    52   regGS("Glossary", "Glossar");  
    53   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Keyword-Infotypen");  
    54 49 regGS("Publications", "Publikationen");  
    55 50 regGS("Issues", "Ausgaben");  
    104 99 regGS("Place", "Ort");  
    105 100 regGS("Date", "Datum");  
    106   regGS("Publ. no.", "Publ. Nr.");  
    107   regGS("Issue no.", "Ausgabe Nr.");  
    108   regGS("Section no.", "Rubrik Nr.");  
    109 101 regGS("Image number", "Bild Nr.");  
    110 102 regGS("Users", "BenutzerIn");  
    111   regGS("User is a reader", "BenutzerIn ist ein/e LeserIn");  
    112 103 regGS("User may add/change publications", "BenutzerIn kann Publikationen hinzufügen / ändern");  
    113 104 regGS("User may delete publications", "BenutzerIn kann Publikationen löschen");  
    132 123 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "BenutzerIn kann Sprachen hinzufügen und Sprachinformationen managen");  
    133 124 regGS("User may delete languages", "BenutzerIn kann Sprachen löschen");  
    134   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "BenutzerIn kann Wortverzeichnis-Infotypen managen");  
    135   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "BenutzerIn kann Lexikoneinträge hinzufügen / ändern");  
    136   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "BenutzerIn kann Lexikoneinträge löschen");  
    137 125 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "BenutzerIn wird zu mehreren Anlässen benachrichtigt");  
    138 126 regGS("User may view audit logs", "BenutzerIn kann Log-Files betrachten");  
    144 132 regGS("User may manage topics", "BenutzerIn kann Themen managen");  
    145 133 regGS("Adding new translation", "Neue Übersetzung hinzufügen");  
    146   regGS("Translate keyword", "Stichwort übersetzen");  
    147 134 regGS("No more languages.", "Keine weiteren Sprachen");  
    148   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Stichwort Infotyp nicht vorhanden");  
    149   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Stichwort Infotyp hinzufügen");  
    150   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Infotyp gelöscht");  
    151   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Infotyp konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    152 135 regGS("Add new publication", "Neue Publikation hinzufügen");  
    153 136 regGS("Upload new template", "Neues Template hochladen");  
    162 145 regGS("Your articles", "Ihre Artikel");  
    163 146 regGS("Submitted articles", "eingepflegte Artikel");  
    164   regGS("Quick Menu", "Schnellzugriff");  
    165 147 regGS("Logs", "Logfiles");  
    166 148 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Es sind noch $1 Artikel vorhanden");  
    179 161 regGS("Delete subscription", "Abonnement löschen");  
    180 162 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Keine Berechtigung Abonnements zu löschen");  
    181   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Abonnement wird gelöscht");  
    182 163 regGS("No such subscription.", "Abonnement nicht vorhanden");  
    183 164 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Die Rubrik $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    186 167 regGS("No", "Nein");  
    187 168 regGS("No issues.", "Keine Ausgabe");  
    188   regGS("Back to article details", "Zurück zu Artikeldetails");  
    189 169 regGS("Adding new topic", "Neues Thema wird hinzugefügt");  
    190 170 regGS("Topic $1 added", "Thema $1 hinzugefügt");  
    195 175 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Es sind noch $1 Unterthemen übrig");  
    196 176 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Thema $1 gelöscht");  
    197   regGS("Changing topic name", "Themenname wird geändert");  
    198 177 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Keine Berechtigung den Themenname zu ändern");  
    199 178 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Thema $1 aktualisiert");  
    202 181 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Thema $1 löschen");  
    203 182 regGS("No topics", "Keine Themen");  
    204   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Thema $1 wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
    205   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Thema $1wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert");  
    206 183 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Thema $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    207 184 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Thema wird von $1 Artikeln gelöscht");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Keine Bilder");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Bild betrachten");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Bildinformation ändern");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Bildeigenschaften von $1 geändert");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Das Bild $1 wirklich löschen?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Bild $1 gelöscht");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Bild $1 erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/de/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Name");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Land (bearbeiten, bitte anklicken)");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Eintrag $1 löschen");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "Keine Einträge definiert");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Eintrag $1 löschen");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "Info der Publikation wird geändert");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Keine Rechte Info der Publikation zu ändern");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Publikation $1 wurde geändert");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publikation $1 wurde geändert");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Die Info der Publikations konnte nicht verändert werden");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Bitte überprüfen, ob eine Publikation mit dem selben Namen schon existiert");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "Publikation löschen");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Keine Berechtigung Publikationen zu löschen");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Sicher, dass Publikation $1 gelöscht werden soll?");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "Publikation wird gelöscht");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "$1 Abonement(s) noch vorhanden");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Publikation $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Publikation $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publikation $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    37 34 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Hinzufügen von für Abonomentstandardzeit ");  
    38 35 regGS("You must select a country.", "Es muss ein Land gewählt werden");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Abonomentstandardzeit für $1 wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt");  
    40 36 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Abonomentstandardzeit für das Land $1 konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden");  
    41 37 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Abonomentstandardzeit  ändern");  
    42 38 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Keine Standardzeiteintragung für dieses Land");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Ändern der Abonomentstandardzeit  ");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Abonomentstandardzeit  für $1 wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert");  
    45 39 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Abonomentstandardzeit  für $1 hat sich geändert");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Abonomentstandardzeit  konnte nicht aktualisiert werden");  
    47 40 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Abonomentstandardzeit  löschen");  
    48 41 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Sicher, die Abonomentstandardzeit  für $1 zu löschen?");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Löschen von Abonomentstandardzeit  ");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Abonomentstandardzeit  für $1 wurde gelöscht");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Abonomentstandardzeit  für $1 konnte nicht gelöscht werden");  
    52 42 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Abonomentstandardzeit  für $1 gelöscht");  
    53 43 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Name (Publikation auswählen, bitte anklicken)");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Publikation $1 wurde hinzugefügt");  
    55 44 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publikation $1 wurde hinzugefügt");  
    56 45 regGS("Add new alias", "");  
    67 56 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "");  
    68 57 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "");  
    71 58 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "");  
    72 59 regGS("Deleting alias", "");  
    76 63 regGS("You do not have the right to add publications.", "");  
    77 64 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "");  
    78   regGS("No such country.", "");  
    79 65 regGS("Change publication information", "Information der Publikation ändern");  
    80 66 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Dodavanje rubrika");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Dodavanje rubrika za pretplatu");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Rubrika je uspješno dodana");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Molim provjerite da li postoji neka druga pretplata sa istom rubrikom.");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Zaista želite izbrisati pretplatu na rubriku $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Pretplata na rubriku $1 je izbrisana.");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Pretplata na rubriku $1 ne može se izbrisati.");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Promijeni pretplatu");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- SVE RUBRIKE --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Osvježavanje pretplate");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Pretplata je osvježena.");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Pretplate se ne može osvježiti.");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Mijenjanje pretplate");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "Vrsta korisnika ne može se dodati");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "Molim provjerite da li već postoji ta vrsta korisnika.");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "Vrsta korisnika $1 dodana");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Zaista želite izbrisati vrstu korisnika $1?");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "Nema takve vrste korisnika");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "Vrsta korisnika je izbrisana.");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "Vrsta korisnika ne može se izbrisati.");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Vrsta korisnika $1 je izbrisana.");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Promijena dozvola za vrstu korisnika");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "Nemate pravo mijenjati dozvole za vrste korisnika");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Nema unesenih država.");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Nemate pravo dodavati države.");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Dodavenje nove države.");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "Država $1 je unesena.");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "Država $1 ne može biti unesena.");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Država $1 je dodana.");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Sigurno želite izbrisati državu $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Brisanje države.");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "Država $1 je izbrisana.");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "Država $1 ne može se izbrisati.");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Država $1 je izbrisana.");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Uredite ime države.");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Nemate pravo mijenjati imena država.");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Nema takvog imena države.");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Mijenjanje imena države.");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "Ime države $1 je promijenjeno.");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "Ime države $1 ne može se promijeniti. ");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Ime države $1 je promijenjeno.");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Prevedi ime države.");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Nemate pravo prevoditi imena država.");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "Ime države $1 je prevedeno.");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "Ime države $1 ne može se prevesti.");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Ime države $1 je prevedeno.");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "Privremena pretplata");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati pretplatu za publikaciju $1?");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Pretplata je izbrisana");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Pretplata se ne može brisati");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "Dodaj rubrike odmah");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Plaćeno (potvrdi plaćanje odmah)");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "Privremeno");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Pretplata je uspješno dodana.");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Pretplata se ne može dodati.");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Molim provjerite da li postoji neka druga pretplata za istu publikaciju.");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Zaiste želite deaktivirati ovu pretplatu?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Zaiste želite aktivirati ovu pretplatu?");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Mijenjanje statusa pretplate");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Pretplata je aktivirana.");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Pretplata je deaktivirana.");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Status pretplate ne može se mijenjati.");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "Osvježi uplate");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Pretplatinička uplata je osvježena.");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Pretplatinička uplata ne može se mijenjati");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("Show article on section page", "Prikaži članak na stranici rubrike");  
    7 7 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Unesi ključne riječi odjeljene zarezom");  
    8   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Članak $1 dodan je $2. $3 od $4. $5 od $6");  
    9 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati članak $1 ($2)?");  
    10 9 regGS("Change article status", "Promijeni status članka");  
    18 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Zaista ga želite otključati?");  
    19 18 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    20   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Članak je osvježen");  
    21 19 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Članak se ne može osvježiti ili nije bilo promjena.");  
    22 20 regGS("Duplicate article", "");  
    23 21 regGS("The destination section is the same as the source section.", "");  
      22 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    24 24 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Tip članka $1 već postoji");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Tip članka $1 je dodan");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Izbriši tip članka");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Nemate prava brisati tipove članaka");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Sigurno želite izbrisati tip članka $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Brisanje tipa članka");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Tip članka $1 je izbrisan");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Tip članka $1 ne može se izbrisati");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Dodaj novu sliku");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Datum <br><small>(gggg-mm-dd)</small>:");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "Izbriši sliku $1:");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "Promijeni podatke o slici");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Promijeni postavke za sliku $1");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Slika $1 je izbrisana");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Nemate pravo dodavati slike");  
    22   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Slika $1 će biti dodana");  
    23 14 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za $1 je dodano:");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Slika $1 će biti dodana");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Slika $1 je izbrisana");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Ime<br><small>(kliknite da vidite rubriku)</small>");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "Predložak za glavnu stranicu<br><small>(kliknite da promijenite)</small>");  
    28 29 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati izdanje $1?");  
    29 30 regGS("Deleting issue", "Brisanje izdanja");  
    30   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Izdanje $1 je izbrisano.");  
    31 31 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Izdanje $1 se ne može izbrisati.");  
    32 32 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Sve rubrike iz izdanja $1 u publikaciji $2 su izbrisane");  
    42 42 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Iskoristi strukturu izdanja br. $1");  
    43 43 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Kopiranje prethodnog izdanja");  
    44   regGS("Copying done.", "Kopiranje je završeno.");  
    45 44 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Novo izdanje $1 od $2 u publikaciji $3");  
    46 45 regGS("Adding new issue", "Dodavanje novog izdanja");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/globals.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Name", "Ime");  
    9 9 regGS("Keyword", "Ključna riječ");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "<i>Infotypes</i>");  
    11 10 regGS("Languages", "Jezici");  
    12 11 regGS("Native name", "Izvorno ime");  
    26 25 regGS("Go up", "Gore");  
    27 26 regGS("Language", "Jezik");  
    28   regGS("Keyword infotype", "<i>Infotype</i> za ključnu riječ");  
    29 27 regGS("Translation", "Prijevod");  
    30   regGS("Infotype", "<i>Infotype</i>");  
    31 28 regGS("Country", "Država");  
    32 29 regGS("User name", "Korisničko ime");  
    50 47 regGS("Article Types", "Vrste članaka");  
    51 48 regGS("User Types", "Vrste korisnika");  
    52   regGS("Glossary", "<i>Glossary</i>");  
    53   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "<i>Infotypes</i> za ključnu riječ");  
    54 49 regGS("Publications", "Publikacije");  
    55 50 regGS("Issues", "Izdanja");  
    104 99 regGS("Place", "Mjesto");  
    105 100 regGS("Date", "Datum");  
    106   regGS("Publ. no.", "Br. pub.");  
    107   regGS("Issue no.", "Br. izdanja");  
    108   regGS("Section no.", "Br. rubrike");  
    109 101 regGS("Image number", "Br. slike");  
    110 102 regGS("Users", "Korisnici");  
    111   regGS("User is a reader", "Korisnik je čitalac");  
    112 103 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Korisnik smije dodavati/mjenjati publikacije");  
    113 104 regGS("User may delete publications", "Korisnik smije brisati publikacije");  
    132 123 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Korisnik smije dodavati jezike i mijenjati relevantne informacije");  
    133 124 regGS("User may delete languages", "Korisnik smije brisati jezike");  
    134   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Korisnik smije upravljati <i>glossary infotypes</i>");  
    135   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Korisnik smije dodavati/mjenjati <i>glossary</i> zapise");  
    136   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Korisnik smije brisati <i>glossary</i> zapise");  
    137 125 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Korisnik će biti informiran o raznim sistemskim aktivnostima");  
    138 126 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Korisnik ima pristup logovima");  
    144 132 regGS("User may manage topics", "Korisnik smije upravljati temama");  
    145 133 regGS("Adding new translation", "Dodavanje novog prijevoda");  
    146   regGS("Translate keyword", "Prevedi ključne riječi");  
    147 134 regGS("No more languages.", "Nema više jezika");  
    148   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Nema tog <i>infotype</i> za ključnu riječ");  
    149   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Dodavanje nove ključne riječi <i>infotype</i>");  
    150   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "<i>Infotype</i> će biti izbrisan");  
    151   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "<i>Infotype</i> nije mogao biti izbrisan");  
    152 135 regGS("Add new publication", "Dodaj novu publikaciju");  
    153 136 regGS("Upload new template", "Osvježi novi predložak");  
    162 145 regGS("Your articles", "Vaši članci");  
    163 146 regGS("Submitted articles", "Predani članci");  
    164   regGS("Quick Menu", "Kratice");  
    165 147 regGS("Logs", "Logovi");  
    166 148 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Ostao-lo je još $1 članak-a");  
    179 161 regGS("Delete subscription", "Izbriši pretplatu");  
    180 162 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Nemate pravo brisati pretplate");  
    181   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Brisanje pretplatu");  
    182 163 regGS("No such subscription.", "Nema te pretplate.");  
    183 164 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Rubrika $1 se ne može brisati.");  
    186 167 regGS("No", "Ne");  
    187 168 regGS("No issues.", "Nema izdanja.");  
    188   regGS("Back to article details", "Vrati se na detalje članka");  
    189 169 regGS("Adding new topic", "Dodaj novu temu");  
    190 170 regGS("Topic $1 added", "Tema $1 je dodana");  
    195 175 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Ostala je $1 podtema");  
    196 176 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Tema $1 je izbrisana");  
    197   regGS("Changing topic name", "Izmjena imena teme");  
    198 177 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Nemate prava mjenjati ime teme");  
    199 178 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Tema $1 je osvježena");  
    202 181 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Briši temu $1");  
    203 182 regGS("No topics", "Nema tema");  
    204   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Tema $1 uspješno je dodana.");  
    205   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Tema $1 uspješno je osvježena.");  
    206 183 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Tema $1 će biti izbrisana.");  
    207 184 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Ostalo je $1 članaka koji koriste temu.");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Nema slika.");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Vidi sliku");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Promijeni podatke o slici");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Promijeni postavke za sliku $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Sigurno želite izblisati sliku $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Slika $1 je izbrisana");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Slika $1 će biti dodana");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/hr/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Ime<br><small>(kliknite da vidite izdanje)</small>");  
    5 6 regGS("No publications.", "Nema publikacija.");  
    6 7 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Država<br><small>(kliknite za uređivanje)</small>");  
    7   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Izbriši podatak $1");  
    8   regGS("No entries defined.", "Nijedan podatak nije definiran.");  
      8 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Izbriši podatak $1");  
    9 9 regGS("Change publication information", "Izmjeni podatke o publikaciji");  
    10 10 regGS("You do not have the right to edit publication information.", "Nemate pravo mijenjati podatke o publikacijama.");  
    11 11 regGS("Changing publication information", "Izmjena podataka o publikaciji");  
    12 12 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Nemate pravo mijenjati podatke o publikacijama.");  
    13   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Publikacija $1 je uspješno izmijenjena.");  
    14 13 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publikacija $1 je izmijenjena");  
    15 14 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Podaci o publikaciji ne mogu biti osvježeni.");  
    16 15 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Provjerite da li slučajno postoji neka druga istoimena publikacija ili istoimeni sajt.");  
    17   regGS("Delete publication", "Izbriši publikaciju");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Nemate prava brisati publikacije.");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite brisati publikaciju $1?");  
    20 18 regGS("Deleting publication", "Brisanje publikacije");  
    21 19 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Ostala(-lo) je još $1 pretplata");  
    22   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Publikacija $1 je izbrisana");  
    23 20 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Publikacija $1 nije mogla biti izbrisana.");  
    24 21 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publikacija $1 je izbrisana");  
    29 26 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Dodavanje novog standardnog trajanja pretplate za datu državu");  
    30 27 regGS("You must select a country.", "Morate izabrati državu");  
    31   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za $1 je dodano:");  
    32 28 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate nije moglo biti dodano za državu: $1 ");  
    33 29 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Izmijeni standardno trajanje pretplate");  
    34 30 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate nije definirano za tu državu.");  
    35   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Izmijena standardnog trajanja pretplate");  
    36   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za publikaciju $1 uspješno je izmijenjeno.");  
    37 31 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za publikaciju $1 je izmijenjeno");  
    38   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate nije moglo biti izmijenjeno.");  
    39 32 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Izbriši standardno trajanje pretplate");  
    40 33 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati standardno trajanje pretplate za publikaciju $1");  
    41   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Brisanje standardnog trajanje pretplate");  
    42   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za publikaciju $1 je izbrisano.");  
    43   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za publikaciju $1 nije moglo biti izbrisano");  
    44 34 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Standardno trajanje pretplate za publikaciju $1 je izbrisano");  
    45 35 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Ime<br><small>(kliknite za odabir publikacije)</small>");  
    46   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Publikacija $1 uspješno je dodana");  
    47 36 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publikacija $1 je dodana");  
    48 37 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Dodavnje rubrika");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Dodavanje rubrika u pretplatu");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Rubrika je uspešno dodata.");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Proverite postoji li druga pretplata na istu rubriku.");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete pretplatu na rubriku $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Pretplata na rubriku $1 je obrisana.");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Pretplata na rubriku $1 ne može biti obrisana.");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Promeni pretplatu");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- SVE RUBRIKE --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Izmena pretplate");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Pretplata je izmenjena.");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Pretplata ne može biti izmenjena.");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Menjanje pretplate");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("User types", "Tipovi korisnika");  
    3 3 regGS("No user types.", "Nema tipova korisnika");  
    4   regGS("User type $1 added", "Tip korisnika $1 je dodat");  
    5 4 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete tip korisnika $1?");  
    6 5 regGS("No such user type.", "Nema takvog tipa korisnika");  
    7 6 regGS("You do not have the right to delete user types.", "Nemate pravo da brišete tipove korisnika");  
    8   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Tip korisnika $1 je obrisan");  
    9 7 regGS("User type", "Tip korsnika");  
    10 8 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Promeni prava dodeljena tipu korisnika");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Nema država");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Nemate pravo da dodajete države.");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Dodavanje nove države");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "Država $1 je kreirana");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "Država $1 ne može biti kreirana");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Država $1 je dodata");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete državu $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Brisanje država");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "Država $1 je obrisana.");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "Država $1 ne može biti obrisana.");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Država $1 je obrisana");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Uredi ime države");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Nemate pravo da menjate imena država");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Nema države sa tim imenom.");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Menjanje imena države");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "Ime države $1 je promenjeno");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "Ime države $1 ne može biti promenjeno");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Ime države $1 je promenjeno");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Prevedi ime države");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Nemate pravo da prevodite imena država.");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "Ime države $1 je prevedeno");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "Ime države $1 ne može biti prevedeno");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Ime države $1 prevedeno");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    4 4 regGS("Paid subscription", "Plaćene pretplate");  
    5 5 regGS("Trial subscription", "Probne pretplate");  
    6   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Pretplata je obrisana");  
    7 6 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Pretplata ne može biti obrisana");  
    8 7 regGS("Add sections now", "Dodaj rubriku sad");  
    11 10 regGS("Paid (payment will be confirmed later)", "Plaćeno (uplata će biti potvrđena kasnije) ");  
    12 11 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Plaćeno (potvrdi uplatu sad)");  
    13   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Pretplata je uspešno dodata");  
    14 12 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Pretplata ne može biti dodata");  
    15 13 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Proverite postoji li druga pretplata na istu publikaciju");  
    18 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Sigurni ste da želite da deaktivirate pretplatu?");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Sigurni ste da želite da aktivirate pretplatu?");  
    20   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Menjanje statusa pretplate");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Pretplata je aktivirana");  
    22   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Pretplata je deaktivirana");  
    23 18 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Status pretplate ne može biti promenjen");  
    24 19 regGS("Update payment", "Izmeni uplatu");  
    25   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Uplata za pretplatu je izmenjena");  
    26 20 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Uplata za pretplatu ne može biti izmenjena");  
    27 21 regGS("Left to pay", "Preostalo za plaćanje");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "Prikaži članak na strani rubrike");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Unesite ključne reči (razdvojene zarezima)");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Članak $1 je dodat u $2. $3 iz $4. $5 od $6");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete članak $1 ($2)?");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "Promeni status članka");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da ga otključate?");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "Članak je zaključan");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Članak je izmenjen.");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Članak ne može biti izmenjen ili nema šta da se izmeni.");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "Dupliraj članak");  
    29 27 regGS("You must select an article type.", "Morate izabrati tip članka.");  
    30 28 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", " ");  
      29 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image '$1' from the article?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sliku $1 iz članka?");  
    31 31 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Tip članka $1 već postoji.");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Tip članka $1 je dodat.");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Obriši tip članka");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Nemate pravo da brišete tipove članaka.");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete tip članka $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Brisanje tipa članka");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Tip članka $1 je obrisan.");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Tip članka $1 ne može biti obrisan.");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "Nemate pravo da menjate članak. Možete menjati samo svoje članke, a predatim člancima status može promeniti samo ovlašćeni korsnik.");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "Lista slika u članku");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "Nazad na listu slika u članku");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Dodaj novu sliku");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "Dodaj postojeću sliku");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Datum<br><small>(gggg-mm-dd)</small>");  
    8 5 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "Ukloni sliku iz članka");  
    9   regGS("Link Image to Article", "Veži sliku za članak");  
    10 6 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "Unesite broj za ovu sliku.");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "Unesite opis slike.");  
    12 8 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "Morate izabrati sliku koju želite da aploudujete.");  
    13   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "Trenutno nijedna slika nije povezana sa člankom.");  
    14   regGS("Click one of the \"Add Image\" links above to add one.", "Kliknite na jedan od \"Dodaj sliku\" linkova da bi ste je dodali.");  
    15 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite sliku \'$1\' iz članka?");  
    16 10 regGS("Change image information", "Promeni podatke o slici");  
    17   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Promeni osobine slike $1");  
    18   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Slika $1 je obrisana");  
    19 11 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Nemate pravo da dodajete slike");  
    20   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Slika $1 je dodata");  
    21   regGS("You do not have the right to change the article.", "Nemate pravo da menjate članak.");  
    22   regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Slika $1 je povezana sa člankom $2");  
    23   regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Veza slike $1 je uklonjena sa $2");  
    24 12 regGS("Delete image $1", "Izbriši sliku $1");  
    25 13 regGS("Click one of the ", "Kliknite na jedan od ponuđenih 'dodaj sliku' linkova.");  
    26   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image '$1' from the article?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sliku $1 iz članka?");  
    27 14 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image '$1'?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sliku $1?");  
    28 15 regGS("Unlink image $1", "Ukloni vezu slike $1");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Novi period pretplate za $1 dodat.");  
      17 regGS("Image $1 linked to article $2", "Slika $1 je povezana sa člankom $2");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 unlinked from $2", "Veza slike $1 je uklonjena sa $2");  
      19 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Slika $1 je dodata");  
      20 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Slika $1 je obrisana");  
    8 22 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Naziv<br><small>(kliknite za pregled rubrika)</small>");  
    3 4 regGS("Published<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Objavljen<br><small>(gggg-mm-dd)</small>");  
    22 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete izdanje $1?");  
    23 24 regGS("Deleting issue", "Brisanje izdanja");  
    24   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Izdanje $1 je izbrisano.");  
    25 25 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Izdanje $1 ne može biti izbrisano.");  
    26 26 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Sve rubrike izdanja $1 iz publikacije $2 su izbrisane");  
    36 36 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Prekopiraj strukturu iz izdanja $1");  
    37 37 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Kopiranje prethodnog izdanja");  
    38   regGS("Copying done.", "Kopiranje je gotovo");  
    39 38 regGS("Select the issue", "Izaberite izdanje");  
    40 39 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Novo izdanje $1 iz $2 u publikaciji $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/globals.php

    r4101 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("More...", "Dalje...");  
    8 8 regGS("Content", "Sadržaji");  
    9   regGS("Obsolete", "Staro gvožđe");  
    10   regGS("Publishing environment", "Izdavačko okruženje");  
    11   regGS("Infotypes", "Infotipi");  
    12 9 regGS("Languages", "Jezici");  
    13 10 regGS("Countries", "Države");  
    62 59 regGS("---Select article---", "--- Izaberi članak ---");  
    63 60 regGS("Language", "Jezik");  
    64   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Infotip za ključnu reč");  
    65 61 regGS("Translation", "Prevod");  
    66   regGS("Infotype", "Infotip");  
    67 62 regGS("Country", "Država");  
    68 63 regGS("User name", "Korisničko ime");  
    95 90 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "Zakazivanje nove akcije objavljivanja");  
    96 91 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "Obriši zakazanu akciju objavljivanja");  
    97   regGS("The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.", "Akcija predviđena za $1 je obrisana");  
    98 92 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "Akcija $1 je zakazana za $2");  
    99 93 regGS("Date/Time", "Datum/vreme");  
    112 106 regGS("Show", "Prikaži");  
    113 107 regGS("Remove", "Ukloni");  
    114   regGS("The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2", "$1 akcija je predviđeno za $2");  
    115 108 regGS("days", "dana");  
    116 109 regGS("Article Types", "Tipovi članaka");  
    117 110 regGS("User Types", "Tipovi korisnika");  
    118   regGS("Glossary", "Glosar");  
    119   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Infotipi za ključnu reč");  
    120 111 regGS("Publications", "Publikacije");  
    121 112 regGS("Issues", "Izdanja");  
    142 133 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "Pogrešan unos: $1");  
    143 134 regGS("Language does not exist.", "Nema tog jezika");  
    144   regGS("Infotype does not exist.", "Nema takvog infotipa.");  
    145 135 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "Nema te ključne reči.");  
    146 136 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "Publikacija ne postoji.");  
    191 181 regGS("Miscellaneous", "Razno");  
    192 182 regGS("Identifier", "Identifikator");  
    193   regGS("Uploaded by", "Aploudovao/la");  
    194 183 regGS("Additional searches", "Dodatne pretrage");  
    195 184 regGS("Most Recently Added", "Najnovije dodate ");  
    198 187 regGS("Reset search conditions", "Poništi uslove pretrage");  
    199 188 regGS("Preview issue", "Pregled izdanja");  
    200   regGS("Publ. no.", "Br. publikacije");  
    201   regGS("Issue no.", "Br. izdanja");  
    202   regGS("Section no.", "Br. rubrike");  
    203 189 regGS("Image number", "Broj slike");  
    204 190 regGS("Users", "Korisnici");  
    205   regGS("User is a reader", "Korisnik je čitalac");  
    206 191 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Korisnik može da dodaje/menja publikacije");  
    207 192 regGS("User may delete publications", "Korisnik može da briše publikacije");  
    229 214 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Korisnik može da dodaje jezike i upravlja informacijama o jeziku");  
    230 215 regGS("User may delete languages", "Korisnik može da briše jezike");  
    231   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Korisnik može da upravlja infotipima glosara");  
    232   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Korisnik može da dodavaje/menja zapise u glosaru");  
    233   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Korisnik može da briše zapise u glosaru");  
    234 216 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Korisnik će biti obavešten o određenim sistemskim aktivnostima");  
    235 217 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Korisnik ima pristup logovima");  
    272 254 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "Menjanje odobrenja za tipove korisnika");  
    273 255 regGS("Adding new translation", "Dodavanje novog prevoda");  
    274   regGS("Translate keyword", "Prevedi ključnu reč");  
    275 256 regGS("No more languages.", "Nema više jezika.");  
    276   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Nema tog infotipa za ključnu reč.");  
    277   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Dodavanje novog infotipa za ključne reči");  
    278   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Infotip je izbrisan");  
    279   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Infotip ne može biti izbrisan");  
    280 257 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "Ime polja $1 može sadržati isključivo slova, brojke i donju crtu (_)");  
    281 258 regGS("Add new publication", "Dodaj novu publikaciju");  
    291 268 regGS("Your articles", "Tvoji članci");  
    292 269 regGS("Submitted articles", "Predati članci");  
    293   regGS("Quick Menu", "Prečice");  
    294 270 regGS("Logs", "Logovi");  
    295 271 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Preosta(l)o je $1 članak(a)");  
    308 284 regGS("Delete subscription", "Obriši pretplatu");  
    309 285 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Nemate pravo da brišete pretplate.");  
    310   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Brisanje pretplate");  
    311 286 regGS("No such subscription.", "Nema takve pretplate.");  
    312 287 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Rubrika $1 ne može biti obrisana.");  
    326 301 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Preostalo je $1 podtema");  
    327 302 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Tema $1 je obrisana");  
    328   regGS("Changing topic name", "Promena imena teme");  
    329 303 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Nemate pravo da menjate ime teme");  
    330 304 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Tema $1 je izmenjena");  
    333 307 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Obriši temu $1");  
    334 308 regGS("No topics", "Nema tema");  
    335   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Tema $1 je uspešno dodata.");  
    336   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Tema $1 je uspešno izmenjena.");  
    337 309 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Tema $1je uspešno obrisana.");  
    338 310 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "Preostalo je $1 tekstova koji koriste ovu temu.");  
    358 330 regGS("You must input a valid date.", "Morate ispravno uneti datum.");  
    359 331 regGS("Add new field", "Dodaj novo polje");  
    360   regGS("Back to article details", "Nazad na detalje članka");  
    361 332 regGS("Article automatic publishing schedule", "Raspored automatskog objavljivanja članka");  
    362 333 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete zakazanu akciju?");  
    369 340 regGS("User may add/change user accounts and passwords", "Korisnik može da dodaje/menja korisničke naloge i lozinke");  
    370 341 regGS("User may delete user accounts", "Korisnik može da briše korisničke naloge");  
    371   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \\'$1\\'?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sliku \\'$1\\'?");  
    372 342 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Nema nijedne slike");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "Opis (klik za detalje)");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "Galerija");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "Samo tekst");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "Koristi se u člancima");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Prikaži sliku");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Promeni podatke o slici");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Promeni osobine slike $1");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sliku $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Slika $1 je obrisana");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Slika $1 je dodata");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/sh/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Ime<br><small>(kliknite za pregled izdanja)</small>");  
    7 8 regGS("URL Type", "Tip URLa");  
    8 9 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Država<br><small>(kliknite za uređivanje)</small>");  
    9   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Obriši podatak $1");  
    10   regGS("No entries defined.", "Nema definisanih podataka");  
      10 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Obriši podatak $1");  
    11 11 regGS("Back to publication", "Nazad na publikaciju");  
    12 12 regGS("Configure publication", "Podesi publikaciju");  
    17 17 regGS("Changing publication information", "Menjanje podataka o publikaciji");  
    18 18 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Nemate pravo izmene podataka o publikaciji.");  
    19   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Publikacija $1 je uspešno izmenjena.");  
    20 19 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publikacija $1 promenjena");  
    21 20 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Podaci o publikaciji ne mogu biti izmenjeni.");  
    22 21 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Proverite da li već postoji publikacija sa istim imenom ili imenom sajta .");  
    23   regGS("Delete publication", "Obriši publikaciju");  
    24 22 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Nemate pravo da brišete publikacije");  
    25 23 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete publikaciju $1?");  
    26 24 regGS("Deleting publication", "Brisanje publikacije");  
    27 25 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Preostalo je $1 pretplata.");  
    28   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Publikacija $1 je obrisana.");  
    29 26 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Publikacija $1 ne možebiti obrisana.");  
    30 27 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publikacija $1 je obrisana");  
    37 34 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Dodavanje novog osnovnog perioda pretplate za državu");  
    38 35 regGS("You must select a country.", "Morate izabrati državu.");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Novi period pretplate za $1 dodat.");  
    40 36 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Novi period pretplate za $1 ne može biti dodat.");  
    41 37 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Promeni trajanje osnovne pretplate");  
    42 38 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Ne postoji vremenska odrednica pretplate za tu državu.");  
    43   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Promena dužine trajanja osnovne pretplate");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Trajanje osnovne pretplate za $1 uspešno promenjeno.");  
    45 39 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Trajanje osnovne pretplate za $1 promenjeno");  
    46   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Trajanje osnovne pretplate ne može biti promenjeno.");  
    47 40 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Obriši osnovnu dužinu pretplate");  
    48 41 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete osnovnu dužinu pretplate za $1?");  
    49   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Brisanje dužine osnovne pretplate");  
    50   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Osnovna pretplata za $1 je izbrisana");  
    51   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Dužina osnovne pretplate za $1 ne može biti izbrisana");  
    52 42 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Dužina pretplate za $1 je izbrisana");  
    53 43 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Naziv<br><small>(kliknite za izbor publikacije)</small>");  
    54   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Publikacija $1 je uspešno dodata");  
    55 44 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publikacija $1 je dodata");  
    56 45 regGS("Add new alias", "Dodaj novi alias");  
    67 56 regGS("The site alias for publication $1 has been modified to $2.", "Sajt alias za publikaciju $1 je promenjen u $2.");  
    68 57 regGS("The site alias $1 could not be modified.", "Sajt alias $1 ne može biti promenjen.");  
    69   regGS("Delete alias", "Obriši alias");  
    70   regGS("No such alias.", "Nema takvog aliasa.");  
    71 58 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?", "Sigurni ste da želite da obrišete alias $1?");  
    72 59 regGS("Deleting alias", "Brisanje aliasa");  
    76 63 regGS("You do not have the right to add publications.", "Nemate pravo da dodajete publikacije.");  
    77 64 regGS("There are $1 issue(s) left.", "Preostalo je $1 izdanja.");  
    78   regGS("No such country.", "Nema te države.");  
    79 65 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/user_subscription_sections.php

    r3953 r4145  
    9 9 regGS("Adding sections", "Přidání rubrik");  
    10 10 regGS("Adding sections to subscription", "Přidání rubrik do předplatného");  
    11   regGS("The section was added successfully.", "Rubrika byla úspěšně přidána");  
    12 11 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription with the same section.", "Zkontrolujte prosím, zda již neexistuje předplatné se stejnou rubrikou");  
    13 12 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the section $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat předplatné k rubrice $1?");  
    14   regGS("The subscription to the section $1 has been deleted.", "Předplatné k rubrice $1 bylo úspěšně smazáno");  
    15 13 regGS("The subscription to the section $1 could not be deleted.", "Předplatné k rubrice $1 nemohlo být smazáno");  
    16 14 regGS("Change subscription", "Změnit předplatné");  
    19 17 regGS("-- ALL SECTIONS --", "-- VŠECHNY RUBRIKY --");  
    20 18 regGS("Updating subscription", "Obnovení předplatného");  
    21   regGS("The subscription has been updated.", "Předplatné bylo obnoveno");  
    22 19 regGS("The subscription could not be updated.", "Předplatné nemohlo být obnoveno");  
    23 20 regGS("Changing subscription", "Změna předplatného");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/user_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The user type could not be added.", "Typ uživatele nemohl být přidán");  
    8 8 regGS("Please check if an user type with the same name does not already exist.", "Zkontrolujte, zda již neexistuje typ uživatele se stejným názvem");  
    9   regGS("User type $1 added", "Typ uživatele $1 byl přidán");  
    10 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the user type $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat typ uživatele $1?");  
    11 10 regGS("No such user type.", "Žádný typ uživatele");  
    14 13 regGS("The user type has been deleted.", "Typ uživatele byl smazán");  
    15 14 regGS("The user type could not be deleted.", "Typ uživatele nemohl být smazán");  
    16   regGS("User type $1 deleted", "Typ uživatele $1 byl smazán");  
    17 15 regGS("Change user type permissions", "Změnit typ uživatelských práv");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to change user type permissions.", "Nemáte právo měnit typ uživatelských práv");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/country.php

    r3953 r4145  
    2 2 regGS("No countries.", "Žádné země");  
    3 3 regGS("You do not have the right to add countries.", "Nemáte právo přidat zemi");  
    4   regGS("Adding new country", "Přidat zemi");  
    5   regGS("The country $1 has been created", "Země $1 byla vytvořena");  
    6 4 regGS("The country $1 could not be created", "Země $1 nemohla být vytvořena");  
    7 5 regGS("Country $1 added", "Země $1 byla přidána");  
    10 8 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the country $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat zemi $1?");  
    11 9 regGS("Deleting country", "Smazat zemi");  
    12   regGS("The country $1 has been deleted.", "Země $1 byla smazána");  
    13 10 regGS("The country $1 could not be deleted.", "Země $1 nemohla být smazána");  
    14 11 regGS("Country $1 deleted", "Země $1 byla smazána");  
    15 12 regGS("Edit country name", "Editovat název země");  
    16 13 regGS("You do not have the right to change country names.", "Nemáte právo měnit název země");  
    17   regGS("No such country name.", "Název země neexistuje");  
    18 14 regGS("Changing country name", "Změnit název země");  
    19   regGS("The country name $1 has been changed", "Název země $1 byl změněn");  
    20 15 regGS("The country name $1 could not be changed", "Název země $1 nemohl být změněn");  
    21 16 regGS("Country name $1 changed", "Název země $1 byl změněn");  
    22 17 regGS("Translate country name", "Přelož název země");  
    23 18 regGS("You do not have the right to translate country names.", "Nemáte právo přeložit název země");  
    24   regGS("The country name $1 has been translated", "Název země $1 byl přeložen");  
    25 19 regGS("The country name $1 could not be translated", "Název země $1 nemohl být přeložen");  
    26 20 regGS("Country name $1 translated", "Název země $1 byl přeložen");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/user_subscriptions.php

    r3953 r4145  
    8 8 regGS("Trial subscription", "Zkušební předplatné");  
    9 9 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription to the publication $1?", "Určite chcete smazat předplatné k publikaci $1?");  
    10   regGS("The subscription has been deleted.", "Předplatné bylo smazáno");  
    11 10 regGS("The subscription could not be deleted.", "Předplatné nemohlo být smazáno");  
    12 11 regGS("Add sections now", "Přidat rubriku nyní");  
    16 15 regGS("Paid (confirm payment now)", "Zaplaceno (potvrďte nyní)");  
    17 16 regGS("Trial", "Zkušební");  
    18   regGS("The subscription has been added successfully.", "Předplatné bylo úspěšně přidáno");  
    19 17 regGS("The subscription could not be added.", "Předplatné nemohlo být přidáno");  
    20 18 regGS("Please check if there isn't another subscription to the same publication.", "Zkontrolujte, zda již neexistuje předplatné ke stejné publikaci");  
    23 21 regGS("Are you sure you want to deactivate the subscription?", "Určitě chcete deaktivovat předplatné?");  
    24 22 regGS("Are you sure you want to activate the subscription?", "Určitě chcete aktivovat předplatné?");  
    25   regGS("Changing subscription status", "Změna stavu předplatného");  
    26   regGS("The subscription has been activated.", "Předplatné bylo aktivováno");  
    27   regGS("The subscription has been deactivated.", "Předplatné bylo deaktivováno");  
    28 23 regGS("Subscription status could not be changed.", "Předplatné nemohlo být změněno");  
    29 24 regGS("Update payment", "Obnovit platby");  
    30   regGS("The subscription payment was updated.", "Platba předplatného byla obnovena");  
    31 25 regGS("Subscription payment could not be changed.", "Platba předplatného nemohla být změněna");  
    32 26 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/articles.php

    r4085 r4145  
    5 5 regGS("Show article on section page", "Zobrazit článek na stránce rubriky");  
    6 6 regGS("Enter keywords, comma separated", "Vložte klíčová slova, oddělená čárkou");  
    7   regGS("Article $1 added to $2. $3 from $4. $5 of $6", "Článek $1 byl přidán do $2. $3 z $4. $5 z $6");  
    8 7 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article $1 ($2)?", "Určitě chcete smazat článek $1 ($2)?");  
    9 8 regGS("Change article status", "Změnit stav článku");  
    17 16 regGS("Are you sure you want to unlock it?", "Určitě ho chcete odemknout?");  
    18 17 regGS("Article is locked", "");  
    19   regGS("The article has been updated.", "Článek byl obnoven");  
    20 18 regGS("The article cannot be updated or no changes have been made.", "Článek nemohl být obnoven nebo nebyla provedena žádná změna");  
    21 19 regGS("Duplicate article", "");  
    29 27 regGS("You must select an article type.", "");  
    30 28 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled action?", "");  
      29 regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    31 31 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/article_types.php

    r3953 r4145  
    7 7 regGS("The article type $1 already exists.", "Tento typ článku už existuje");  
    8 8 regGS("The article type $1 has been added.", "Typ článku $1 byl přidán");  
    9   regGS("Delete article type", "Smazat typ článku");  
    10 9 regGS("You do not have the right to delete article types.", "Nemáte práva mazat typ článku");  
    11 10 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the article type $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat typ článku $1?");  
    12   regGS("Deleting article type", "Smazat typ článku");  
    13 11 regGS("The article type $1 has been deleted.", "Typ článku $1 byl smazán");  
    14 12 regGS("The article type $1 could not be deleted.", "Typ článku $1 nemohl být smazán");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/article_images.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
    2 2 regGS("You do not have the right to change this article.  You may only edit your own articles and once submitted an article can only be changed by authorized users.", "");  
    3   regGS("Article Image List", "");  
    4   regGS("Back to Article Image List", "");  
    5 3 regGS("Add New Image", "Přidat obrázek");  
    6   regGS("Add an Existing Image", "");  
    7 4 regGS("Date<BR><SMALL>(yyyy-mm-dd)</SMALL>", "Datum (rrrr-mm-dd)");  
    8 5 regGS("Delete image $1", "Stazat obrázek $1");  
    9 6 regGS("Remove Image From Article", "");  
    10   regGS("Link Image to Article", "");  
    11 7 regGS("Please enter a number for the image.", "");  
    12 8 regGS("Please enter a description for the image.", "");  
    13 9 regGS("You must select an image file to upload.", "");  
    14   regGS("There are currently no images associated with this article.", "");  
    15 10 regGS("Click one of the ", "");  
    16   regGS("Are you sure you want to remove the image \'$1\' from the article?", "");  
    17 11 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image \'$1\'?", "");  
    18 12 regGS("Change image information", "Změnit informace obrázku");  
    19   regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Změnit vlastnosti obrázku");  
    20   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Obrázek $1 byl smazán");  
    21 13 regGS("You do not have the right to add images", "Nemáte právo přidat obrázky");  
    22   regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Obrázek $1 byl úspěšně přidán");  
    23 14 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/api.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("User type $1 deleted", "");  
      3 regGS("User type $1 added", "");  
      4 regGS("Topic $1 added to article", "");  
      5 regGS("Last", "");  
      6 regGS("First", "");  
      7 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "");  
      8 regGS("Article topic $1 deleted", "");  
      9 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) created.", "");  
    2 10 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) translated to \"$5\" ($4)", "");  
    3 11 regGS("Article #$1 \"$2\" ($3) copied to Article #$3. ", "");  
    6 14 regGS("Text", "");  
    7 15 regGS("Article body", "");  
      16 regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Předplatné období $1 bylo úspěšně přidáno");  
      17 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Obrázek $1 byl úspěšně přidán");  
      18 regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Obrázek $1 byl smazán");  
    8 20 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/issues.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Issue List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see sections)</SMALL>", "Název publikace");  
    3 4 regGS("Front Page Template<BR><SMALL>(click to change)</SMALL>", "Šablona titulní strany");  
    28 29 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the issue $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat vydání $1?");  
    29 30 regGS("Deleting issue", "Mazaní vydání");  
    30   regGS("The issue $1 has been deleted.", "Vydání $1 bylo smazáno");  
    31 31 regGS("The issue $1 could not be deleted.", "Vydání $1 nemohlo být smazáno");  
    32 32 regGS("All sections from Issue $1 from publication $2 deleted", "Všechny rubriky z vydání $1 v publikaci $2 byly smazány");  
    42 42 regGS("Copy structure from issue nr $1", "Kopírovat strukturu z vydání č. $1");  
    43 43 regGS("Copying previous issue", "Kopírování předchozího vydání");  
    44   regGS("Copying done.", "Kopírování dokončeno");  
    45 44 regGS("Select the issue", "Vyberte vydání");  
    46 45 regGS("New issue $1 from $2 in publication $3", "Nové vydání $1 z $1 v publikaci $3");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/globals.php

    r3953 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("More...", "");  
    7 7 regGS("Content", "");  
    8   regGS("Obsolete", "");  
    9   regGS("Publishing environment", "");  
    10   regGS("Infotypes", "Infotypy");  
    11 8 regGS("Languages", "Jazyk");  
    12 9 regGS("Countries", "Země");  
    61 58 regGS("---Select article---", "---Vyber článek---");  
    62 59 regGS("Language", "Jazyk");  
    63   regGS("Keyword infotype", "Klíčové slovo (Infotyp)");  
    64 60 regGS("Translation", "Překlad");  
    65   regGS("Infotype", "Infotyp");  
    66 61 regGS("Country", "Země");  
    67 62 regGS("User name", "Uživatelské jméno");  
    94 89 regGS("Scheduling a new publish action", "");  
    95 90 regGS("Delete scheduled publish action", "");  
    96   regGS("The action scheduled on $1 has been deleted.", "");  
    97 91 regGS("The $1 action has been scheduled on $2", "");  
    98 92 regGS("Date/Time", "");  
    111 105 regGS("Show", "");  
    112 106 regGS("Remove", "");  
    113   regGS("The $1 actions have been scheduled on $2", "");  
    114 107 regGS("days", "dny");  
    115 108 regGS("Article Types", "Typ článku");  
    116 109 regGS("User Types", "Uživatelské typy");  
    117   regGS("Glossary", "Glosář");  
    118   regGS("Keyword infotypes", "Klíčová slova (Infotypy)");  
    119 110 regGS("Publications", "Publikace");  
    120 111 regGS("Issues", "Vydání");  
    141 132 regGS("Invalid input: $1", "");  
    142 133 regGS("Language does not exist.", "Jazyk neexistuje");  
    143   regGS("Infotype does not exist.", "Infotyp neexistuje");  
    144 134 regGS("Keyword does not exist.", "Klíčové slovo neexistuje");  
    145 135 regGS("Publication does not exist.", "Publikace neexistuje");  
    189 179 regGS("In use", "");  
    190 180 regGS("Identifier", "");  
    191   regGS("Uploaded by", "");  
    192 181 regGS("Additional searches", "");  
    193 182 regGS("Most Recently Added", "");  
    196 185 regGS("Reset search conditions", "");  
    197 186 regGS("Preview issue", "");  
    198   regGS("Publ. no.", "Publikace č.");  
    199   regGS("Issue no.", "Vydání č.");  
    200   regGS("Section no.", "Rubrika č.");  
    201 187 regGS("Image number", "Obrázek č.");  
    202 188 regGS("Users", "Uživatelé");  
    203   regGS("User is a reader", "Uživatel může pouze číst");  
    204 189 regGS("User may add/change publications", "Uživatel může přidat/změnit publikace");  
    205 190 regGS("User may delete publications", "Uživatel může smazat publikace");  
    224 209 regGS("User may add languages and manage language information", "Uživatel může přidat a spravovat jazyky");  
    225 210 regGS("User may delete languages", "Uživatel může mazat jazyky");  
    226   regGS("User may manage glossary infotypes", "Uživatel může spravovat infotypy glosáře");  
    227   regGS("User may add/change glossary entries", "Uživatel může přidat/změnit položky ve slovníku");  
    228   regGS("User may delete glossary entries", "Uživatel může smazat položky ve slovníku");  
    229 211 regGS("User will be notified on several events", "Uživatel bude několikrát informován");  
    230 212 regGS("User may view audit logs", "Uživatel může nahlížet do logu");  
    260 242 regGS("Updating user types permissions", "");  
    261 243 regGS("Adding new translation", "Přidávání nového překladu");  
    262   regGS("Translate keyword", "Přeložit klíčové slovo");  
    263 244 regGS("No more languages.", "Žádné další jazyky");  
    264   regGS("No such keyword infotype.", "Infotyp klíčového slova neexistuje");  
    265   regGS("Adding new keyword infotype", "Přidávání infotypu klíčového slova");  
    266   regGS("The infotype has been deleted.", "Infotyp byl smazán");  
    267   regGS("The infotype could not be deleted.", "Infotyp nemohl být smazán");  
    268 245 regGS("The $1 field may only contain letters, digits and underscore (_) character.", "");  
    269 246 regGS("Add new publication", "Přidat novou publikaci");  
    279 256 regGS("Your articles", "Tvé články");  
    280 257 regGS("Submitted articles", "Podané články");  
    281   regGS("Quick Menu", "Zkratky");  
    282 258 regGS("Logs", "Logy");  
    283 259 regGS("There are $1 article(s) left.", "Zbývají články $1");  
    296 272 regGS("Delete subscription", "Smazat předplatné");  
    297 273 regGS("You do not have the right to delete subscriptions.", "Nemáte právo smazat předplatné");  
    298   regGS("Deleting subscription", "Mazání předplatného");  
    299 274 regGS("No such subscription.", "Předplatné neexistuje");  
    300 275 regGS("The section $1 could not be deleted.", "Rubrika $1 nemohla být smazána");  
    314 289 regGS("There are $1 subtopics left.", "Zbývá $1 podtémat");  
    315 290 regGS("Topic $1 deleted", "Téma $1 bylo smazáno");  
    316   regGS("Changing topic name", "Změna názvu tématu");  
    317 291 regGS("You do not have the right to change topic name.", "Nemáte právo měnit název tématu");  
    318 292 regGS("Topic $1 updated", "Téma $1 bylo obnoveno");  
    321 295 regGS("Delete topic $1", "Smazat téma $1");  
    322 296 regGS("No topics", "Žádná témata");  
    323   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly added.", "Téma $1 bylo úspěšně přidáno");  
    324   regGS("The topic $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Téma $1 bylo úspěšně obnoveno");  
    325 297 regGS("The topic $1 has been deleted.", "Téma $1 bylo smazáno");  
    326 298 regGS("There are $1 articles using the topic.", "$1 článků používá toto téma");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/imagearchive.php

    r4085 r4145  
    6 6 regGS("No images.", "Žádné obrázky");  
    7 7 regGS("Description <SMALL>(Click to view details)</SMALL>", "");  
    8   regGS("Gallery", "");  
    9   regGS("Text only", "");  
    10 8 regGS("Used in articles", "");  
    11 9 regGS("View image", "Náhled obrázku");  
    12 10 regGS("Change image information", "Změnit informace obrázku");  
    13 11 regGS("Changed image properties of $1", "Změnit vlastnosti obrázku");  
    14   regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the image $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat obrázek $1?");  
    15   regGS("Image $1 deleted", "Obrázek $1 byl smazán");  
    16 12 regGS("The image $1 has been added.", "Obrázek $1 byl úspěšně přidán");  
    17 13 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/lang/cz/pub.php

    r4085 r4145  
    1 1 <?php  
      2 regGS("Publication List", "");  
    2 3 regGS("Go To Issues", "");  
    3 4 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to see issues)</SMALL>", "Název publikace (klikněte pro náhled vydání)");  
    5 6 regGS("No publications.", "Žádné publikace");  
    6 7 regGS("Country<BR><SMALL>(click to edit)</SMALL>", "Země (klikněte pro editaci)");  
    7   regGS("Delete entry $1", "Smazat položku $1");  
    8   regGS("No entries defined.", "Žádné vymezené položky");  
      8 regGS("Delete alias $1", "Smazat položku $1");  
    9 9 regGS("Change publication information", "Změnit informace o publikaci");  
    10 10 regGS("You do not have the right to edit publication information.", "Nemáte právo měnit informace o publikaci");  
    11 11 regGS("Changing publication information", "Změna informací o publikaci");  
    12 12 regGS("You do not have the right to change publication information.", "Nemáte práva změnit informace o publikaci");  
    13   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Publikace $1 byla úspěšné obnovena");  
    14 13 regGS("Publication $1 changed", "Publikace $1 změněna");  
    15 14 regGS("The publication information could not be updated.", "Publikace nemohla být obnovena");  
    16 15 regGS("Please check if another publication with the same name or the same site name does not already exist.", "Zkontrolujte, zda publikace se stejným názvem již neexistuje.");  
    17   regGS("Delete publication", "Smazat publikaci");  
    18 16 regGS("You do not have the right to delete publications.", "Nemáte právo mazat publikace");  
    19 17 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the publication $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat publikaci $1?");  
    20 18 regGS("Deleting publication", "Mazání publikace");  
    21 19 regGS("There are $1 subscription(s) left.", "Zbývá předplatné $1");  
    22   regGS("The publication $1 has been deleted.", "Publikace $1 byla smazána");  
    23 20 regGS("The publication $1 could not be deleted.", "Publikace $1 nemohla být smazána");  
    24 21 regGS("Publication $1 deleted", "Publikace $1 byla smazána");  
    30 27 regGS("Adding new country default subscription time", "Přidání předplatného období pro novou zemi");  
    31 28 regGS("You must select a country.", "Vyberte zemi");  
    32   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been added.", "Předplatné období $1 bylo úspěšně přidáno");  
    33 29 regGS("The default subscription time for country $1 could not be added.", "Předplatné období pro $1 nemohlo být přidáno");  
    34 30 regGS("Change subscription default time", "Změnit předplatné období");  
    35 31 regGS("No default time entry for that country.", "Časová jednotka pro tuto zemi nebyla zadána");  
    36   regGS("Changing default subscription time", "Změna předplatného období");  
    37   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 has been successfuly updated.", "Předplatné období pro $1 bylo úspěšně obnoveno");  
    38 32 regGS("Default subscription time for $1 changed", "Předplatné období pro $1 bylo změněno");  
    39   regGS("The default subscription time could not be updated.", "Předplatné období nemohlo být obnoveno");  
    40 33 regGS("Delete subscription default time", "Smazat předplatné období");  
    41 34 regGS("Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?", "Určitě chcete smazat předplatné období pro $1?");  
    42   regGS("Deleting subscription default time", "Mazání předplatného období");  
    43   regGS("The subscription default time for $1 has been deleted.", "Předplatné období pro $1 bylo smazáno");  
    44   regGS("The default subscription time for $1 could not be deleted.", "Předplatné období pro $1 nemohlo být smazáno");  
    45 35 regGS("Subscription default time for $1 deleted", "Předplatné období pro $1 bylo smazáno");  
    46 36 regGS("Name<BR><SMALL>(click to select the publication)</SMALL>", "Název (klikněte pro výběr publikace)");  
    47   regGS("The publication $1 has been successfuly added.", "Publikace $1 byla úspěšně přidána");  
    48 37 regGS("Publication $1 added", "Publikace $1 byla přidána");  
    49 38 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/imagearchive/do_del.php

    r4102 r4145  
    36 36 $imageObj->delete();  
    37 37  
    38   $logtext = getGS('Image $1 deleted', $imageObj->getImageId());  
    39   Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 42);  
    41 38 // Go back to article image list.  
    42 39 header("Location: /$ADMIN/imagearchive/index.php");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/localizer/translate.php

    r4116 r4145  
    101 101     $mapPrefixToDisplay["articles"] = getGS("Articles");  
    102 102     $mapPrefixToDisplay["article_images"] = getGS("Article Images");  
      103     $mapPrefixToDisplay["article_files"] = getGS("Article Files");  
    103 104     $mapPrefixToDisplay["article_topics"] = getGS("Article Topics");  
    104 105     $mapPrefixToDisplay["imagearchive"] = getGS("Image Archive");  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/localizer/LocalizerConfig.php

    r4085 r4145  
    70 70 $mapPrefixToDir["articles"] = "/admin-files/articles";  
    71 71 $mapPrefixToDir["article_images"] = "/admin-files/articles/images";  
      72 $mapPrefixToDir["article_files"] = "/admin-files/articles/files";  
    72 73 $mapPrefixToDir["article_topics"] = "/admin-files/articles/topics";  
    73 74 $mapPrefixToDir["imagearchive"] = "/admin-files/imagearchive";  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/pub/do_countryadd.php

    r3985 r4145  
    34 34     $created = $defaultTime->create(array('TrialTime' => $cTrialTime, 'PaidTime' => $cPaidTime));  
    35 35     if ($created) {  
    36           $logtext = getGS('The default subscription time for $1 has been added.',  
    37                            $publicationObj->getName().':'.$cCountryCode);  
    38           Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 4);  
    39 36         header("Location: /$ADMIN/pub/editdeftime.php?Pub=$cPub&CountryCode=$cCountryCode&Language=$Language");  
    40 37         exit;  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/pub/deftime.php

    r4085 r4145  
    56 56         </TD>  
    57 57         <TD ALIGN="CENTER">  
    58               <A HREF="/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/pub/do_deldeftime.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>&CountryCode=<?php  p($time->getCountryCode()); ?>&Language=<?php p($Language); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS('Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?', htmlspecialchars($publicationObj->getName()).':'.htmlspecialchars($time->getCountryCode())); ?>');"><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/delete.png" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php  putGS('Delete entry $1', $time->getCountryCode()); ?>" TITLE="<?php  putGS('Delete entry $1', $time->getCountryCode()); ?>" ></A>  
      58             <A HREF="/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/pub/do_deldeftime.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>&CountryCode=<?php  p($time->getCountryCode()); ?>&Language=<?php p($Language); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS('Are you sure you want to delete the subscription default time for $1?', htmlspecialchars($publicationObj->getName()).':'.htmlspecialchars($time->getCountryCode())); ?>');"><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/delete.png" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php  putGS('Delete'); ?>" TITLE="<?php  putGS('Delete'); ?>" ></A>  
    58 58         </TD>  
    59 59     </TR>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/pub/aliases.php

    r4085 r4145  
    48 48             <?php  
    49 49             if ($publicationObj->getDefaultAliasId() != $alias->getId()) { ?>  
    50               <A HREF="/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/pub/do_del_alias.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>&Alias=<?php p($alias->getId()); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS('Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?', $alias->getName()); ?>');"><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/delete.png" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php  putGS('Delete entry $1', htmlspecialchars($alias->getName())); ?>" TITLE="<?php  putGS('Delete entry $1', htmlspecialchars($alias->getName())); ?>" ></A>  
      50             <A HREF="/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/pub/do_del_alias.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>&Alias=<?php p($alias->getId()); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS('Are you sure you want to delete the alias $1?', $alias->getName()); ?>');"><IMG SRC="<?php echo $Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]; ?>/delete.png" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php  putGS('Delete alias $1', htmlspecialchars($alias->getName())); ?>" TITLE="<?php  putGS('Delete alias $1', htmlspecialchars($alias->getName())); ?>" ></A>  
    50 50             <?php } ?>  
    51 51         </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/topics/do_edit.php

    r4036 r4145  
    57 57 <TR>  
    58 58     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    59           <B> <?php  putGS("Changing topic name"); ?> </B>  
      59         <B> <?php  putGS("Change topic name"); ?> </B>  
    59 59         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    60 60     </TD>  
    64 64     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    65 65     <BLOCKQUOTE>  
      66     <?php foreach ($errorMsgs as $errorMsg) {  
      67         p($errorMsg);  
      68     }  
      69     ?>  
    67 70     </BLOCKQUOTE>  
    68 71     </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/subscriptions/topay.php

    r4101 r4145  
    31 31             "/$ADMIN/users/edit.php?User=$User&uType=Subscribers");  
    32 32 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Subscriptions"), "/$ADMIN/users/subscriptions/?f_user_id=$f_user_id");  
    33   $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Changing subscription status"), "");  
      33 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Change subscription status"), "");  
    33 33 echo camp_html_breadcrumbs($crumbs);  
    34 34  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/subscriptions/do_topay.php

    r4073 r4145  
    38 38             "/$ADMIN/users/edit.php?User=$User&uType=Subscribers");  
    39 39 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Subscriptions"), "/$ADMIN/users/subscriptions/?f_user_id=$f_user_id");  
    40   $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Changing subscription status"), "");  
      40 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Change subscription status"), "");  
    40 40 echo camp_html_breadcrumbs($crumbs);  
    41 41  
    46 46 <TR>  
    47 47     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    48           <B> <?php  putGS("Changing subscription status"); ?> </B>  
      48         <B> <?php  putGS("Change subscription status"); ?> </B>  
    48 48         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    49 49     </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/subscriptions/do_status.php

    r4073 r4145  
    39 39             "/$ADMIN/users/edit.php?User=$User&uType=Subscribers");  
    40 40 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Subscriptions"), "/$ADMIN/users/subscriptions/?f_user_id=$f_user_id");  
    41   $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Changing subscription status"), "");  
      41 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Change subscription status"), "");  
    41 41 echo camp_html_breadcrumbs($crumbs);  
    42 42  
    47 47 <TR>  
    48 48     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    49           <B> <?php  putGS("Changing subscription status"); ?> </B>  
      49         <B> <?php  putGS("Change subscription status"); ?> </B>  
    49 49         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    50 50     </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/subscriptions/do_del.php

    r4073 r4145  
    37 37             "/$ADMIN/users/edit.php?User=$User&uType=Subscribers");  
    38 38 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Subscriptions"), "/$ADMIN/users/subscriptions/?f_user_id=$f_user_id");           
    39   $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Deleting subscription"), "");  
      39 $crumbs[] = array(getGS("Delete subscription"), "");  
    39 39 echo camp_html_breadcrumbs($crumbs);  
    40 40  
    45 45 <TR>  
    46 46     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    47           <B> <?php  putGS("Deleting subscription"); ?> </B>  
      47         <B> <?php  putGS("Delete subscription"); ?> </B>  
    47 47         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    48 48     </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/users/access_form.php

    r4077 r4145  
    2 2  
    3 3 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/users/users_common.php");  
      4 require_once('permission_list.php');  
    4 5  
    5 6 list($access, $User) = check_basic_access($_REQUEST);  
    24 25 }  
    25 26  
    26   $content_group = array('ManagePub'=>'User may add/change publications',  
    27       'DeletePub'=>'User may delete publications',  
    28       'ManageIssue'=>'User may add/change issues',  
    29       'DeleteIssue'=>'User may delete issues',  
    30       'ManageSection'=>'User may add/change sections',  
    31       'DeleteSection'=>'User may delete sections',  
    32       'AddArticle'=>'User may add articles',  
    33       'ChangeArticle'=>'User may change articles',  
    34       'Publish'=>'User may publish articles',  
    35       'DeleteArticle'=>'User may delete articles',  
    36       'AddImage'=>'User may add images',  
    37       'ChangeImage'=>'User may change images',  
    38       'DeleteImage'=>'User may delete images',  
    39       'ManageTopics'=>'User may manage topics');  
    41   $templates_group = array('ManageTempl'=>'User may manage templates',  
    42       'DeleteTempl'=>'User may delete templates');  
    44   $administrative_group = array('InitializeTemplateEngine'=>'User may restart the template engine');  
    46   $users_group = array('ManageUsers'=>'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords',  
    47       'DeleteUsers'=>'User may delete staff accounts',  
    48       'ManageReaders'=>'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords',  
    49       'ManageSubscriptions'=>'User may manage user subscriptions',  
    50       'ManageUserTypes'=>'User may manage account types');  
    52   $article_types_group = array('ManageArticleTypes'=>'User may add/change article types',  
    53       'DeleteArticleTypes'=>'User may delete article types');  
    55   $languages_group = array('ManageLanguages'=>'User may add languages and manage language information',  
    56       'DeleteLanguages'=>'User may delete languages');  
    58   $countries_group = array('ManageCountries'=>'User may add/change country entries',  
    59       'DeleteCountries'=>'User may delete country entries');  
    61   $misc_group = array('ViewLogs'=>'User may view audit logs',  
    62       'MailNotify'=>'User will be notified on several events');  
    64   $localizer_group = array('ManageLocalizer'=>'User may manage localizer');  
    66   $editor_group_1 = array('EditorBold'=>'User may use bold',  
    67       'EditorItalic'=>'User may use italic',  
    68       'EditorUnderline'=>'User may use underline',  
    69       'EditorStrikethrough'=>'User may use strikethrough',  
    70       'EditorTextAlignment'=>'User may change text alignment',  
    71       'EditorCopyCutPaste'=>'User may copy, cut, and paste',  
    72       'EditorUndoRedo'=>'User may undo/redo',  
    73       'EditorTextDirection'=>'User may change text direction',  
    74       'EditorIndent'=>'User may set indents',  
    75       'EditorLink'=>'User may add links',  
    76       'EditorSubhead'=>'User may add subheads',  
    77       'EditorImage'=>'User may insert images',  
    78       'EditorSourceView'=>'User may view the HTML source',  
    79       'EditorEnlarge'=>'User may enlarge the editor');  
    81   $editor_group_2 = array('EditorFontFace'=>'User may change the font face',  
    82       'EditorFontSize'=>'User may change the font size',  
    83       'EditorListBullet'=>'User may create bulleted lists',  
    84       'EditorListNumber'=>'User may create numbered lists');  
    86   $editor_group_3 = array('EditorTable'=>'User may insert tables');  
    88   $editor_group_4 = array('EditorHorizontalRule'=>'User may insert horizontal rules',  
    89       'EditorFontColor'=>'User may change the font color',  
    90       'EditorSuperscript'=>'User may use superscripts',  
    91       'EditorSubscript'=>'User may use subscripts');  
    93   $rights = array('Content'=>$content_group, 'Templates'=>$templates_group,  
    94       'Staff/Subscribers Management'=>$users_group, 'Administrative tasks'=>$administrative_group,  
    95       'Article Types'=>$article_types_group, 'Languages'=>$languages_group,  
    96       'Countries'=>$countries_group, 'Miscellaneous'=>$misc_group, 'Localizer'=>$localizer_group,  
    97       'Editor Basic Settings'=>$editor_group_1, 'Editor Advanced Font Settings'=>$editor_group_2,  
    98       'Editor Table Settings'=>$editor_group_3, 'Editor Miscellaneous Settings'=>$editor_group_4);  
      27 $rights = camp_get_permission_list();  
    100 28 ?>  
    101 29 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="left">  
    102 30 <?php  
    103   foreach ($rights as $group_name=>$group) {  
      31 foreach ($rights as $group_name => $group) {  
    103 31 ?>  
    104 32     <tr>  
    105 33         <td colspan="2" align="left" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px;">  
    106               --- <?php putGS($group_name); ?> ---  
      34             --- <?php p($group_name); ?> ---  
    106 34         </td>  
    107 35     </tr>  
    116 44         </td>  
    117 45         <td style="padding-right: 10px;">  
    118               <?php putGS($right_text); ?>  
      46             <?php p($right_text); ?>  
    118 46         </td>  
    119 47     </tr>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/user_types/access.php

    r4116 r4145  
    2 2  
    3 3 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/user_types/utypes_common.php");  
      4 require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. "/$ADMIN_DIR/users/permission_list.php");  
    4 5  
    5 6 list($access, $User) = check_basic_access($_REQUEST);  
    23 24 }  
    24 25  
    26   $content_group = array('ManagePub'=>'User may add/change publications',  
    27       'DeletePub'=>'User may delete publications',  
    28       'ManageIssue'=>'User may add/change issues',  
    29       'DeleteIssue'=>'User may delete issues',  
    30       'ManageSection'=>'User may add/change sections',  
    31       'DeleteSection'=>'User may delete sections',  
    32       'AddArticle'=>'User may add articles',  
    33       'ChangeArticle'=>'User may change articles',  
    34       'Publish'=>'User may publish articles',  
    35       'DeleteArticle'=>'User may delete articles',  
    36       'AddImage'=>'User may add images',  
    37       'ChangeImage'=>'User may change images',  
    38       'DeleteImage'=>'User may delete images',  
    39       'ManageTopics'=>'User may manage topics');  
    41   $templates_group = array('ManageTempl'=>'User may manage templates',  
    42       'DeleteTempl'=>'User may delete templates');  
    44   $administrative_group = array('InitializeTemplateEngine'=>'User may restart the template engine');  
    46   $users_group = array('ManageUsers'=>'User may add/change staff accounts and passwords',  
    47       'DeleteUsers'=>'User may delete staff accounts',  
    48       'ManageReaders'=>'User may add/change subscribers accounts and passwords',  
    49       'ManageSubscriptions'=>'User may manage user subscriptions',  
    50       'ManageUserTypes'=>'User may manage account types');  
    52   $article_types_group = array('ManageArticleTypes'=>'User may add/change article types',  
    53       'DeleteArticleTypes'=>'User may delete article types');  
    55   $languages_group = array('ManageLanguages'=>'User may add languages and manage language information',  
    56       'DeleteLanguages'=>'User may delete languages');  
    58   $countries_group = array('ManageCountries'=>'User may add/change country entries',  
    59       'DeleteCountries'=>'User may delete country entries');  
    61   $misc_group = array('ViewLogs'=>'User may view audit logs',  
    62       'MailNotify'=>'User will be notified on several events');  
    64   $localizer_group = array('ManageLocalizer'=>'User may manage localizer');  
    66   $editor_group_1 = array('EditorBold'=>'User may use bold',  
    67       'EditorItalic'=>'User may use italic',  
    68       'EditorUnderline'=>'User may use underline',  
    69       'EditorStrikethrough'=>'User may use strikethrough',  
    70       'EditorTextAlignment'=>'User may change text alignment',  
    71       'EditorCopyCutPaste'=>'User may copy, cut, and paste',  
    72       'EditorUndoRedo'=>'User may undo/redo',  
    73       'EditorTextDirection'=>'User may change text direction',  
    74       'EditorIndent'=>'User may set indents',  
    75       'EditorLink'=>'User may add links',  
    76       'EditorSubhead'=>'User may add subheads',  
    77       'EditorImage'=>'User may insert images',  
    78       'EditorSourceView'=>'User may view the HTML source',  
    79       'EditorEnlarge'=>'User may enlarge the editor');  
    81   $editor_group_2 = array('EditorFontFace'=>'User may change the font face',  
    82       'EditorFontSize'=>'User may change the font size',  
    83       'EditorListBullet'=>'User may create bulleted lists',  
    84       'EditorListNumber'=>'User may create numbered lists');  
    86   $editor_group_3 = array('EditorTable'=>'User may insert tables');  
    88   $editor_group_4 = array('EditorHorizontalRule'=>'User may insert horizontal rules',  
    89       'EditorFontColor'=>'User may change the font color',  
    90       'EditorSuperscript'=>'User may use superscripts',  
    91       'EditorSubscript'=>'User may use subscripts');  
    93   $rights = array(getGS('Content')=>$content_group,  
    94                   getGS('Templates')=>$templates_group,  
    95                   getGS('Staff/Subscribers Management')=>$users_group,  
    96                   getGS('Administrative tasks')=>$administrative_group,  
    97                   getGS('Article Types')=>$article_types_group,  
    98                   getGS('Languages')=>$languages_group,  
    99                   getGS('Countries')=>$countries_group,  
    100                   getGS('Miscellaneous')=>$misc_group,  
    101                   getGS('Localizer')=>$localizer_group,  
    102                   getGS('Editor Basic Settings')=>$editor_group_1,  
    103                   getGS('Editor Advanced Font Settings')=>$editor_group_2,  
    104                   getGS('Editor Table Settings')=>$editor_group_3,  
    105                   getGS('Editor Miscellaneous Settings')=>$editor_group_4);  
      26 $rights = camp_get_permission_list();  
    106 27  
    107 28 $crumbs = array();  
    157 78     </td>  
    158 79     <td style="padding-right: 10px;">  
    159           <?php putGS($right_text); ?>  
      80         <?php p($right_text); ?>  
    159 80     </td>  
    160 81 </tr>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/autopublish_do_add.php

    r4101 r4145  
    126 126     exit;  
    127 127 }  
    128   $topArray = array('Pub' => $publicationObj, 'Issue' => $issueObj,  
    129                     'Section' => $sectionObj);  
    130   camp_html_content_top(getGS("Scheduling a new publish action"), $topArray);  
    131 128 ?>  
    132   <P>  
      129 <html>  
      130 <head>  
      131     <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">  
      132     <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="now">  
      133     <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL']; ?>/css/admin_stylesheet.css">  
      134     <title><?php putGS("Schedule a new action"); ?></title>  
      135 </head>  
      136 <body>  
      137 <br>  
    133 138 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="8" class="message_box">  
    134 139 <TR>  
    135 140     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    136           <B> <?php  putGS("Scheduling a new publish action"); ?> </B>  
      141         <B> <?php  putGS("Schedule a new action"); ?> </B>  
    136 141         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    137 142     </TD>  
    152 157     <TR>  
    153 158         <TD COLSPAN="2" align="center">  
    154               <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="OK" VALUE="<?php  putGS('OK'); ?>" ONCLICK="location.href='/<?php echo $ADMIN; ?>/articles/autopublish.php?f_publication_id=<?php p($f_publication_id); ?>&f_issue_number=<?php p($f_issue_number); ?>&f_section_number=<?php p($f_section_number); ?>&f_article_number=<?php p($f_article_number); ?>&f_language_id=<?php p($f_language_id); ?>&f_language_selected=<?php p($f_language_selected); ?>'" class="button">  
      159             <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="OK" VALUE="<?php  putGS('OK'); ?>" ONCLICK="history.back();" class="button">  
    154 159         </TD>  
    155 160     </TR>  
    156 161 </TABLE>  
    157 162 <P>  
    158   <?php  
    159   camp_html_copyright_notice();  
    160   ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/topics/do_add.php

    r4104 r4145  
    13 13 $f_language_selected = Input::Get('f_language_selected', 'int', 0);  
    14 14 $f_article_number = Input::Get('f_article_number', 'int', 0);  
    15   $f_topic_ids = Input::Get('f_topic_ids', 'array');  
      15 $f_topic_ids = Input::Get('f_topic_ids', 'array', null, true);  
    15 15  
    16 16 if (!Input::IsValid()) {  
    20 20 }  
    21 21  
    22   $articleObj =& new Article($f_language_selected, $f_article_number);  
    23   if (!$articleObj->exists()) {  
    24       camp_html_display_error(getGS('Article does not exist.'));  
    25       exit;         
    26   }  
    28   if (!$articleObj->userCanModify($User)) {  
    29       camp_html_display_error(getGS("You do not have the right to add topics to article."));  
    30       exit;     
    31   }  
    33   foreach ($f_topic_ids as $topicIdString) {  
    34       list($topicId, $languageId) = split("_", $topicIdString);  
    35       // Verify topic exists  
    36       $tmpTopic =& new Topic($topicId, $languageId);  
    37       if ($tmpTopic->exists()) {  
    38           ArticleTopic::AddTopicToArticle($topicId, $f_article_number);     
      22 if (!is_null($f_topic_ids)) {  
      23     $articleObj =& new Article($f_language_selected, $f_article_number);  
      24     if (!$articleObj->exists()) {  
      25         camp_html_display_error(getGS('Article does not exist.'));  
      26         exit;         
      27     }  
      29     if (!$articleObj->userCanModify($User)) {  
      30         camp_html_display_error(getGS("You do not have the right to add topics to article."));  
      31         exit;     
      32     }  
      34     foreach ($f_topic_ids as $topicIdString) {  
      35         list($topicId, $languageId) = split("_", $topicIdString);  
      36         // Verify topic exists  
      37         $tmpTopic =& new Topic($topicId, $languageId);  
      38         if ($tmpTopic->exists()) {  
      39             ArticleTopic::AddTopicToArticle($topicId, $f_article_number);     
      40         }  
    39 41     }  
    40 42 }  
    42 43 ?>  
    43 44 <script>  
      45 <?php if (!is_null($f_topic_ids)) { ?>  
    44 46 window.opener.  
      47 <?php } ?>  
    45 48 window.close();  
    46   </script>  
      49 </script>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/files/do_add.php

    r4129 r4145  
    14 14     exit;  
    15 15 }  
    16   //if (!$User->hasPermission('AddFiles')) {  
    17   //  camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to add files' ));  
    18   //  exit;  
    19   //}  
      16 if (!$User->hasPermission('AddFile')) {  
      17     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to add files.'));  
      18     exit;  
      19 }  
    20 20  
    21 21 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/files/edit.php

    r4129 r4145  
    35 35 }  
    36 36  
      37 $isDisabled = '';  
      38 $isReadOnly = '';  
      39 if (!$User->hasPermission('ChangeFile')) {  
      40     $isDisabled = 'disabled';  
      41     $isReadOnly = 'readonly';  
      42     $title = getGS('File information');  
      43 } else {  
      44     $title = getGS('Change file information');  
      45 }  
    37 46 // Add extra breadcrumb for image list.  
    38 47 $extraCrumbs = array(getGS("Attachments") => "");  
    39 48 $topArray = array('Pub' => $publicationObj, 'Issue' => $issueObj,  
    40 49                   'Section' => $sectionObj, 'Article'=>$articleObj);  
    41   camp_html_content_top(getGS('Change file information'), $topArray, true, true, $extraCrumbs);  
      50 camp_html_content_top($title, $topArray, true, true, $extraCrumbs);  
    41 50 ?>  
    42 51 <P>  
    43   <?php //if ($User->hasPermission('ChangeImage')) { ?>  
    44   <p>  
    45 52 <FORM NAME="dialog" METHOD="POST" ACTION="do_edit.php" >  
    46 53 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="6" class="table_input" width="400px">  
    47 54 <TR>  
    48 55     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    49           <B><?php  putGS('Change file information'); ?></B>  
      56         <B><?php  p($title); ?></B>  
    49 56         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    50 57     </TD>  
    55 62     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><?php  putGS('Description'); ?>:</TD>  
    56 63     <TD>  
    57       <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_description" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($attachmentObj->getDescription($f_language_selected)); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="128">  
      64     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_description" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($attachmentObj->getDescription($f_language_selected)); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="128" <?php p($isReadOnly); ?>>  
    57 64     </TD>  
    58 65 </TR>  
    63 70 <TR>  
    64 71     <TD colspan="2" class="indent"  style="padding-left: 30px;">  
    65       <INPUT type="radio" name="f_language_specific" value="yes" <?php if ($attachmentObj->getLanguageId()) { ?> checked<?php } ?>><?php putGS("Only this translation"); ?><br>  
    66       <INPUT type="radio" name="f_language_specific" value="no" <?php if (!$attachmentObj->getLanguageId()) { ?> checked<?php } ?>><?php putGS("All translations"); ?>  
      72     <INPUT type="radio" name="f_language_specific" value="yes" <?php if ($attachmentObj->getLanguageId()) { ?> checked<?php } ?> <?php p($isDisabled); ?>><?php putGS("Only this translation"); ?><br>  
      73     <INPUT type="radio" name="f_language_specific" value="no" <?php if (!$attachmentObj->getLanguageId()) { ?> checked<?php } ?>  <?php p($isDisabled); ?>><?php putGS("All translations"); ?>  
    67 74     </TD>  
    68 75 </TR>  
    72 79 <TR>  
    73 80     <TD colspan="2" style="padding-left: 30px;">  
    74       <INPUT type="radio" name="f_content_disposition" value="" <?php if (!$attachmentObj->getContentDisposition()) { ?> checked<?php } ?>><?php putGS("Open in the browser"); ?><br>  
    75       <INPUT type="radio" name="f_content_disposition" value="attachment" <?php if ($attachmentObj->getContentDisposition()) { ?> checked<?php } ?>><?php putGS("Automatically download"); ?>  
      81     <INPUT type="radio" name="f_content_disposition" value="" <?php if (!$attachmentObj->getContentDisposition()) { ?> checked<?php } ?> <?php p($isDisabled); ?>><?php putGS("Open in the browser"); ?><br>  
      82     <INPUT type="radio" name="f_content_disposition" value="attachment" <?php if ($attachmentObj->getContentDisposition()) { ?> checked<?php } ?> <?php p($isDisabled); ?>><?php putGS("Automatically download"); ?>  
    76 83     </TD>  
    77 84 </TR>  
      85 <?php if ($User->hasPermission('ChangeFile')) { ?>  
    78 86 <TR>  
    79 87     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    90 98     </TD>  
    91 99 </TR>  
      100 <?php } ?>  
    92 101 </TABLE>  
    93 102 </FORM>  
    94 103 <P>  
    95 104 <?php  
    96   //}  
    97 105  
    98 106 camp_html_copyright_notice(); ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/files/do_del.php

    r4129 r4145  
    16 16 }  
    17 17  
      18 if (!$User->hasPermission('DeleteFile')) {  
      19     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to delete files.' ));  
      20     exit;  
      21 }  
    18 23 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    19 24 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/files/do_edit.php

    r4129 r4145  
    18 18 }  
    19 19  
      20 if (!$User->hasPermission('ChangeFile')) {  
      21     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to change files.' ));  
      22     exit;  
      23 }  
    20 25 $f_publication_id = Input::Get('f_publication_id', 'int', 0);  
    21 26 $f_issue_number = Input::Get('f_issue_number', 'int', 0);  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_add.php

    r4129 r4145  
    19 19 }  
    20 20 if (!$User->hasPermission('AddImage')) {  
    21       camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to add images' ));  
      21     camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to add images.' ));  
    21 21     exit;  
    22 22 }  
    74 74 ArticleImage::AddImageToArticle($image->getImageId(), $articleObj->getArticleNumber(), $f_image_template_id);  
    75 75  
    76   $logtext = getGS('The image $1 has been added.', $attributes['Description']);  
    77   Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 41);  
    79 76 ?>  
    80 77 <script>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_link.php

    r4122 r4145  
    49 49 ArticleImage::AddImageToArticle($f_image_id, $f_article_number);  
    50 50  
    51   $logtext = getGS('Image $1 linked to article $2', $f_image_id, $f_article_number);  
    52   Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 42);  
    54 51 ?>  
    55 52 <script>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_unlink.php

    r4122 r4145  
    41 41 ArticleImage::RemoveImageFromArticle($f_image_id, $f_article_number, $f_image_template_id);  
    42 42  
    43   $logtext = getGS('Image $1 unlinked from $2', $ImageId, $Article);  
    44   Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 42);  
    46 43 // Go back to article image list.  
    47 44 header('Location: '.camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_id, 'edit.php'));  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/edit.php

    r4101 r4145  
    31 31 $imageObj =& new Image($f_image_id);  
    32 32  
      33 $isDisabled = '';  
      34 if (!$User->hasPermission('ChangeImage')) {  
      35     $isDisabled = 'readonly';  
      36     $title = getGS('Image information');  
      37 } else {  
      38     $title = getGS('Change image information');  
      39 }  
    33 41 // Add extra breadcrumb for image list.  
    34 42 $extraCrumbs = array(getGS("Images") => "");  
    35 43 $topArray = array('Pub' => $publicationObj, 'Issue' => $issueObj,  
    36 44                   'Section' => $sectionObj, 'Article'=>$articleObj);  
    37   camp_html_content_top(getGS('Change image information'), $topArray, true, true, $extraCrumbs);  
      45 camp_html_content_top($title, $topArray, true, true, $extraCrumbs);  
    37 45 ?>  
    38 46 <P>  
    41 49 <IMG SRC="<?php echo $imageObj->getImageUrl(); ?>" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getDescription()); ?>">  
    42 50 </div>  
    43   <?php if ($User->hasPermission('ChangeImage')) { ?>  
    44 51 <p>  
    45 52 <FORM NAME="dialog" METHOD="POST" ACTION="do_edit.php" >  
    46 53 <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="6" ALIGN="CENTER" class="table_input">  
    47       <TR>  
    48           <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    49               <B><?php  putGS('Change image information'); ?></B>  
    50               <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
    51           </TD>  
    52       </TR>  
    53       <TR>  
    54           <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Number'); ?>:</TD>  
    55           <TD>  
    56           <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_template_id" VALUE="<?php echo $f_image_template_id; ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="10">  
    57           </TD>  
    58       </TR>  
    59       <TR>  
    60           <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Description'); ?>:</TD>  
    61           <TD>  
    62           <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_description" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getDescription()); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="128">  
    63           </TD>  
    64       </TR>  
    65       <TR>  
    66           <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Photographer'); ?>:</TD>  
    67           <TD>  
    68           <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_photographer" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getPhotographer());?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="64">  
    69           </TD>  
    70       </TR>  
    71       <TR>  
    72           <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Place'); ?>:</TD>  
    73           <TD>  
    74           <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_place" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getPlace()); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="64">  
    75           </TD>  
    76       </TR>  
    77       <TR>  
    78           <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Date'); ?>:</TD>  
    79           <TD>  
    80           <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_date" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getDate()); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="11" MAXLENGTH="10"> <?php putGS('YYYY-MM-DD'); ?>  
    81           </TD>  
    82       </TR>  
    83       <TR>  
    84           <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    85           <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">  
    86           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_publication_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_publication_id); ?>">  
    87           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_issue_number" VALUE="<?php  p($f_issue_number); ?>">  
    88           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_section_number" VALUE="<?php  p($f_section_number); ?>">  
    89           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_article_number" VALUE="<?php  p($f_article_number); ?>">  
    90           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_language_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_language_id); ?>">  
    91           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_language_selected" VALUE="<?php  p($f_language_selected); ?>">  
    92           <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_image_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_image_id); ?>">  
    93           <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Save" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Save'); ?>" class="button">  
    94           </DIV>  
    95           </TD>  
    96       </TR>  
      54 <TR>  
      55     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
      56         <B><?php  p($title); ?></B>  
      57         <HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="BLACK">  
      58     </TD>  
      59 </TR>  
      60 <TR>  
      61     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Number'); ?>:</TD>  
      62     <TD>  
      63     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_template_id" VALUE="<?php echo $f_image_template_id; ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="10" <?php p($isDisabled); ?>>  
      64     </TD>  
      65 </TR>  
      66 <TR>  
      67     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Description'); ?>:</TD>  
      68     <TD>  
      69     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_description" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getDescription()); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="128"  <?php p($isDisabled); ?>>  
      70     </TD>  
      71 </TR>  
      72 <TR>  
      73     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Photographer'); ?>:</TD>  
      74     <TD>  
      75     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_photographer" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getPhotographer());?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="64" <?php p($isDisabled); ?>>  
      76     </TD>  
      77 </TR>  
      78 <TR>  
      79     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Place'); ?>:</TD>  
      80     <TD>  
      81     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_place" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getPlace()); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="64" <?php p($isDisabled); ?>>  
      82     </TD>  
      83 </TR>  
      84 <TR>  
      85     <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" ><?php  putGS('Date'); ?>:</TD>  
      86     <TD>  
      87     <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="f_image_date" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imageObj->getDate()); ?>" class="input_text" SIZE="11" MAXLENGTH="10" <?php p($isDisabled); ?>> <?php putGS('YYYY-MM-DD'); ?>  
      88     </TD>  
      89 </TR>  
      90 <?php if ($User->hasPermission('ChangeImage')) { ?>  
      91 <TR>  
      92     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
      93     <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">  
      94     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_publication_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_publication_id); ?>">  
      95     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_issue_number" VALUE="<?php  p($f_issue_number); ?>">  
      96     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_section_number" VALUE="<?php  p($f_section_number); ?>">  
      97     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_article_number" VALUE="<?php  p($f_article_number); ?>">  
      98     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_language_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_language_id); ?>">  
      99     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_language_selected" VALUE="<?php  p($f_language_selected); ?>">  
      100     <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="f_image_id" VALUE="<?php  p($f_image_id); ?>">  
      101     <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Save" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Save'); ?>" class="button">  
      102     </DIV>  
      103     </TD>  
      104 </TR>  
      105 <?php } ?>  
    97 106 </TABLE>  
    98 107 </FORM>  
    99 108 <P>  
    100 109 <?php  
    101   }  
    102 110  
    103 111 camp_html_copyright_notice(); ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/images/do_edit.php

    r4122 r4145  
    42 42 $sectionObj =& new Section($f_publication_id, $f_issue_number, $f_language_id, $f_section_number);  
    43 43  
    44   // This file can only be accessed if the user has the right to change articles  
    45   // or the user created this article and it hasnt been published yet.  
    46   if (!$articleObj->userCanModify($User)) {     
    47       camp_html_display_error(getGS('You do not have the right to change the article.'));  
    48       exit;         
    49   }  
    51 44 $imageObj =& new Image($f_image_id);  
    52 45 $attributes = array();  
    56 49 $attributes['Date'] = $f_image_date;  
    57 50 $view = Input::Get('view', 'string', 'thumbnail', true);  
    58   $imageObj->update($attributes);  
    59   if (is_numeric($f_image_template_id) && ($f_image_template_id > 0)) {  
    60       ArticleImage::SetTemplateId($f_article_number, $f_image_id, $f_image_template_id);  
    61   }  
    62 51  
    63   $logtext = getGS('Changed image properties of $1',$attributes['Description']);  
    64   Log::Message($logtext, $User->getUserName(), 43);  
      52 if ($User->hasPermission('ChangeImage')) {  
      53     $imageObj->update($attributes);  
      54 }  
      55 if ($articleObj->userCanModify($User)) {     
      56     if (is_numeric($f_image_template_id) && ($f_image_template_id > 0)) {  
      57         ArticleImage::SetTemplateId($f_article_number, $f_image_id, $f_image_template_id);  
      58     }  
      59 }  
    65 60  
    66 61 $ref = camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_selected, 'edit.php');  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/articles/edit.php

    r4134 r4145  
    561 561                         <b><?php putGS("Publish Schedule"); ?></b>  
    562 562                         </td>  
    563                           <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") {  ?>  
      563                         <?php if (($f_edit_mode == "edit") && $User->hasPermission('Publish')) {  ?>  
    563 563                         <td align="right">  
    564 564                             <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><img src="<?php p($Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]);?>/add.png" border="0"></td>  
    581 581                          
    582 582                         <td style="padding-left: 3px;" valign="middle">  
    583                           <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?>  
      583                         <?php if (($f_edit_mode == "edit") && $User->hasPermission('Publish')) { ?>  
    583 583                         <a href="<?php p(camp_html_article_url($articleObj, $f_language_selected, "autopublish_del.php", '', '&f_event_id='.$event->getArticlePublishId())); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS("Are you sure you want to remove the event scheduled on $1?", camp_javascriptspecialchars($event->getActionTime())); ?>');"><img src="<?php p($Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]);?>/unlink.png" border="0"></a>  
    584 584                         <?php } ?>  
    697 697                         <b><?php putGS("Files"); ?></b>  
    698 698                         </td>  
    699                           <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") {  ?>  
      699                         <?php if (($f_edit_mode == "edit") && $User->hasPermission('AddFile')) {  ?>  
    699 699                         <td align="right">  
    700 700                             <img src="<?php p($Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]);?>/add.png" border="0">  
    719 719                             <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?><a href="<?php p($fileEditUrl); ?>"><?php } p(wordwrap($file->getFileName(), "25", "<br>", true)); ?><?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?></a><?php } ?><br><?php p($file->getDescription($f_language_selected)); ?>  
    720 720                         </td>  
    721                           <?php if ($f_edit_mode == "edit") { ?>  
      721                         <?php if (($f_edit_mode == "edit") && $User->hasPermission('DeleteFile')) { ?>  
    721 721                         <td>  
    722 722                             <a href="<?php p($deleteUrl); ?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php putGS("Are you sure you want to remove the file \\'$1\\' from the article?", camp_javascriptspecialchars($file->getFileName())); ?>');"><img src="<?php p($Campsite["ADMIN_IMAGE_BASE_URL"]);?>/unlink.png" border="0"></a>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/issues/do_add_prev.php

    r4085 r4145  
    71 71     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    72 72     <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">  
    73       <INPUT TYPE="button" class="button" NAME="Ok" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Ok'); ?>" ONCLICK="location.href='/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/issues/?Pub=<?php  p($Pub); ?>'">  
      73     <INPUT TYPE="button" class="button" NAME="Ok" VALUE="<?php  putGS('OK'); ?>" ONCLICK="location.href='/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/issues/?Pub=<?php  p($Pub); ?>'">  
    73 73     </DIV>  
    74 74     </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/issues/do_add_new.php

    r4032 r4145  
    98 98     <TD COLSPAN="2">  
    99 99     <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">  
    100       <INPUT TYPE="button" class="button" NAME="Done" VALUE="<?php  putGS('Ok'); ?>" ONCLICK="location.href='/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/issues/add_new.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>'">  
      100     <INPUT TYPE="button" class="button" NAME="Done" VALUE="<?php  putGS('OK'); ?>" ONCLICK="location.href='/<?php p($ADMIN); ?>/issues/add_new.php?Pub=<?php p($Pub); ?>'">  
    100 100     </DIV>  
    101 101     </TD>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/priv/home.php

    r4116 r4145  
    123 123             <TD width="1%" align="center" nowrap valign="top">  
    124 124                 <?php  
    125                   $changeStatusLink = camp_html_article_link($YourArticle, $section->getLanguageId(), "status.php", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);  
    126 125                 if ($YourArticle->getPublished() == "Y") {  
    127                       if ($User->hasPermission('Publish')) {  
    128                           echo $changeStatusLink;  
    129                       }  
    130 126                     putGS('Published');  
    131                       if ($User->hasPermission('Publish')) {  
    132                           echo '</a>';  
    133                       }  
    134 127                 }  
    135 128                 elseif ($YourArticle->getPublished() == 'S') {  
    136                       if ($User->hasPermission('Publish')) {  
    137                           echo $changeStatusLink;  
    138                       }  
    139 129                     putGS('Submitted');  
    140                       if ($User->hasPermission('Publish')) {  
    141                           echo '</a>';  
    142                       }  
    143 130                 }  
    144 131                 elseif ($YourArticle->getPublished() == "N") {  
    145                       echo $changeStatusLink;  
    146 132                     putGS('New');  
    147                       echo '</A>';  
    148 133                 }  
    149 134                 ?>  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/Makefile

    r4053 r4145  
    18 18     cp -f classes/*.php $(HTML_COMMON_DIR)/classes  
    19 19     mkdir -p $(HTML_COMMON_DIR)/images/thumbnails  
      20     mkdir -p $(HTML_COMMON_DIR)/attachments  
    20 21     cp -rf javascript $(HTML_COMMON_DIR)  
    21 22     cp -f javascript/xinha/htmlarea-compressed.js $(HTML_COMMON_DIR)/javascript/xinha/htmlarea.js  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/SubscriptionDefaultTime.php

    r3985 r4145  
    36 36      
    37 37     /**  
      38      * @param array $p_values  
      39      * @return boolean  
      40      */  
      41     function create($p_values = null)  
      42     {  
      43         $success = parent::create($p_values);  
      44         $publicationObj =& new Publication($this->m_data['IdPublication']);  
      45         $logtext = getGS('The default subscription time for $1 has been added.',  
      46                          "(".getGS("Publication")." ".$publicationObj->getName()  
      47                          .':'.$this->m_data['CountryCode'].")");  
      48         Log::Message($logtext, null, 4);         
      49         return $success;  
      50     } // fn create  
      53     /**  
    38 54      * @return string  
    39 55      */  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/User.php

    r4116 r4145  
    119 119         'EditorLink'=>'N',  
    120 120         'EditorSubhead'=>'N',  
    121           'InitializeTemplateEngine'=>'N');         
      121         'InitializeTemplateEngine'=>'N',  
      122         'AddFile'=>'N',  
      123         'ChangeFile'=>'N',  
      124         'DeleteFile'=>'N');       
    122 125          
    123 126     /**  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/Image.php

    r4054 r4145  
    16 16 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/DatabaseObject.php');  
    17 17 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/DbObjectArray.php');  
      18 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/Log.php');  
    18 19 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/Article.php');  
    19 20 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/ArticleImage.php');  
    57 58  
    58 59      
      60     function update($p_columns = null, $p_commit = true, $p_isSql = false)  
      61     {  
      62         $success = parent::update($p_columns, $p_commit, $p_isSql);  
      63         $logtext = getGS('Changed image properties of $1', $this->m_data['Id']);  
      64         Log::Message($logtext, null, 43);  
      65         return $success;  
      66     } // fn update  
    59 68     /**  
    60 69      * Delete the row from the database, all article references to this image,  
    81 90             unlink($this->getThumbnailStorageLocation());  
    82 91         }  
      93         $logtext = getGS('Image $1 deleted', $this->m_data['Id']);  
      94         Log::Message($logtext, null, 42);  
    83 96         return true;  
    84 97     } // fn delete  
    414 427         }  
    415 428         $image->commit();  
      429         $logtext = getGS('The image $1 has been added.',  
      430                         $this->m_data['Description']." (".$this->m_data['Id'].")");  
      431         Log::Message($logtext, null, 41);  
    416 433         return $image;  
    417 434     } // fn OnImageUpload  
    517 534         unlink($tmpname);  
    518 535         $image->commit();  
      537         $logtext = getGS('The image $1 has been added.',  
      538                         $this->m_data['Description']." (".$this->m_data['Id'].")");  
      539         Log::Message($logtext, null, 41);  
    519 541         return $image;  
    520 542     } // fn OnAddRemoteImage  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/classes/ArticleImage.php

    r4129 r4145  
    14 14 }  
    15 15 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/DatabaseObject.php');  
      16 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/Log.php');  
    16 17 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/Article.php');  
    17 18 require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/Image.php');  
    179 180                     .' VALUES('.$p_articleNumber.', '.$p_imageId.', '.$p_templateId.')';  
    180 181         $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr);  
      182         $logtext = getGS('Image $1 linked to article $2', $p_imageId, $p_articleNumber);  
      183         Log::Message($logtext, null, 42);  
    181 184     } // fn AddImageToArticle  
    182 185  
    220 223                     .' LIMIT 1';  
    221 224         $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr);  
      225         $logtext = getGS('Image $1 unlinked from $2', $p_imageId, $p_articleNumber);  
      226         Log::Message($logtext, null, 42);  
    222 227     } // fn RemoveImageFromArticle  
    223 228  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/configuration.php

    r4131 r4145  
    48 48 $Campsite['THUMBNAIL_BASE_URL'] = $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL'].'/images/thumbnails/';  
    49 49 $Campsite['THUMBNAIL_PREFIX'] = 'cms-thumb-';  
    50   $Campsite['FILE_DIRECTORY'] = $Campsite['HTML_DIR'].'/files';  
      50 $Campsite['FILE_DIRECTORY'] = $Campsite['HTML_DIR'].'/attachments';  
    50 50 $Campsite['FILE_NUM_DIRS_LEVEL_1'] = "1000";  
    51 51 $Campsite['FILE_NUM_DIRS_LEVEL_2'] = "1000";  
  • trunk/campsite/implementation/management/admin.php

    r4129 r4145  
    16 16     '/articles/preview.php',  
    17 17     '/articles/autopublish.php',  
      18     '/articles/autopublish_do_add.php',  
    18 19     '/articles/images/popup.php',  
    19 20     '/articles/images/view.php',